deovaliandro / kkn-ppm

KKN PPM Pemetaan Spasial Ekonomi Parepare

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

KKN PPM Pemetaan Spasial Potensi Pendapatan Daerah Kota Parepare


  • Run composer install
  • Rename .envexample to .env and configure it
  • Run php artisan migrate



Tambahan ZKGZ 02/08 - 06:42

  • Fixed potensi pajak per bulan not showing correct amount in hover info

Tambahan ZKGZ 28/07 - 08:30

  • Clearing migrations - please delete your tables
  • Changed information form to be optional/nullable

Tambahan ZKGZ 28/07 - 4:15

  • Removed under construction section from readme
  • Added installation section to readme
  • Added .envexample

Tambahan ZKGZ 27/07 - 18:35

  • Added Charts to stats page

Tambahan Deo 27/07 - 12:13

  • Perubahan tulisan.
  • Ganti ke font awal
  • Ganti Judul

Tambahan ZKGZ 27/07 - 08:25

  • Fixed issue #15 and #16

Tambahan ZKGZ 27/07 - 07:15

  • Updated chart for region hover info

Tambahan ZKGZ 26/07 - 21:20

  • Added chart update to hover info

Tambahan ZKGZ 26/07 - 17:20

  • Added import view

Tambahan ZKGZ 26/07 - 15:30

  • Added potensi pajak per bulan to hover info

Tambahan ZKGZ 26/07 - 15:12

  • Refixed issue #9

Tambahan ZKGZ 26/07 - 15:08

  • Updated .gitignore
  • Fixed geojson typo for some region
  • Automatically fill region form if you are creating taxpayers from the welcome view

Tambahan Deo 26/06 - 15:01

  • Fix add images in create.blade.php
  • Add footer text

Tambahan Deo 26/07 - 14:46

  • Fix some bugs (gestureHandling)
  • Change form size (create/edit)
  • Change "Tambahkan Restoran Baru" to "New Taxpayer"

Tambahan ZKGZ 26/07 - 10:30

  • Added more marker color for each type

Tambahan ZKGZ 26/07 - 10:12

  • Changed marker color for each type

Tambahan ZKGZ 26/07 - 10:00

  • Added hover info of markers to welcome view (WIP)
  • Added more hover info of layers to welcome view (WIP)

Tambahan ZKGZ 26/07 - 08:30

  • Added hover info of layers to welcome view (WIP)
  • Changed import order

Tambahan ZKGZ 26/07 - 06:15

  • Added import feature (/taxpayer/import)
  • Fixed taxpayer index view only showing maximum of 25 rows
  • Taxpayer index view now shows region instead of address

Tambahan ZKGZ 25/07 - 22:00

  • Changed unlabeled map type
  • Moved <style> elements from welcome view to footer
  • Added dependency maatwebsite/excel (run composer install)

Tambahan ZKGZ 25/07 - 21:15

  • Added chart.js CDN
  • Added chart.js documentation to Documentations section
  • Added simple graph to welcome view

Tambahan ZKGZ 25/07 - 19:40

  • Added layer group for each type of marker
  • Changed legend's color hue
  • Added toggle for markers

Tambahan Deo 15/07 - 17:34

  • Add minZoom
  • Change welcome view

Tambahan ZKGZ 25/07 - 08:00

  • Refactor leaflet directories
  • Minor bug fix

Tambahan ZKGZ 25/07 - 02:00

  • Added shadow map marker
  • Added custom icons

Tambahan ZKGZ 24/07 - 16:30

  • Changed map type to non-labeled map
  • Added Legend to map
  • Added Hover effects to map

Tambahan ZKGZ 24/07 - 15:30

  • Fixed issue #9

Update Deo 24/07 - 12:48

  • Update maps from https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png ke https://cartodb-basemaps-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png

Tambahan ZKGZ 24/07 - 06:00

  • Rescaled min-height of <main>
  • Fixed Create view bug
  • Changed Welcome view route to HomeController
  • Map regions will now automatically change color based on their own pajak_per_bulan

Tambahan Deo 23/07 - 20:33

  • Fix footer bug.
  • Fix TaxpayerControlle@stat bug when no data in database.

Tambahan ZKGZ 23/07 - 14:20

  • Changed strict value from config/database.php to true
  • Added stats page
  • Set default value for longitude and latitude form in create view

Tambahan Deo 22/07 - 11:51

  • Add Gesture Controller to welcome.blade.php

Tambahan ZKGZ 22/07 - 11:00

  • Changed region (kelurahan) form to dropdown list
  • Added region to taxpayer details (show) view

Tambahan ZKGZ 22/07 - 10:15

  • Fixed issue #11
  • Added default value for pajak_per_bulan and potensi_pajak_per_bulan columns
  • Minor bug fix

Tambahan ZKGZ 22/07 - 09:10

  • Removed Aturan section in Readme
  • Changed photo column to be nullable (run php artisan migrate)

Tambahan Deo 21/07 - 18:34

  • Add semua js dan css ke folder public
  • Ubah link js dan css menjadi link local
  • Rapikan beberapa koding

