densmirnov / 1hive-dao

Contains deployment and other issues related to our Aragon DAO

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1Hive DAO 🐝

1Hive Deployment Log

1Hive is an Aragon organization, currently deployed to rinkeby.

The following log describes the deployment process using the Aragon CLI. If your walking through this as a guide be sure to change the variables to correspond to addresses for your deployment.

The docs for the CLI used in this deployment can be found here.

You will also need to have IPFS running in a separate window.

1. Deploy a fresh dao

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby new

This will output the deployed token address. For legibility of subsequent commands will set a bash environment variable for the address:


We should also set keep track of EOA used for Deployment deployer=0x625236038836CecC532664915BD0399647E7826b

2. Deploy the organizations membership token Bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby token new "Bee" "Bee" 0

This will output the deployed token address. For legibility of subsequent commands will set a bash environment variable for the address:


3. Deploy a voting app instance tied to the Bee token. This voting app will serve as the root authority in the organization.

We are initializing the voting app with a 50 percent support requirement, a 5 percent approval quorum, and one week vote duration.

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby install $onehive voting --app-init-args $token_bee 500000000000000000 50000000000000000 604800

To get the address of an installed app we need to check permissionless apps:

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby apps $onehive --all

And we can set this address to an environment variable:


For this to be useful we also need to create the initial permission, we can do this by self-assigning the voting address as manager, and granting the create votes rule to EOA used for deployment.

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $voting_bee CREATE_VOTES_ROLE $deployer $voting_bee

4. Deploy a Token Manager instance to manage the Bee token to our dao

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby install $onehive token-manager --app-init none

Then we can set a environment variable for the address:


We can then set the token manager as the token controller for Bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby token change-controller $token_bee $manager_bee

And we can set the permissions such so that bee voting is required to Issue, Mint, Assign, and Burn.

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $manager_bee MINT_ROLE $deployer $voting_bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $manager_bee ISSUE_ROLE $voting_bee $voting_bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $manager_bee ASSIGN_ROLE $voting_bee $voting_bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $manager_bee BURN_ROLE $voting_bee $voting_bee

Finally we need to initialize the token manager, setting the token to non-transferrable and limiting balances to 1

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby exec $onehive $manager_bee initialize $token_bee false 1

5. Deploy the organization's contribution token Honey

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby token new "Honey" "Honey"

Set a variable for the Honey token address:


6. Install a token manager to manage Honey

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby install $onehive token-manager --app-init none

Get the new token managers proxy address and set it to an env variable dao --environment aragon:rinkeby apps $onehive --all


Now we can change the controller of the Honey token to the new token manager

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby token change-controller $token_honey $manager_honey

And we create permissions granting authority to the Bee voting app instance

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $manager_honey MINT_ROLE $voting_bee $voting_bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $manager_honey ISSUE_ROLE $voting_bee $voting_bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $manager_honey ASSIGN_ROLE $voting_bee $voting_bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $manager_honey BURN_ROLE $voting_bee $voting_bee

And we can initialize the Honey token as transferrable without a balance limiting

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby exec $onehive $manager_honey initialize $token_honey true 0

7. Deploy a second voting app instance tied to Honey. This voting app will have authority of finances.

We are initializing the voting app with a 50 percent support requirement, a 5 percent approval quorum, and one week vote duration.

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby install $onehive voting --app-init-args $token_honey 500000000000000000 50000000000000000 604800

To get the address of an installed app we need to check permissionless apps:

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby apps $onehive --all

And we can set this address to an environment variable:


For this to be useful we also need to create the initial permission, we can do this by self-assigning the voting address as manager, and granting the create votes rule to EOA used for deployment.

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $voting_honey CREATE_VOTES_ROLE $manager_bee $voting_bee

8. Install a vault and the finance app

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby install $onehive vault

Set the address to a variable:


Then we install finance:

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby install $onehive finance --app-init-args $vault_finance 2592000

and set the address to a variable:


Grant permission for finance to transfer assets from the vault:

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $vault_finance TRANSFER_ROLE $finance $voting_honey

Grant the Honey vote permissions on finance app:

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $finance CREATE_PAYMENTS_ROLE $voting_honey $voting_bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $finance EXECUTE_PAYMENTS_ROLE $voting_honey $voting_bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $finance MANAGE_PAYMENTS_ROLE $voting_honey $voting_bee

9. Install Projects and Allocations + dependencies

We want the projects and allocations apps to be connected to a different vault than finance so we need to add a new vault.

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby install $onehive vault

And we can set the address to a variable


Then we can install the address book app:

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby install $onehive address-book.aragonpm.eth

Set a variable for address book:


Then we can set up the dot voting app linked to Honey:

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby install $onehive dot-voting.aragonpm.eth --app-init-args $token_honey 500000000000000000 0 604800

Set a variable for dot voting dot_voting=0x6d39A4151ebcaD63dde880518e110dE0942753a2

Before we install the projects app we can set a variable for the standard bounties contract on rinkeby:


dao --environment aragon:rinkeby install $onehive projects.aragonpm.eth --app-init-args $bounties $vault_allocations

Set variable:


Now we can install the allocations app:

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby install $onehive allocations.aragonpm.eth --app-init-args $vault_allocations 2592000

Set variable:


Set Permissions

Address Book:

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $address_book ADD_ENTRY_ROLE $voting_bee $voting_bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $address_book REMOVE_ENTRY_ROLE $voting_bee $voting_bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $address_book UPDATE_ENTRY_ROLE $voting_bee $voting_bee


dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $vault_allocations TRANSFER_ROLE $projects $voting_bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl grant $onehive $vault_allocations TRANSFER_ROLE $allocations


dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $projects CHANGE_SETTINGS_ROLE $voting_bee $voting_bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $projects ADD_REPO_ROLE $voting_bee $voting_bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $projects REMOVE_REPO_ROLE $voting_bee $voting_bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $projects CURATE_ISSUES_ROLE $dot_voting $voting_bee

Dot voting:

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $dot_voting ROLE_CREATE_VOTES $manager_bee $voting_bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $dot_voting ROLE_ADD_CANDIDATES $manager_bee $voting_bee


dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $allocations CREATE_ACCOUNT_ROLE $voting_bee $voting_bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $allocations CREATE_ALLOCATION_ROLE $dot_voting $voting_bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $allocations EXECUTE_ALLOCATION_ROLE $manager_bee $voting_bee

dao --environment aragon:rinkeby acl create $onehive $allocations CHANGE_BUDGETS_ROLE $voting_bee $voting_bee


Contains deployment and other issues related to our Aragon DAO


Language:Shell 100.0%