These are the dotfiles on my machines that I intend to reuse.
Bloated files generated by bloated software are not considered dotfiles just because they are stored inside ~/.config
Rather, files are added to git chirurgically, like git add <path/to/dotfile>
To add any changes made to files that are already being tracked, use git add -u .
There are multiple branches, because each machine I use may have a slightly different configuration. The name of the branch is the hostname of that particular machine.
What comes next is a list of the basic software found on my machines.
The selection criteria is inspired by the suckless philosophy:
- FOSS (obviously)
- Simplicity
- Speed
- Ease of use
The list is subject to change. I am especially looking for better alternatives to Sway and eww. Write me for suggestions.
- OS: Artix Linux
- Init system: OpenRC
- Default shell: Zsh
- Scripting shell (/bin/sh): Dash
- Editor: Helix
- Wifi management: wpa_supplicant
- Firewall: nftables
- Display manager (if the disk is not encrypted): emptty
- Display server protocol: Wayland
- Wayland compositor: Sway
- Terminal: Alacritty
- Clipboard tool: wl-clipboard
- Status bar: eww
- Screen locker: swaylock
- App launcher: tofi
- Notification server: dunst
- File manager: lf
- Default applications manager: handlr
- Calculator: bc
- Video and audio server: PipeWire
- Media player: mpv
- PDF viewer: zathura
- RSS/Atom feed reader: newsboat
- IRC client: catgirl
- Bittorrent client: transmission-cli
pass - the standard unix password maanger
Recommended extensions:
- For OTP support: pass-otp
- To scan the QR code currently on the screen with
qr-from-screen | pass otp append <pass-name>
: grim + zbar - To easily update existing passwords: pass-update
- To use pass as the credential backend for https-based git repos: pass-git-helper
The following fonts give a sufficiently high coverage for everyday needs:
- gnu-free-fonts
- ttf-hack-nerd
See a message from your future self on how to solve common configuration problems.