developeramarish / travaloud

Travaloud is a multitenant Blazor application that serves as a content management and booking system for multiple travel and hospitality tenants.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Travaloud is a multitenant Blazor application that serves as a content management and booking system for multiple travel and hospitality tenants. Currently, it caters to three tenants:

  1. Fuse Hostels & Travel
  2. Vietnam Backpacker Hostels
  3. Uncut Travel & Hospitality

Each Tenants website is housed in the src/Presentation/Tenants directory.


  • Content Management: Efficiently manage and organize travel destinations, accommodations, and booking options for multiple tenants.
  • Booking System: Provide a seamless booking experience for users to reserve accommodations and services offered by the tenants.
  • Multitenancy: Support for multiple tenants ensures each has its own segregated data and configuration, maintaining data integrity and security.
  • Tenant Customization: Allow tenants to personalize their content and booking options according to their branding and service offerings.
  • User Authentication and Authorization: Implement secure user authentication and authorization to ensure data privacy and access control.
  • Responsive UI: Develop a responsive user interface using MudBlazor components, ensuring compatibility across various devices and screen sizes.
  • Rich Validation: Utilize FluentValidation for comprehensive validation of user input, enforcing business rules and data integrity.
  • SEO Optimization: Optimize the application for search engines to improve visibility and attract more users to the platform.
  • Performance Optimization: Implement caching and other performance optimization techniques to ensure smooth and fast user experience.
  • Analytics Integration: Integrate analytics tools to gather insights into user behavior and engagement, aiding in decision-making and feature enhancements.

Tech Stack

  • Blazor .NET 8 Web App: Building interactive web UIs using C# and HTML.
  • Blazor .NET 8 Razor Pages: Each Tenant website is built using Razor Pages.
  • Clean Architecture: Structuring the application into layers for better maintainability and testability.
  • CQRS with Mediator Pattern: Separating concerns between commands and queries using mediator for communication.
  • Entity Framework Core with Ardalis Specification: ORM for data access, providing rich querying capabilities with Ardalis Specification.
  • FluentValidation: Library for validating input data and enforcing business rules.
  • MudBlazor: UI component library for Blazor applications, providing pre-built components for building rich user interfaces.
  • Finbuckle Multitenant: Framework for implementing multitenancy in ASP.NET Core applications.


Travaloud is a multitenant Blazor application that serves as a content management and booking system for multiple travel and hospitality tenants.


Language:JavaScript 30.8%Language:SCSS 29.1%Language:C# 26.2%Language:HTML 13.7%Language:CSS 0.2%