denisfitz57 / strangeloop2014

Come with us now on a journey ♪

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Welcome to the world of SOUND♪

Come with us now on a journey through space and sound ♪♫.

:D  - who me?

You have at your hands the capability to make every sound imaginable.

(definst creativity [amp 9999] (* amp (lf-saw 300)))

Unplug those headphones,


adjust your volume

█ ▆ ▅ ▃  Volume @ 50%

and your ears are ready to begin their journey.

##> Before you begin your travels

    :O  Urm... please wait        <'..'>
   /█\  I'm installing Java        (oo)_/6
   .Π.                               W W

A good journey always starts with getting all your equipment prepared. Its rarely fun but hey, you don't want to stand live on stage installing Java.

git clone && cd strangeloop2014 && make

The path you choose dictates what you need to setup.

Also no matter what, you will need to pick and prepare an instrument: Vim, Emacs, Lighttable, SonicPi

##> You reach a fork in the road

   -----          -------
  |Power|        |Freedom|
   -----          -------
    \   \         /   /
     \   \       /   /
      \   \     /   /
       \   \   /   /
        \   :?    / 
         \  /█\  /
          \ .Π. /  

One path leads to instant power but you are never truely free.
The other leads to complete freedom but you have to build your world from scratch.

##> Power

###> You encounter a Tidal. It seems to want to play.

 \:O  Hi
  █\          ,(   ,(   ,(   ,(   ,(
./ \.      `-'  `-'  `-'  `-'  `-'  `

Tidal, a Haskell framework focusing on conciseness, building up complicated patterns manipulating samples quickly.


Requires Haskell installed.

##> Freedom

###> Armed with braces you enter the Overtone

*gulp*  :\     d88""88b
         █-((  88    88
       .//.    Y88..88P

Overtone, a Clojure framework provides a lot of freedom, but at the cost of being more verbose and requiring you to build your own abstractions. It is a Clojure client to the SuperCollider sound engine.


Prerequisite: Java:

###> Out of a bush bursts a swarm of Sonic-PIs

  \:o/     π=-      π=-
   █       π=-   π   π=-   π=-
 .||.     π=-  π=-  π=-

Sonic-PI is an IDE for live coding music using Ruby. It comes pre-packaged in a nice dmg file which means its very quick to get started. But alas only on OS X and RaspberryPi for now.


Download and install from: OR grab a USB key.

###> You encounter a <blank>. It seems to want to <action>.

   :o      ███████      
  [█]      ███████            
 .||.      ███████

There are many more environments for you to explore. Feel like breaking off the path? Take a look at things like:

##> Before you return home

 \:D   ♪♫  ♪ ♫
  █ \    ♫  ♪  ♪

In our final session we will have some space for people to demos what they have done.

##> exit


Enjoy some live coded music


Come with us now on a journey ♪