deniaz / terrific-twig

Twig Extension for Terrific Components

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Terrific Twig

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Extension to embrace the Terrific frontend methodology in Twig.

Currently it adds a custom component tag to Twig which mimics Nitro's handlebars helper.


Using composer:

$ composer require namics/terrific-twig


The following versions of PHP are currently supported.

  • PHP 5.4 (Deprecated. Builds are failing since the tests are relying on ::class.)
  • PHP 5.5
  • PHP 5.6
  • PHP 7
  • HHVM


Step 1: Implement TemplateInformationProvider

class TemplateInformationProvider implements TemplateInformationProviderInterface
    public function getPaths()
      return []; // List of path where Terrific Components can be found, e.g. (/var/www/
    public function getFileExtension()
      $fileExtension = 'html.twig';
      return $fileExtension;

Step 2: Implement ContextProviderInterface

class ContextProvider implements ContextProviderInterface
    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler, Twig_Node $component, Twig_Node $dataVariant, $only) {
        // ...

Step 3: Add TerrificLoader

$loader = ...;
$chain = new Twig_Loader_Chain([$loader, new TerrificLoader(new TemplateInformationProvider)]);
$twig = new Twig_Environment($chain);

Step 4: Add TerrificExtension

$twig = new Twig_Environment($chain);
$twig->addExtension(new TerrificExtension(new ContextProvider));

Step 5: Profit!


{# Includes the component, component's default data is merged with the context #}
{% component 'Example' %}

{# Includes the component, the default data is injected as a child context #}
{% component 'Example' only %}

{# Includes the component, but a variantion of the component data is merged with the context #}
{% component 'Example' 'example-variant' %}

{# Includes the component, but a variantion of the component data is injected as a child context #}
{% component 'Example' 'example-variant' only %}

{# Includes the component, data object is merged with the context #}
{% component 'Example' { title: 'Inject an Object' } %}

{# Includes the component, data object is injected as a child context #}
{% component 'Example' { title: 'Inject an Object' } only %}



The extension provides terrific extensions to Twig. Currently the extension provides the ComponentTokenParser.

Token Parser

The token parser contains the parsing step for the component tag. It tokenizes the stream to different nodes (component, data) and an attribute (only).

The functionality is based on the fantastic Twig_TokenParser_Include.


The Node compiles the tokenized tag to PHP. To see some of the output, check the ComponentTest.


The TerrificLoader extends the Twig_Loader_Filesystem as it actually loads templates from the filesystem. An implementation of TemplateLocatorInterface provides the paths where the loader should search for templates.

Template Information Provider

An implementation of TemplateInformationProviderInterface should return a list of paths where templates live. These should be in the form of ['frontend/components/atoms', 'frontend/components/molecules', 'frontend/components/organisms']. The component directory will be provided by the TerrificLoader (Example/example.[ext]).

Context Provider

This is the tricky part. An implementation of ContextProviderInterface decides which data will be made available to Twig templates. TODO: More on that.


Reads nitro's config.json and parses essential information such as the component paths and file extension.


This project is partially sponsored by Namics.


Twig Extension for Terrific Components

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 99.8%Language:HTML 0.2%