dericko / veg4feb

February-based vegetarianism/hashtag-based vegetarianism #veg4feb

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


To run locally, (see package.json scripts)

yarn dev


Used this starter

Adding new features/plugins

You can add other features by having a look at the official plugins page.


npm run build

Copy the content of the public folder to your webhost or use a website like Netlify which automates that for you.

Make sure to use the right build command in your build settings e.g. if you use Netlify! Per default Netlify sets it to gatsby build but you have to use yarn run build to run postcss before building the Gatsby site.


You have multiple options to configure this project.

  1. Use the config/website.js to configure data passed to the SEO component and other parts of the Gatsby site:

  2. Use the tailwind.js file to configure TailwindCSS. Their documentation explains it step-by-step.

  3. Modify the files in the src/styles directory.

  4. You can also place the icons somewhere else on the page, modify their animation and hide them on smaller screens:

  <SVG icon="triangle" className={hidden} width={48} stroke={} left="10%" top="20%" />
  <SVG icon="hexa" width={48} stroke={} left="60%" top="70%" />
  <SVG icon="box" width={6} fill={colors['grey-darker']} left="60%" top="15%" />
  • For icon, you have the options: triangle, circle, arrowUp, upDown, box, hexa
  • If you want the SVG to be hidden on mobile view, add className={hidden} to the SVG component
  • You can define the width via the TailwindCSS width option
  • The colors get defined via the TailwindCSS color option
    • Please note that you will either have to define the color in stroke or fill depending on the icon. For reference, have a look at the currently used SVGs
  • The options left and top position the icon relatively to its parent container
  • You can also wrap the SVGs with <UpDown /> or <UpDownWide /> to animate them


Instead of relying on Google's CDN to host its fonts, this site self-hosts the fonts and therefore benefits from increased performance. The installed fonts can be found in src/pages/index.jsx:

import 'typeface-cantata-one';
import 'typeface-open-sans';

This starter uses typefaces by Kyle Mathews. Have a look at the repository if you want to install & use other fonts.

You'll also need to configure fonts in tailwind.js to reflect the changes. You then can use the fonts with font-sans and font-serif.


February-based vegetarianism/hashtag-based vegetarianism #veg4feb


Language:JavaScript 99.9%Language:CSS 0.1%