dev-luckymhz / react-frontend-typescript

A powerful Product Management App using React and Typescript

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React Application

This is a React application built with the following features:

  • Dashboard: A dashboard page that serves as the main entry point of the application.

  • Users: A page to manage users.

  • Product: A page to display product information.

  • NewProduct: A page to create a new product or edit an existing one.

  • NewUser: A page to create a new user.

  • Register: A page for user registration.

  • Login: A page for user login.


  • Authentification

Alt Text Alt Text

  • Form

Alt Text Alt Text

  • Listing

Alt Text


To run this application locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
 cd react-frontend-typescript
  1. Install the package:
 npm install


To start the development server and run the application, use the following command:

npm start

Custom Hooks

This application includes the following custom hooks:

  • UseUser: A custom hook for managing user-related data.
  • UseProduct: A custom hook for managing product-related data.


This project relies on several external dependencies to run successfully. Below is a list of the main dependencies along with their versions:

  • bcryptjs (v2.4.3): Library for hashing and comparing passwords.
  • cookie-parser (v1.4.6): Middleware for parsing cookies in Express.
  • cors (v2.8.5): Middleware for enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in Express.
  • dotenv (v16.0.3): Module for loading environment variables from a .env file.
  • express (v4.18.2): Web framework for building the API.
  • express-validation (v4.1.0): Middleware for validating request data in Express.
  • faker (v5.5.3): Library for generating fake data.
  • json2csv (v6.0.0-alpha.2): Library for converting JSON data to CSV format.
  • jsonwebtoken (v9.0.0): Library for generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication.
  • multer (v1.4.5-lts.1): Middleware for handling file uploads in Express.
  • mysql2 (v2.3.3): MySQL client for Node.js.
  • nodemon (v2.0.20): Development tool that automatically restarts the server upon file changes.
  • reflect-metadata (v0.1.13): Library for adding reflection metadata to TypeScript.
  • ts-node (v10.9.1): TypeScript execution and REPL for Node.js.
  • typeorm (v0.3.11): Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for TypeScript and JavaScript.
  • typescript (v4.9.4): TypeScript compiler for transpiling TypeScript code.

Development Dependencies

The project also includes some development dependencies:

  • @types/bcryptjs (v2.4.2): TypeScript definitions for the bcryptjs library.
  • @types/cookie-parser (v1.4.3): TypeScript definitions for the cookie-parser library.
  • @types/cors (v2.8.13): TypeScript definitions for the cors library.
  • @types/express (v4.17.16): TypeScript definitions for the express library.
  • @types/faker (v5.5.3): TypeScript definitions for the faker library.
  • @types/json2csv (v5.0.3): TypeScript definitions for the json2csv library.
  • @types/jsonwebtoken (v9.0.1): TypeScript definitions for the jsonwebtoken library.
  • @types/multer (v1.4.7): TypeScript definitions for the multer library.
  • @types/node (v18.11.18): TypeScript definitions for Node.js.

You can install these dependencies using npm or any other package manager of your choice.

For example, to install the main dependencies, run the following command:

npm install bcryptjs cookie-parser cors dotenv express express-validation faker json2csv jsonwebtoken multer mysql2 nodemon reflect-metadata ts-node typeorm typescript

To install the development dependencies, use the following command:

npm install --save-dev @types/bcryptjs @types/cookie-parser @types/cors @types/express @types/faker @types/json2csv @types/jsonwebtoken @types/multer @types/node

Make sure to adjust the versions as necessary based on your project's requirements.


A powerful Product Management App using React and Typescript


Language:TypeScript 93.8%Language:CSS 3.4%Language:HTML 2.8%