deviljin112 / daily_NoLicense

Warning a Player when driving without a license

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

daily_NoLicense ENG

A Simple Script that checks if the player has a driving license on him and if he doesn't shows a warning to get one...

Feel free to PR if you have any better ideas for coding (I'm sure there is a way to optimize this... I'm just lazy...)

Based off:


EDIT: esx_dmvschool is not a must as long as you have another script that uses "dmv" and "drive" as license names (names can be edited line 32 in client.lua)

daily_NoLicense PL

Prosty Skrypt na sprawdzanie czy gracz posiada prawo jazdy, jak nie ma pokazuje informacje ze musi je zrobic...

Jak masz pomysl jak cos poprawic lub zoptymalizowac zrob PR (Mi sie nie chce go optymalizowac... jestem leniwy)

Na podobie:


EDIT: esx_dmvschool nie jest wymagane o ile korzystasz z innego skryptu ktory uzywa licencje "dmv" i "drive" (nazwy moga byc zmienione na linijce 32 w client.lua)


Warning a Player when driving without a license


Language:Lua 100.0%