derekeder / fusiontips

fusiontips javascript library updated to work with the Fusion Tables v1 API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Forked from Google Code to enable usage with the Fusion Tables v1 API.

This library allows MapTip and fires mouseover/mouseout event for FusionTableLayers. It uses mouse cursor tracking and pause delay to trigger FusionTableQuery. It is not true mouseover event, but should suit most use cases.


Include Scripts

This library enables map tips and mouseover/mouseout for FusionTablesLayer The first step is to include fusiontips.js in your document header, after GMaps API is load. You can use the online version if you do not want to download the script.

<script src="/path/to/fusiontips.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Enable Map tips

You can simply call google.maps.FusionTablesLayer.enableMapTips(options) to enable it.

function init(){
  var tableid = 297050;
  var googleApiKey = "xxxxxx"; //get yours at
  layer = new google.maps.FusionTablesLayer({
    query: {
      select: 'Address',
      from: tableid
    map: map
    select: "'Store Name','Address'", // list of columns to query, typially need only one column.
    from: tableid, // fusion table name
    geometryColumn: 'Address', // geometry column name
    suppressMapTips: false, // optional, whether to show map tips. default false
    delay: 200, // milliseconds mouse pause before send a server query. default 300.
    tolerance: 8, // tolerance in pixel around mouse. default is 6.
    googleApiKey: googleApiKey,
    htmlTemplate: function(rows) {
        return 'Details: <b>My Column1: </b>' + rows[0][0] + '<br><b>My Column2: </b>'+rows[0][1];
  //listen to events if desired.
  google.maps.event.addListener(layer, 'mouseover', function(fEvent) {
    var row = fEvent.row;
    myHtml = 'mouseover:<br/>';
    for (var x in row) {
      if (row.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
        myHtml += '<b>' + x + "</b>:" + row[x].value + "<br/>";
    document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = myHtml;
  google.maps.event.addListener(layer, 'mouseout', function(fevt) {
    document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = '';



class FusionTablesLayer

These are new methods added to the Google Maps API's FusionTablesLayer class.




  <tr class="odd">


    <td>Disable map tips for the fusion layer.</td>

  <tr class="even">
    <td>enableMapTips(<span class="type">opts:MapTipOptions</span>)</td>


    <td>Enable map tips for the fusion layer. The user can hover over a fusion feature, pause for a small time, then get a map tip.</td>




  <tr class="odd">


    <td>This event is fired when the mouse out of a fusion feature.</td>

  <tr class="even">

        <td><span class="type">mouseevent:FusionTablesMouseEvent</span></td>

    <td>This event is fired when the mouse over a fusion feature. Contains: infoWindowHtml, latLng, row.</td>

class MapTipOptions

This class represents the optional parameter passed into google.maps.FusionTablesLayer.enableMapTips. There is no constructor for this class. Instead, this class is instantiated as a javascript object literal.




  <tr class="even">


    <td>required. api key for accessing the Fusion Tables v1 API. [Get one here](</td>

  <tr class="odd">


    <td>optional. milliseconds mouse pause before send a server query. default 500.</td>

  <tr class="even">


    <td>required. fusion table id.</td>

  <tr class="odd">


    <td>required. fusion table's geometry column name.</td>

  <tr class="even">


    <td>required. list of columns (by comma) to query, typically need only one column. e.g "'Store Name','Address'"</td>

  <tr class="odd">


    <td>optional. the css style of map tip.</td>

  <tr class="even">


    <td>optional, whether to show map tips. default false</td>

  <tr class="odd">


    <td>required. tolerance in pixel around mouse. default is 6.</td>

  <tr class="even">


    <td>optional. "where" filter for select.</td>


Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Commit and send me a pull request.


Released under the Apache License 2.0


fusiontips javascript library updated to work with the Fusion Tables v1 API


Language:JavaScript 100.0%