desrosj / bracket-mlb

Keep score of MLB playoff picks

Repository from Github https://github.comdesrosj/bracket-mlbRepository from Github https://github.comdesrosj/bracket-mlb


Keep track of MLB playoff picks and score.


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run npm i
  3. Execute get-score:
❯❯❯ node src/cli.js get-score
1. @aaronjorbin 8
2. @desrosj 6
3. @whyisjake 6
4. @jeffpaul 5
5. @Drewbewilde 5


  1. Add a new series to config/{year}/matchups.json. Each series needs to have a unique name. So far, I'm just labelling them {conference}{seriesNumber} (e.g., ALWC1, NLDS2, NLDS3, ALCS4, WS5 ).
  2. When the series is over, fill out the results property of the matchup
  3. Add new competitors to config/{year}/competitors.json
  4. Add new choices to config/{year}/choices.json

Deploying to (TBD)

  1. Push to master
  2. Now automatically deploys to (TBD).

This repo is based off the "Blame Hockey" repo by Zack Tollman..


Keep score of MLB playoff picks

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 84.2%Language:HTML 15.8%