derickgross / Dagpay-React

React client app for the Dagpay API

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dagpay React

Welcome to Dagpay, a custom app that allows users to track payroll benefits deductions for employees and their dependents. The original Dagpay consists of a simple HTML, CSS and vanilla JavaScript single page app and C# Azure Function endpoints supported by an Azure SQL database. Dagpay React supplements with a React client that uses the same API.

Dagpay front-end client

Dagpay React is live on Heroku:

The client has four sections:

Total Deductions - the sum of deductions for all employees and dependents, which is updated as new beneficiaries are added.

Beneficiaries - a list of all employees, their individual deductions, and the sum of deductions for their dependents (click an employee to view individual deductions for dependents).

Add New Employee - provide a unique numeric Employee Id, First Name, and Last Name

Add New Dependent - provide a First Name and Last Name, and select an associated employee

Dagpay API

Use the following endpoints to interact with the Dagpay C# Azure Functions API: - add a new employee, get all employees (and their dependents) - add a new dependent (or get all dependents)

* Based on total deductions of $1000/year for each employee and $500/year for each dependent, Dagpay calculates the portion owed for each of 26 biweekly pay periods in a year. Beneficiaries whose first names begin with 'A' receive a 10% discount.


React client app for the Dagpay API


Language:JavaScript 81.4%Language:CSS 13.8%Language:HTML 4.9%