devcodeio / WebStorm-Live-Template

WebStorm Live Template

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

#WebStorm Live Template

###How to instal

For installing templates, you need, just copy all XML files to matching folder and restart WebStopm (PHPStorm)

  • Windows: [your home directory].[product name][version number]\config\templates

    Example: C:\Users\Windows-User\.WebStorm6\config\templates\

  • Linux: ~.[product name][version number]\config\templates

  • MacOS: ~/Library/Preferences/[product name][version number]/templates


  • define - new full AMD module with name, dependensies and implementation. A directive /*global define:true*/ added for telling JSHint/JSLint about global variables.
/*global define:true*/
define('$MODULENAME$', [], function () {
    'use strict';
    return {};


  • dir - Console dir() method
  • log - Console log() method

JS (Java Script construction)

  • ? - Conditional operator that assigns a value to a variable based on some condition
  • do - Loop 'do-while' execute the code block once, before checking if the condition.
do {
} while ($CONDITION$);
  • for - Loop 'for' with index
len = $ARRAY$.length;
for ($INDEX$ = 0; $INDEX$<len; $INDEX$ += 1) {
    $VAR$ = $ARRAY$[$INDEX$];
  • forin - Loop 'for-in' loops through the properties of an object
for (prop in $OBJ$) {
    if ($OBJ$.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
  • if - 'if' statement
if ($CONDITION$) {
  • ife - 'if-else' statement
if ($CONDITION$) {
} else {

  • ifeif - 'if-else if -else' statement
if ($CONDITION$) {
} else if ($NEXTCONDITION$) {

} else {

  • switch - 'switch' statement
switch ($EXPRESSION$) {
case $EXPVALUE1$:
case $EXPVALUE2$:


  • throw - Throw new error
throw new $ERRTYPE$('$MSG$', '$MODULENAME$');
  • try - 'try-catch' statement
try {
} catch (err) {

  • while - Loop 'while' loops through a block of code with condition
while ($CONDITION$) {
  • fn - Create new function
function ($PARAMETERS$) {
    'use strict';
    var me = this;


  • seti - The setInterval() method
setInterval($FUNC$, $PERIOD$);
  • sett - The setTimeout() method
setInterval($FUNC$, $PERIOD$);

Mocha test framework

  • desc - create new 'describe' function, group of tests
describe('$TESTNAME$', function () {
  • it - create new 'it' function, implementation one test
it('$STATE$', function (done) {


WebStorm Live Template