Desta Mulualem 's repositories
This code was all page in div terms and I changed to appropriate Semantic HTML5 to accessibility for readers and easier maintainability. And I used header, navigation (nav), section sidebar, and div. refactor homework.
Employee-team-profile-generator using classes and constructors that an employee profile summary. It includes node packages, javascript, team HTML, and CSS.
This is a password generator. I used this random password generator for developed different Lowercase and uppercase letters numbers, and symbols it creat from 8-128
This application is reacting portfolio uses UI break into components, Header, Footer, and etc manage component, and respond to user access to the information.
This application shows for 5-Days Weather forecasting. It includes Index.html, script.js, sytle.css, and Screenshot image daily weather results and it shows 5 days weather, country, city, image, UV index, wind Speed Tempureture pressure results with its sample.
This is a Google Books React Search by reacting Apps.
This package is needed to run the app and manage a company's employees using node, inquirer, and MySQL.
Note-Taker apps you can write, save, retrieve, and delete notes. you use on your command line by `npx nodemon server.js` or by `node server.js`. It's a good application to save time and for document everything organizes.
This application is developed to view the existing Budget Tracker application to allow for online or offline functionality.
This is the react19-employee-directory, the application has great benefit from being able to view non-sensitive data about other employees.
node-readme-generator npm installs automatic and it gives a good layout to save time for developers.
This updated-portfolio-2 is developed to show my projects and some of my homework and biography of mine.
#UNIT 17 workout_tracker_17 MVC parameters for a fitness workout logger that takes in new exercises and uses MongoDB with Mongoose to log them to the database and Heroku MongoDB atlas. The result is shown on the dashboard by different charts.