desert3agle / Flipr-Hackathon9.0

ZapMail, Recurring mail service.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Flipr-Hackathon9.0 / ZapMail

A Web-app to schedule and send Recurring, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly mails.

Live Deployed here.

Built With

Getting Started

These instructions will get your copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


you need to have NodeJs/npm installed on your machine


Install dependencies

$ npm install

Set up environment variables

    cd config
    cp config.env.template config.env

fill the values for env variables

Local Run

After setting up environment proceed with local run

$ npm start

File System

├── config 
│             ├── auth.js
│             ├── config.env
│             ├── db.js
│             └── passport.js
├── controllers  
│             └── notifier.js
├── helpers
│             └── hbs.js
├── index.js
├── models                        
│             ├── gUser.js
│             ├── MailDB.js
│             └── User.js
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── public
│             └── css
│                 ├── main.css
│                 └── style.css
├── routes                        
│             ├── auth.js
│             ├── history.js
│             ├── index.js
│             ├── notify.js
│             └── users.js
└── views                         
    ├── create.hbs
    ├── dashboard.hbs
    ├── edit.hbs
    ├── error
    │             ├── 400.hbs
    │             ├── 404.hbs
    │             └── 500.hbs
    ├── history.hbs
    ├── layouts
    │             ├── login.hbs
    │             └── main.hbs
    ├── login.hbs
    ├── partials
    │             ├── _add_btn.hbs
    │             ├── _flash.hbs
    │             └── _header.hbs
    ├── register.hbs
    └── show.hbs


Heroku Deployment

$ heroku login -i
$ heroku git:remote -a <your-app-name>
$ git push heroku master

Set up environment variables

$ heroku config:set ENV_VAR=<value>



ZapMail, Recurring mail service.


Language:JavaScript 54.6%Language:Handlebars 42.9%Language:CSS 2.5%