denismitr / litecache

Lite embedded in-memory cache with ttl to use in go application

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Lite embedded in-memory cache library to use in GO applications


With default config and int as stored values type

ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()

c := litecache.New[int](ctx)

With custom config

cfg := litecache.NewDefaultConfig[string]().
			WithOnEvict(func(key string, value string) {
				log.Printf("evicted key %s value %s", key, value)

c, err := litecache.NewWithConfig[string](ctx, cfg)

NewWithConfig may return litecache.ErrInvalidConfig when configuration is invalid


ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()

c := litecache.New[int](ctx)

// set key foo with value 10 for 2 seconds
    c.SetTtl("foo", 10, 2*time.Second)
    c.Count() // 1
    v, found := c.Get("foo") // 10, true

time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

    v, found := c.Get("foo") // 0, false

c.SetEx("non:existent:key", 34) // false since that key does not exist
c.SetEx("foo", 34) // false since that key has expired
c.SetNx("foo", 34) // true since key has expired 
                   // and that is the same as if it has never existed


Set - sets the key value pair. It will update the value if key already exists in the cache and has not expired.

func (c *Cache[T]) Set(key string, value T)

Get - returns value for a key, if it exists and has not expired zero value is returned if the key was not found or has expired

func (c *Cache[T]) Get(key string) (T, bool) {

SetTtl - sets key value pair with ttl. it will update the value if key already exists in the cache and has not expired.

func (c *Cache[T]) SetTtl(key string, value T, ttl time.Duration)

SetNx - sets key value pair only if key does not exist in the cache or has expired. if the key value pair was set successfully it returns true

func (c *Cache[T]) SetNx(key string, value T) bool

SetNxTtl - sets key value only if key does not exist in the cache or has expired. ttl expected to be given as a last parameter. if the key value pair was set successfully it returns true

func (c *Cache[T]) SetNxTtl(key string, value T, ttl time.Duration) bool

SetEx - updates key value pair if key already exists and not expired in the cache. if value was updated, returns true

func (c *Cache[T]) SetEx(key string, value T) bool

SetExTtl - updates key value pair if key already exists and not expired in the cache. ttl expected to be given as a last parameter. if value was updated, returns true

func (c *Cache[T]) SetExTtl(key string, value T, ttl time.Duration) bool

Remove - removes the value from cache if present returns true if key was found and false if it was not

func (c *Cache[T]) Remove(key string) bool

GetAndRemove - removes the value from cache if present returns value and boolean true if key was found and zero value and boolean false if it was not

func (c *Cache[T]) GetAndRemove(key string) (T, bool)

Count returns the number of in the cache keys. This method is eventually consistent, it might get delayed updates when keys expire.

func (c *Cache[T]) Count() int

GetAndSetExTtl sets the value for existing key, only if it exists in the cache it will return the old value and true if the key found in cache and zero value and false if not found or expired ttl expiration is expected to be given as a last parameter.

func (c *Cache[T]) GetAndSetExTtl(key string, value T, ttl time.Duration) (T, bool)

GetAndSetEx sets the value for existing key, only if it exists in the cache it will return the old value and true if the key found in cache and zero value and false if not found or expired

func (c *Cache[T]) GetAndSetEx(key string, value T) (T, bool)

Transform can change the value of the given key atomically it does not modify the ttl of the key

func (c *Cache[T]) Transform(key string, effector func(value T) T) bool

ForEach iterates over all the keys and values that are not expired in the cache the method uses mutex to lock the content of the cache for reading

func (c *Cache[T]) ForEach(fn func(k string, v T))


Lite embedded in-memory cache with ttl to use in go application


Language:Go 99.3%Language:Makefile 0.7%