devaziz0 / SbaClean

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


SbaClean is a project that link Sidi Bel Abbes City hall and its citizens witch are able to report any anomaly found.

SbaClean Back End

The project Back End is built using Django and Django Rest Freamwork all the requirement are included in the requirements.txt.

the project is composed of 5 django apps:

  • Account
  • Address
  • Post
  • Anomaly
  • Event

Setting up the Back End

Clone the project using git

git clone
python makemigrations
python migrate

Download the project requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt


pyhton runserver

API Road-Map


method : GET
URL : hostname/api/v1/


method : POST
URL : hostname/api/v1/accounts/register/

Get Token

method : POST 
URL : hostname/api-token-auth/

add Token to the HTTP method header [Authorization Token 9d92c2fa2f220e4b1d6fdb7c773d838c1f33883d]

List Users

method : GET
URL : hostname/api/v1/accounts/

Retrieve and Update User

method : GET and (PUT | PATCH) 
URL : hostname/api/v1/accounts/<pk>

List and Create State

method : GET and POST
URL : hostname/api/v1/address/state/

Retrieve, Update and Delete a State

method : GET, (PUT || PATCH) and DELETE
URL : hostname/api/v1/address/state/<pk>

Filtering State By name and|or code

method : GET
URL : hostname/api/v1/address/state?name=XXX&code=00
"`name` contains XXX" "`zip_code` exact value 00"

List and Create City

method : GET and POST
URL : hostname/api/v1/address/city/

Retrieve, Update and Delete a City

method : GET, (PUT || PATCH) and DELETE
URL : hostname/api/v1/address/city/<pk>

Filtering City By name and|or zip_code

method : GET
URL : hostname/api/v1/address/city?name=XXX&zipcode=00&state=11
"`name` contains XXX" "`zip_code` exact value 00" "`state` exact value 11"

List and Create Post

method : GET and POST
URL : hostname/api/v1/posts/post/

Retrieve, Update and Delete a Post

method : GET, (PUT || PATCH) and DELETE
URL : hostname/api/v1/posts/post/<pk>

Filtering Post

method : GET
URL : hostname/api/v1/posts/post?owner=idOwner&title=title&city=idCity&discription=azerty
"`owner` exact idOwner" "`title` exact title" "`city` exact idCity" "`discription` exact azerty"

List and Create Comment

method : GET and POST
URL : hostname/api/v1/posts/comment/

Retrieve, Update and Delete a Comment

method : GET, (PUT || PATCH) and DELETE
URL : hostname/api/v1/posts/comment/<pk>

Filtering Comment By user and|or post

method : GET
URL : hostname/api/v1/posts/comment?owner=idOwner&post=idPost
"`owner` exact idOwner" "`post` exact idPost"

List and Create Reaction

method : GET and POST
URL : hostname/api/v1/posts/reaction/

Retrieve, Update and Delete a Reaction

method : GET, (PUT || PATCH) and DELETE
URL : hostname/api/v1/posts/reaction/<pk>

Filtering Reaction By user and|or post

method : GET
URL : hostname/api/v1/posts/reaction?owner=idOwner&post=idPost
"`owner` exact idOwner" "`post` exact idPost"

List and Create Anomaly

method : GET and POST
URL : hostname/api/v1/anomalys/

Retrieve, Update and Delete a Anomaly

method : GET, (PUT || PATCH) and DELETE
URL : hostname/api/v1/anomalys/<pk>

Filtering Anomaly

method : GET
URL : hostname/api/v1/anomalys?post=idPost&owner=idOwner&title=title&city=idCity&discription=azerty
"`post` exact idPost" "`owner` exact idOwner" "`title` exact title" "`city` exact idCity" "`discription` exact azerty"

List and Create Anomaly Signal

method : GET and POST
URL : hostname/api/v1/anomalys/signal

Retrieve, Update and Delete a Anomaly Signal

method : GET, (PUT || PATCH) and DELETE
URL : hostname/api/v1/anomalys/signal/<pk>

Filtering Anomaly

method : GET
URL : hostname/api/v1/anomalys/signal?post=idPost&signaledByBy=idUser&owner=idOwner&title=title&city=idCity&discription=azerty
"`post` exact idPost" "`signaledBy` exact idUser" "`owner` exact idOwner" "`title` exact title" "`city` exact idCity" "`discription` exact azerty"

List and Create Event

method : GET and POST
URL : hostname/api/v1/events/

Retrieve, Update and Delete a Event

method : GET, (PUT || PATCH) and DELETE
URL : hostname/api/v1/events/<pk>

Filtering Event

method : GET
URL : hostname/api/v1/events?post=idPost&date=yyyy-mm-dd&owner=idOwner&title=title&city=idCity&discription=azerty
"`post` exact idPost" "`date` littelOrEqual to yyyy-mm-dd" "`owner` exact idOwner" "`title` exact title" "`city` exact idCity" "`discription` exact azerty"

List and Create EventParticipation

method : GET and POST
URL : hostname/api/v1/events/participate

Retrieve, Update and Delete a EventParticipation

method : GET, (PUT || PATCH) and DELETE
URL : hostname/api/v1/events/participate<pk>

Filtering EventParticipation

method : GET
URL : hostname/api/v1/events/participate?post=idPost&user=idUser&date=yyyy-mm-dd&owner=idOwner&title=title&city=idCity&discription=azerty
"`post` exact idPost" "`user` exact idUser" "`date` littelOrEqual to yyyy-mm-dd" "`owner` exact idOwner" "`title` exact title" "`city` exact idCity" "`discription` exact azerty"

Get User Ranking

method : GET
Parameters : limit, (user|city)
URL : hostname/api/v1/accounts/ranking/?limit=5&user=1 OR hostname/api/v1/accounts/ranking/?limit=5&city=1



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