derbenoo / typeorm-bug-report-join-table-composite-primary-key

TypeORM bug report for calculating a WHERE clause for a find operation on a join table with custom properties where one of the join partners has a composite primary key

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TypeORM bug report

  • Issue type: bug report
  • Database system: postgres
  • TypeORM version: 0.2.18

The bug occurs upon calculating a WHERE clause for a join table with custom properties where one of the join partners has a composite primary key e.g., the PostImage join-table as seen below:

The following find operation is performed:

const postImages = await postImageRepository.find({
  where: {
    image: { fileId: 1, userId: 100 }

The generated SQL query looks like the following:

  "PostImage"."description" AS "PostImage_description",
  "PostImage"."imageFileId" AS "PostImage_imageFileId",
  "PostImage"."imageUserId" AS "PostImage_imageUserId",
  "PostImage"."postId" AS "PostImage_postId"
  "post_image" "PostImage"
  "PostImage"."imageFileId" = $1
  AND "PostImage"."imageFileId" = $2 -- PARAMETERS: [1,100]

The query builder correctly detects that the Image entity has a composite primary key consisting of fileId and userId. However, while the parameters are correctly chosen (1 and 100), the property paths are incorrect as they are both "PostImage"."imageFileId" instead of:

  • "PostImage"."imageFileId" and
  • "PostImage"."imageUserId"


The issue seems to be that the createPropertyPath function does not return a correct result for a WHERE clause with an entity that has a composite primary key.

Expected result Actual result
["image.fileId", "image.userId"] ["image"]

I could confirm that returning the expected result (by manually overriding the return value using a debugger) yields a correct SELECT query.

Source code links:

Minimal reproducable example

To run the bug report example provided in this repository, execute the following commands:

$ docker-compose up --build -d
$ npm run start

Post entity:

import { Column, Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, OneToMany } from "typeorm";
import { PostImage } from "./PostImage";

export class Post {
  id: number;

  title: string;

  @OneToMany(type => PostImage, postImage =>, {
    cascade: true
  postImages: PostImage[];

Image entity:

import { Column, Entity, OneToMany } from "typeorm";
import { PostImage } from "./PostImage";

export class Image {
    primary: true
  fileId: number;

    primary: true
  userId: number;

  @OneToMany(type => PostImage, postImage => postImage.image)
  postImages: PostImage[];

PostImage entity:

import { Entity, ManyToOne, Column } from "typeorm";
import { Image } from "./Image";
import { Post } from "./Post";

export class PostImage {
  @ManyToOne(type => Image, image => image.postImages, {
    primary: true,
    cascade: true
  image: Image;

  @ManyToOne(type => Post, post => post.postImages, { primary: true })
  post: Post;

  description: string;


TypeORM bug report for calculating a WHERE clause for a find operation on a join table with custom properties where one of the join partners has a composite primary key


Language:TypeScript 100.0%