denver-code / denver-code

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi there!

I am Ihor, currently studying Computer Science at Portsmouth University, UK.
Love to explore, learn, and build different tools by myself or integrate existing.


I'm very obsessed with Space, running @IntegrityOfStellar as an opportunity to visit space and participate in space exploration or development of technologies, portal for anyone!
Also, we have the virtual city on Mars called StellarCity!

Tech Stack

  • Python3: FastAPI, Aiogram,, Django, Beanie, Flask, numpy, matplotlib, BS, tensor, pandas, opencv, poetry, conda, many more

  • Flutter: SecureStorage, OAuth2, MaterialUI, RxDart, Provider, BLoC, GetX, Firebase/SupaBase, Riverpod, etc

  • Rust: Tide, diesel, rewquest, actix, rocket, etc

  • Next.js, Vue.js, Node.js

  • Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Lambda, Azure, VPS, S3, MongoDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Linux, MacOS, GIT, SSR/CSR, Restful and GraphQL, JWT, OAuth2, Redis, CI-CD, RestfulAPI, WebView, Json, Streams, Serverless, Micro-services

  • ⚡️ iTalent Technical moderator!

  • Check out my website
