derekjohnson / count-down-web-component

A web component that uses progressive enhancement to create a countdown to a specified date.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Countdown web component

A progressively enhanced <count-down> custom element that counts down to a specified date.



Self hosted

Add the following to an HTML document:

<script type="module" src="path/to/countdown.js"></script>


Add the following to an HTML document:

<script type="module" src=""></script>


Run npm i count-down-web-component.


First create a <count-down> element with default content for users of browsers that don't support web components:

  <h2 slot="heading">Doors open in</h2>

If the text content of the <time> element isn't a valid string, a datetime attribute must be added containing a valid string as its value.

Then add attributes to control the end date of the countdown and its layout breakpoints.

<count-down ends="2019-06-01" breakpoint1="25em" breakpoint2="50em">
  <h2 slot="heading">Doors open in</h2>


ends - The date, and optional time, the countdown will end at. Must be one of the following formats from

  • valid date string
  • valid local date and time string
  • valid global date and time string
  • Four or more ASCII digits, at least one of which is not U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0)

breakpoint1 - The days, hours, minutes and seconds are displayed in a single column CSS grid. This attribute sets the min-width media query where it goes to two columns.

breakpoint2 - This attribute sets the min-width media query where the grid goes to four columns.

All attributes can be updated programatically, and the UI will update to reflect the changes.

const clock = document.querySelector('count-down');
clock.ends = '2022-05-10';
clock.breakpoint1 = '100rem';
clock.breakpoint2 = '800px';


The <count-down> element can be styled using a universal, element, class, id or attribute selector as normal. Inherited properties will also work inside its shadow DOM e.g. font-family and color.

Two custom properties are available to set the font-size of the numbers and their units:



Don't forget styles for the default experience!


MIT License


A web component that uses progressive enhancement to create a countdown to a specified date.

License:MIT License


Language:HTML 46.2%Language:JavaScript 36.6%Language:CSS 17.1%