destroyerdust / dotvim

Only the best Vim/MacVim/GVim config on the face of the planet.

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Super Awesome Vim Files (tm)

Essentially a slimmed down Janus, managed with Pathogen. See below for a list of plugins, customizations and color schemes.


If on Mac OS X

Install MacVim if you want it (you should)!!

brew install macvim # you better be using homebrew *shakes fist*

Otherwise, you're set.

If on another OS

  • Have some flavour of Ruby installed
  • Install gvim with your favorite package manager (optional)
  • Install rake ([sudo] gem install rake)


curl -o - | sh

In most cases, that'll do it!

Ignoring documentation content in submodules

Run this bad boy in your ~/.vim folder:

git submodule -q foreach 'echo "git config submodule.$path.ignore untracked"'

Copy the lines it outputs, and paste them into your terminal. No more annoyingness in git status!

Plugins & Customizations


align          # for auto-aligning assignment statements, etc.
coffee-script  # duh, coffeescript
command-t      # textmate-like fuzzy file quick-open thingy. mapped to <super>t and <leader>t
cucumber       # duh, cucumber
delimitmate    # auto-closing of logical pairs ('(' and ')', '"' and '"', etc.)
endwise        # auto-insert end keyword in ruby
fugitive       # for working with git in vim
gist           # create github gists right from within vim!
git            # MORE GIT
haml           # duh, haml
indent-object  # represents code at the same indent level as an object
javascript     # duh, javascript
markdown       # duh, markdown
mustache       # duh, mustache
nerdcommenter  # awesome automagical commenting plugin, mapped to <leader>/
nerdtree       # project drawer! hide/show mapped to <leader>n
puppet         # duh, puppet
rails          # if you're not using this with rails, you're doing it wrong (tm)
rspec          # duh, rspec
scala          # duh, scala
snipmate       # textmate-like snippets
supertab       # SUPERTAB!!!!!
surround       # quoting/parenthesizing made simple
textile        # duh, textile
unimpaired     # handy bracket mappings
zencoding      # awesome html fanciness, look it up


  • Leader set to comma (,), not backslash (\)
  • Status bar on
  • Ruler on (col/row display in status bar)
  • Default tabs set to spaces, width 2
  • Remembers last location in a given file
  • Real tabs for Makefiles
  • 4-space tabs for Python files
  • Automagical, syntax-aware auto-indent
  • <leader>e autocompletion to the current dir to edit a file
  • <leader>te autocompletion to the current dir to edit a file in a new tab
  • ctrl-up and ctrl-down to "bubble" lines up and down in normal and visual modes
  • F1 remapped to :nohl to turn off search highlighting when you're done searching
  • ~/.vim/backup directory for holding .swp files
  • ctrl-k for deleting lines (dd command)
  • <leader>tn to switch to the next tab, <leader>tp for previous tab

That's most of it. The rest of the customizations are mainly GUI tweaks, etc. Take a look at the vimrc/gvimrc files for more info. They're pretty decently commented.

Color Schemes

solarized (default)


If you take a look at the first four or so lines of the vimrc, you'll notice that I've told Pathogen to disable loading Command-T on non-Mac OS X systems. This is because you'll end up with the following error unless you perform some trickery:

Vim: Caught deadly signal SEGV...

That means your vim/gvim was compiled with Ruby, but compiled Command-T with a different version of Ruby. To fix this, you'll need to find the version of Ruby your vim/gvim was compiled against ([vim|gvim] --version and sift through the output), install that, rubygems, and rake, and then do one of these:

cd ~/.vim/bundle/command-t
/path/to/your/rake/binary make

Then run vim/gvim again, and you should be okay! If not...forget about Command-T.


Only the best Vim/MacVim/GVim config on the face of the planet.