devcodeio / gradle-compass

A SASS / Compass plugin for Gradle

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Gradle Compass plugin

A SASS / Compass plugin for Gradle. The plugin uses JRuby to install and run Compass.


The plugin adds the following tasks:


Compiles all SASS files. Equivalent to the compass compile command. The task supports incremental build.


Compiles and watches all SASS files. Equivalent to the compass watch command. The task runs in the background so it can be added to the dependency chain for the task that starts your application.


Installs the Compass Ruby gem and any additional gems you specify. This is executed automatically by the compileSass and watchSass tasks.


Add the plugin's Bintray repository to your buildscript and apply the plugin:

apply plugin: 'compass'

buildscript {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }
	dependencies {
		classpath 'org.gradle.plugins:gradle-compass:1.0.7'

repositories {
	mavenCentral() // or any other repository containing JRuby


General configuration for the plugin goes inside a compass block in your build file and will apply to all tasks. You can also specify configuration properties on the individual tasks (for example you may want to set environment = "production" on the compileSass and debugInfo = true on watchSass). As a minimum you must specify the target directory where compiled CSS files should go and the source directories containing SASS/SCSS files. For example:

compass {
	cssDir = file('public/styles')
	sassDir = file('src/main/sass')

Configuration parameters

The full set of parameters supported by the plugin is…

JRuby options

  • jrubyVersion: the version of JRuby to install. The current Default is to 1.7.8.
  • gemPath: the directory where the plugin will install Ruby gems. Defaults to <project dir>/.jruby/gems.
  • gems: the names of the gems to install. The default is ["compass"]. Optionally, you can specify the version of the gem using the format gem-name:version.
  • encoding: the file encoding used by JRuby. The default is your platform default encoding.
  • jvmArgs: additional arguments to pass to the JVM when running JRuby. The default is blank.


  • cssDir required: the target directory where compiled CSS is output. Equivalent to --css-dir.
  • sassDir required: the source directory where you keep .scss and/or .sass files. Equivalent to --sass-dir.
  • imagesDir: the source directory where you keep image files. Equivalent to --images-dir.
  • javascriptsDir: the source directory where you keep JavaScript files. You don't need to specify this unless you have Compass extensions in your scripts. Equivalent to --javascripts-dir.
  • fontsDir: the source directory where you keep fonts. Equivalent to --fonts-dir.
  • importPath: a set of directories containing other Sass stylesheets. Specifying this allows you to reference those stylesheets in @import directives. Equivalent to --additional_import_paths.

Compilation options

  • debugInfo: if true (the default) Compass adds debug information to the compiled CSS. Equivalent to --debug-info if set to true or --no-debug-info if set to false.
  • dryRun: if true Compass will just output what it will do without actually doing it. Equivalent to --dry-run.
  • environment: sets default options when set to 'development' (the default) or 'production'. Equivalent to --environment.
  • force: if true Compass will overwrite existing files. Equivalent to --force.
  • noLineComments: if true Compass will not output line comments to the compiled CSS files. Equivalent to --no-line-comments.
  • outputStyle: selects the style for compiled CSS. One of nested, expanded, compact (the default) or compressed. Eqivalent to --output-style.
  • projectType: tells Compass what type of app you have. Valid options are stand_alone (the default) or rails. Equivalent to --app.
  • relativeAssets: if true Compass will generate relative urls to assets. Equivalent to --relative-assets.

Command line output

  • boring: if true colorized output is disabled. Equivalent to --boring.
  • quiet: if true Compass output is suppressed. Equivalent to --quiet.
  • trace: if true Compass displays full stack traces on error. Equivalent to --trace.

Using with other tasks

You will typically want to execute the Compass tasks as part of a larger build. For example this configuration will run compileSass as part of processResources, watchSass as part of the Application plugin's run task and clean the output of compileSass as part of clean:

processResources.inputs.files compileSass
run.dependsOn watchSass
clean.dependsOn cleanCompileSass

Version history


  • added ability to specify gem versions.


  • use additional gems without needing a config.rb file.


  • added ability to specify additional gems.


  • made javascriptsDir, imagesDir and importPath optional.


  • added ability to specify importPath.


  • added various command line options. Thanks Ben Groves.


  • added ability to specify file encoding used by JRuby.


A SASS / Compass plugin for Gradle

License:Apache License 2.0