desoleary / lend-desk-coding-challenge-rails

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Getting Started

$ git clone
$ cd lend-desk-coding-challenge-rails
$ bundle install
$ bin/rspec
$ bin/rake rswag:specs:swaggerize # Optionally re-generates API Docs
$ brew install redis # Optional
$ redis-server # runs redis server on port 6379
$ bin/rails s # Ensure you have OS redis installed and running under port 6379
$ open # opens Swagger API Docs

API Docs

Cookie Storage

  • JWT encode/decode is not involved
  • Uses JWT naming conventions to demonstrate an approach for recording data related to calculating inactivity via initiated_at and expires_at
  • Encryption used was to make use of MessageEncryptor which can be helpful in storing cookies that might span more than one or more services


Introduced validation contracts via dry-validation library

Model Layer (Redis backend)

  • Uses SimpleRedisOrm::ApplicationEntry in order to simplify redis model storage interactions
  • Attributes declared making use of dry-struct
  • redis interactions encapsulated inside of RedisStore::Entry

Services (Light Services)

Service layer introduced to promote re-use and focus on single responsibilities via action classes.

  • Context obj returned from Organizers exposes the likes of .success? .errors .params
  • add_params ~ adds key value pairs to context params
  • add_errors ~ adds key value pairs to context errors
    • fails the context ensuring that subsequent actions do not get called


  • Adds login_state based on session entry added via Redis
  • Caller adds value of login_state to secure_session cookie
  • Checks username and password
  • Error handling
  • Creates entry with encrypted password via BCrypt::Password
  • redis key user-<email>
  • Stores session token as a simple SecureRandom.hex
  • redis key session-<random-hex>


  • Investigate why the need for without_invalid_characters via Swagger API calls
  • Fix BCrypt::Errors::InvalidHash:invalid hash error encountered via Swagger API call /users/sign_in
  • Uncomment CSRF protect_from_forgery and fix Swagger API calls
  • Hide the likes of below from organizer params/input
    • password
    • password_confirmation
  • Implement reset password endpoints
    • POST /users/password creates reset password token
    • PUT /users/password updates password when provided valid token
    • Ensure password is reset within a certain amount of time e.g. 6 hours
    • Send notification emails
  • Implement lock account via max invalid credential attempts
  • logging ~ remove any sensitive data
  • non api only
    • Implement reset session after configured inactivity e.g. after 30 minutes
    • CAPTCHA on failed logins
  • Implement rate limiting based client identifier e.g. max 1000 requests per hour
  • Complete CORS configuration
  • Ensure Redis interactions cannot be maliciously accessed via the likes of Cross Site Scripting(XSS)
  • Run bundle audit prior via git remote push



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