Tambahan ZKGZ 20/07 - 01:10

  • Removed GET elements from taxpayer routes
  • Minor bug fix

Tambahan Deo 19/07 - 17:33

  • Tambahkan type ke database, jalankan :

php artisan migrate

Tambahan ZKGZ 19/07 16:10

  • Added Documentation section to readme
  • Added dependency doctrine/dbal, run composer install
  • Dropped restaurants and earthnbuildings table
  • Added taxpayers table, run php artisan migrate
  • Fixed Taxpayer Model
  • Major bug fix

Tambahan Deo 19/07 14:51

  • Delete PBB
  • Sesuaikan beberapa nama

Tambahan Deo 19/07 14:32

  • Satukan semua pajak menjadi Taxpayer

Catatan :

  • Ubah nama database menjadi 'taxpayers'

Tambahan ZKGZ 19/07 04:30

  • Map now automatically centers based on object's latitude and latitude
  • Code indent cleaning
  • Put leaflet map scripts to inc folder
  • Minor bug fix

Tambahan ZKGZ 18/07 18:50

  • Fixed Footer thingy
  • Added map marker .png to assets
  • Minor bug fix

Tambahan Deo 18/07 - 17:18

  • Ubah asc/desc dari kyslik ke DataTables
  • Sesuaikan scrip dan link css dari footer ke header.

Tambahan Deo 18/07 - 16:44

  • Tambahkan asc dan desc ke menu index. Tambahkan ke composer.json
    "require": {
        "kyslik/column-sortable": "5.8.*"

kemudian :

composer update

Tambahan Deo 18/07 - 15:02

  • Redirect ke halamana detail item setelah edit disimpan.

Tambahan Deo 18/07 - 11:52

  • Tambahkan WYSWYG di menu informasi

Tambahan Baraq 18/07 - 11:03

  • Tampah dan modif popup content di index
  • tambah "popupContent += '
    Add new PBB here';"

Tambahan Deo 18/07 - 11:23

  • Merubah tampilan edit menjadi seperti tampilan create
  • Menambahkan maps di menu edit
  • Menambahkan edit koordinat dari maps

Tambahan Deo 18/07 - 11:06

  • Tambahkan menu back to home

Tambahan ZKGZ

  • fixed issue #5

Tambahan ZKGZ 18/07 - 05:30

  • fixed issue #6

Tambahan ZKGZ 18/07 - 04:15

  • fixed issue #4

Tambahan ZKGZ 18/07 - 02:00

  • fixed issue #7
  • Added 'View Details' in outlet pin

Tambahan Deo 17/07 - 19:00

  • Ubah tampilan create
  • Tambahkan marker
  • Tambahkan clik to add marker di maps utama
  • Tambahkan maps di menu create
  • Lokasi lat, long bisa langsung diubah lewat maps di menu create

Tambahan Deo 17/07 - 14:22

Ubah form edit menggunakan LaravelCollective

Tambahan ZKGZ 17/07 - 14:08

  • Changed all submit button to Form::button()

Tambahan Deo 17/07 - 13:52

Ubah kembali tombol, dari

<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Simpan</button>


{!! Form::submit('Simpan', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']) !!}

Tambahan Deo 17/07 - 13:02

Perubahan lokasi tombol Edit, Delete dan Back to index di detail. Dari horizontal menjadi urutan vertikal.

Tambahan Deo 17/07 - 12:47

Ubah bentuk tombol submit create, dari


menjadi :

<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Simpan</button>

Tambahan Deo 17/07 - 12:00

  • Tambahkan maps setiap items

Tambahan ZKGZ 17/07 - 08:58

  • Major Bug Fixes
  • Added dependency LaravelCollective to composer.json
  • Replaced old hardcoded routes with resource routes
  • Renamed view files so that they match with resource routes
  • Changed 'add()' function from controllers to 'create()'
  • Changed 'delete()' function from controllers to 'destroy()'
  • Redirected text links to resource routes
  • Replaced old form with form helper from LaravelCollective
  • Added action table head in pbb index view
  • Fixed typos

Tambahan Baraq PBB 16/07 - 21:25

Mohon bantuannya masih newbie Tambahan fitur pbb. Ada error pada route mohon bimbingannya senpai

Tambahan Deo 15/07 - 22:40

Tambahan login dan register. Untuk menggunakan, cukup dengan menjalankan :

php artisan make:auth

Maka semua akan dibuatkan secara otomatis oleh Laravel.

Tambahan Deo 15/07 - 22:45

Fitur lupa password, dengan menggunakan, daftar akun, lalu masuk di Demo Inbox

Lalu edit .env di bagian email berdasarkan data di,

Port: 25 or 465 or 587 or 2525
Username: 95c0f88498f520
Password: 5bd38a71c3586a
TLS: Optional (STARTTLS on all ports)

Menjadi :


Tambahan Deo 15/07 - 23:13

Memindahkan semua view restoran kedalam satu folder

Update Deo 16/07 12:00

Tambahkan detail per-items, tambahkan lokasi map.

Update Deo 16/07 - 14:58

Menambahkan pagination, perubahan menjadi :

$restaurant = Restaurant::paginate(25);


KKN PPM Pemetaan Spasial Ekonomi Parepare


Language:PHP 57.6%Language:Blade 42.1%Language:Vue 0.3%