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Be a better IT Blogger

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2.1 Topics For IT Writing

2.1.1 Only Share Tips You Actively Use Everyday

  1. If you need it quite often, people in the same field may also need it
  • Live knowledge will grow and evolve.

2.1.2 Explore GitHub For Certain Topics

Let’s say you want to write a blog post of “tmux”.

  1. Search and explore all popular Github repos related to “tmux”.
  • Understand their beautify and strengths, then write a blog post.
  • If necessary, start your own github repo about “tmux”.

2.1.3 Introduce Latest Tech Trends In Your Field

Explore new things, and introduce them in a simple and easy language

2.2 Lessons Learned: About Writing

1Think before you write!Choose Title. It matters!
Ask questions in SNSAnticipate Community (LinkedIn, slack, v2ex, etc)
Google related pages (Get SEO Keywords)Keywords in Summary
2Write Post
3Improve SEO and writing by Google posts
Share to SNS
Reply related discussion
4Keep polishing old posts

2.2.1 How To Write Catchy Headlines

Different types:

  • Benefit-driven subject lines: What’s in it for me?
  • Curiosity-driven subject lines

More examples:

  • Who Else Wants [a Higher Paying Job]?
  • The Secret of [Getting Your Home Loan Approved]
  • Here is a Method That is Helping [Bloggers] To [Write Better Post Titles]
  • Little Known Ways to [Lose Weight Quickly and Safely]
  • Get Rid of [Your Unproductive Work Habits] Once and For All
  • Here’s a Quick Way to [Backup Your Hard Drive]
  • Now You Can [Quit Your Job] and [Make Even More Money]

Reading reading: link

  • People are impatient

You only have 3-5 seconds to convince people to keep reading. Use signal words: help people to scan through your text

2.2.2 How To Write Contagious Content

  • Visualize Your Audience And Use Case, And “Talk” To Them.

I talk to the audience/customers virtually. This would help to improve engaging people.

  • Avoid using vague or fuzzy statement.

People like meaningful details.

  • Make the reading fluid.

If you can’t deliver your thinking smoothly. People will simply leave. They don’t even bother to leave you a complain.

  • Use of transition words

show readers you are summarizing, comparing or concluding something.

2.3 Lesson Learned: Promoting & Influence

2.3.1 [#A] Most Of Your Posts May Influence Nobody. Not A Single One

You may not believe that. But show me wrong, if you can.

2.3.2 How To Promote

  • Focus on your quality, instead of spreading to a bigger audience.

Bring crappy resource to a bigger audience? Do you really think it’s a good thing, instead of a bad thing?

  • Improve interlinks, thus people read more posts in your blog
  • Your Friends To Review Your New Posts.

You should have friends working in the same field. If your new doesn’t serve your friends well, it won’t work well for others.

  • Leave comments to similar blogs

The main objective is not about bringing more traffic to your blog. It’s about learning things from other bloggers, and make friends with them.

You’re not competitors. You help each other to grow stronger and do better.

2.3.3 How To Get Benefits

  • If your posts don’t connvince people taking actions, your influence is low to the audience.
  • Ask people to take small actions.

Blogging is about convincing. Make people take actions.

Ask people:

  1. Try your advice in 5 minutes
  • Follow you in SNS(LinkedIn, GitHub, etc)
  • Send you private messages
  • Share with their friends
  • Leave you comments

2.4 [#A] Open Issues

2.4.1 How To Find Similar Blogs

Watch and observe others in the same field first.

2.4.2 Find Good and qualified Icons quickly

  • TODO

2.5 Routine Tasks

2.5.1 Examine blogs via Google webmaster and Google Pagespeed

  1. Google Crawl -> Crawl Errors: Link
  • The blog should loads within 3 seconds: link

2.5.2 List all new URLs link to your blog, and reach out them

  1. Send them thank-you note
  • Understand what drives them to do that

2.5.3 Weekly review your old and popular posts: re-activate them

Yes, in blogging world, quantity over quality. But don’t forget to re-activate your own posts.

2.6 Secure And Speed

2.6.1 About security

  • wp-config.php: Changing The Site URL


  • wordpress avoid malicious access wp-login.php, xmlrpc.php, wp-cron.php

2.6.2 Speed up

  • Useful tools
Google pagespeed
Test from 24 cities
  • Disable all non-critical plugins

2.7 Images & GiF & InfoGraphics

2.7.1 InfoGraphics


  • An infographic is like a good story. Read more: here
  • Many infographics focus on presenting data.
  • Your infographic’s headline is extremely important.
  • Don’t choose something generically popular, rather than specifically relevant to your audience.
  • Watch out: The words in the some infographic may become too small to read easily.
  • Keep it focused.

Infographics are not attempts to randomly assemble all the data you can compile. Instead, an infographic is intended to drive a single, focused point.

2.7.2 Remove Background Color In MacOS

Use gimp: Color to Alfa. See more here.

2.7.3 Find Funny GIF Pictures

2.8 Doc Template


  • Prefer Active Voice over passive voice: avoid “to be” + “ed”
  • Don’t use “WE, I” too often. Avoid use I, me
  • Five powerful words: discover,guarantee, health, result, you

2.8.1 Doc: Write A New Blog Post

  • start a blog post
In this article I’m going to show you:
Thinking that you’d like to start a blog this year? This post is for you!
Try to solve this.

2.8.2 Doc: Ask People To Share

As always, please share if you enjoy it!

Want to ask for comments and sharing:
As always, I’ve probably forgot a lot of really cool things. Leave a comment down below if you have any effective strategies you’d like to share. Oh, and please give this a share if you have a second cos it took a while to put together!

2.8.3 Doc: Ask People To Review

  • Review my blog post
XXX, could you spare me a few minutes to review my new blog post?

I want to listen to your feedback, before I publish it.
If you're too busy for this, surely I can understand. Thanks!

2.8.4 Doc: Reply When People Admire Your Posts

XXX, glad to hear that! I like to discuss DevOps questions in Linkedin, and blogging. Please be my friend, and join us in the discussions!

2.8.5 Doc: examples of transition words

Type of relationExamples of transition words
enumerateand, first of all, also, another, furthermore, finally, in addition
causebecause, so, due to, while, since, therefore
comparison/ contrastsame, less, rather, while, yet, opposite, much as, either
conclusionas a result, hence, consequently, therefore, in conclusion
fuzzy signalsseems like, maybe, probably, almost
emphasismost of all, most noteworthy, especially relevant

2.8.6 Doc: say sorry

  • We apologize for any confusion about …

2.8.7 Doc: thank you for people promoting your content

If someone mentions your website on their blog, thank that blogger in
the comments of the post and send them a thank you note. You can
monitor any mentions of your blog using Google Alerts, Technorati, and

2.9 Recommended Resources

2.9.1 Book: Contagious. Why Things Catch On

2.9.2 Web pages

2.9.3 Role Models

  • TODO

3 More Resources

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:books: Be a better IT Blogger