Erick Otuoma's repositories
In this machine learning project, we will make use of K-means clustering which is the essential algorithm for clustering unlabeled dataset.
This repository contains a project to analyze customer feedback data for British Airways (BA) and uncover insights about the airline. It includes code, data, and documentation for data scraping and preparation, data analysis, and presentation of results and recommendations.
While admitting graduate students for different postgraduate academic programs, there are factors that affect the chances of admission. This project is interested in analyzing factors that come into consideration while admitting graduate students and how they affect the chance of admission.
The project helps in the prediction of weather conditions which affects economic activities ina given area using historical data. The question which is being addressed is " Does the weather condition of today affects that of the next day?".
A project analyzing Netflix Movies and Guest Stars in the entertainment industry.
First StackUp commit
My repo for the software engineering internship
Used car price prediction through Linear Regression
A Next.js and Tailwind CSS Portfolio Website.