devigner / grunt-requirejs-generator

Grunt task to generate an requirejs config and a file list for minifying your project

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Grunt requirejs config generator

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.2

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-requirejs-config --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The plugin depends on YUIDoc, therefor you need to load that as well

Document your code correctly

 * @author    Martijn van Beek <>
 * @since     16 June 2014
 * @namespace nl.blueberry
 * @class     ClassNameExtended
 * @extends   ClassName
 * @uses      jQuery

These comments are indexed with yuidoc and are used to determine the dependencies.

The "requirejs-config" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named requirejs-config to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

		config: {
			options: {
				yuidoc_dir:  'build/apidocs',
				build_dir:   'build',
				debug:       true,
				config:      grunt.file.readJSON("config/requirejs/paths.json"),
				output:      'html/assets/js/source/<%= pkg.main %>.js',
				main:        '<%= pkg.main %>',
				application: '<%= pkg.requirejs_generator.application %>',
				uml: true,
				ignore: '<%= pkg.requirejs_generator.ignore %>',
				jshint: '<%= pkg.requirejs_generator.jshint %>',
					config:  grunt.file.readJSON("config/requirejs/paths-minify.json"),
					outDir: 'html/assets/js/min',
					output: '<%= pkg.main %>.js',
					app:    'App-<%= pkg.main %>.js'

Your config could be inside your package.json:

	"name":                       "<name>",
	"description":                "<description>",
	"version":                    "<version>",
	"main":                       "<name-of-js-file-to-create>",
	"homepage":                   "<your-homepage>",
	"devDependencies": {
		"grunt":                     "~0.4.2",
		"grunt-contrib-uglify":      "~0.6.0",
		"grunt-contrib-yuidoc":      "~0.5.0",
		"grunt-requirejs-generator": "~0.0.5"
		"options": {
			"outdir": "build/apidocs",
			"paths": [


The task generates a file that is not runnable, you need to create a Loader file, for example:

Your source version can differ from the minified version, this is a puzzle that cannot be resolved via the task (I'm still searching for a solution for this).

Source version:

require(["MediaManagerRequire"], function(){
	require(["Export"], function(){

Minified version:

require(["MediaManagerRequire"], function(){
	require(["Application"], function() {
		require(["jQuery"], function() {
			require(["App"], function() {

AMD vs non-AMD modules

  "paths": {
    "jQuery"                : "//" ,
    "Class"                 : "html/assets/bower/classy/classy.js" ,
    "raphael"               : "html/assets/bower/raphael/raphael.js" ,
    "Bootstrap"             : "html/assets/bower/bootstrap-sass/dist/js/bootstrap.js",
    "Handlebars"            : "/app-assets/editor/bower/handlebars/handlebars.js"
  "shim" : {
    "raphael": {
      "deps": [
    "Handlebars": {
      "deps": [

The above setup will load jQuery from it's CDN in both versions, this is because the path is starting with a slash. Handlebars is therefor also loaded from the given location.

Do you have a AMD module that doesn't play nice you can define it in the "external" array and it will be copied to your directory that is defined in options.minify.outDir and loaded before the rest ( note: with it's dependencies, does need also be loaded external! )



Type: String Default value: build

The location where all the files are stored for yuidoc and requirejs-config


Type: String Default value: build/apidocs

The location where the apidocs are generated


Type: Boolean Default value: false

Show more output


Type: String Default value: ``

The file where requirejs-config will write it's result


Type: String Default value: ``

The file name


Type: Boolean Default value: false

Create a file that can be read by umljs (copy resources/uml.html to your build dir and view it)


Type: Object

Transform resolved paths by yuidoc to a format that is suitable for your project


Type: String Default value: ``

A string to replace in the resolved paths


Type: String Default value: ``

A string to put in place


Type: Array Default value: []

Class names that Yuidoc has found that you want to ignore (if everything is configured correctly this is not necessary)


Type: Array Default value: []

Enable jshint updating with resolved files and add this list


Type: Object Default value: {}

Settings for minifing your code


Type: Boolean Default value: false

Is minifing enabled?


Type: Object Default value: {}

Override the require js with minified paths


Type: String Default value: ``

Directory to write the files


Type: String Default value: ``

The filename to write the require js setup for the minified version

Type: String Default value: ``

The filename to write the minified code


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History

  • 7 November 2014, version 0.0.1: check in of the task
  • 7 November 2014, version 0.0.2: small tweaks for npm publishing
  • 7 November 2014, version 0.0.3: a task cannot have a dash in it!
  • 16 December 2014, version 0.0.7: Added special export for minified version
  • 5 January 2015, version 0.0.9: Fully AMD support (testing)
  • 15 January 2015, version 0.0.10: Testing minified version with AMD
  • 6 March 2015, version 0.1.0: Documented the lastest version


Grunt task to generate an requirejs config and a file list for minifying your project

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 95.8%Language:HTML 4.2%