denehoffman / heusler

Analysis tools from Spring 2020 research

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The purpose of this document is to explain the programs I wrote to analyze Heusler structures in the Spring of 2020. Most of these programs will, I believe, work well with arbitrary structures, and they all can be extended to any form of model which uses simple scalar multipliers to describe nearest and next-nearest neighbor interactions. I have also documented each of my programs within the code itself.
Nathaniel D. Hoffman
Overview of Programs for Total Enumeration Analysis

Python Setup


I ran all of the python code using Python 3.7.5, although it should run fine on Python 3.8 and future versions as long as the dependencies are also updated. At time of writing, the dependencies are listed in the requirements.txt file:


This should be all of the python libraries required to run all of the code I have written. Scipy and Numpy deal with all of the mathematical methods of analysis, Plotly is used for all of the plotting, and Pandas is primarily used to organize, import, and export large datasets. Again, I believe this code will run on future versions of these libraries. However, the plotly library must be installed specifically as the specified version (or a later one). By default, pip3 install plotly will currently install a previous version of the library which is rather outdated.

Installing and Running

The advent of python Virtual Environments makes it very easy to install just the packages required for this specific set of tools while keeping your main python distribution unchanged. It also allows for simple control of dependency versions and does not require administrator access to set up. However, the original installation of virtualenv must be performed first. The following code will install it at a user access level.

    python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv

Next, navigate to the directory with the analysis tools. The following command will initialize a virtual environment in a folder called env:

    python3 -m venv env

To activate this virtual environment, simply source the activation script:

    source env/bin/activate

Alternative sourcing scripts for tcsh or the fish shells are also included in this folder. To exit the virtual environment, use the command


While in a virtual environment, we can install the required packages using the command

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

All of the python programs I have written can then be run in the virtual environment using

    python3 <program name>.py

While I have set up all of the python files with a shebang (#!), these will not point to a virtual environment. They can only be run without the python3 command if the packages have been installed on the system version of python (at least at the user level). This can be achieved by running

    pip3 install -r --user requirements.txt

After this, it should be possible to run all of the python programs with

    ./<program name>.py

They will also run using the python3 command.

Running the program with the -h or --help argument will display a short manual for the required inputs of this program:

    python3 --help

Input Files

There are two files which must be included (in the following order) in order to perform any analysis. These are simple an XYZ file (which uses the typical syntax and formatting obtained from mkpearson) and an struct_enum.out file, which is obtained from running the enum.x program. If these required files have been provided, the program by itself will not do anything. The user must also specify at least one argument and a supplementary file (or number) as described in the following sections.

The –map Argument

This command simply generates a heatmap-like graph to visualize lowest energy states using the "J-K" model. It requires an additional CSV file which contains rows and columns of configuration IDs (matching those given in struct_enum.out) and is generated using the programEnergyMinimization_v2.f90. Running

    python3 XYZ struct_enum.out --map <filename>.csv

will produce and display the desired plot using plotly's usual HTML format. These plots can be saved as HTML files from the web browser or as images using the camera icon in the plot window.

The –map argument is outdated, since we realized it was possible to condense the search over $J$ and $K$ values. This is discussed in the next subsection.

The –rad Argument

Like the –map argument, this also takes a single CSV file. However, this file provides the data from a radial sweep over $J$ and $K$ values. This can be generated from the EMin_v3.f90 program (the method of generation is discussed in the corresponding section). The file will have columns of $J$, $K$, $\theta$, and the configuration ID, in that order. Degenerate configurations will have rows which are identical in every column except for the ID. I don't believe the rows actually have to be in an order of increasing $\theta$, so in the future, if someone were to use some sort of asynchronous aggregation to generate the file, this program should still work. Also like the –map argument, a plot can be generated using

    python3 XYZ struct_enum.out --rad <filename>.csv

This will generate a plot which looks more like a pie chart. Degenerate structures will show up in different colors within the same pie slice (the radial position is meaningless) while the angular position will indicate the $J$ and $K$ value used.

The –draw Argument

The final argument does not take an additional file, but instead a numerical configuration ID which can be found in either of the plots generated from the method above or simply from the struct_enum.out file. Running

    python3 --draw ####

will produce a 3D crystal structure plot which can be rotated and zoomed. By default, it will contain just the lattice points described in the XYZ file, but there is a section of commented-out code which can be uncommented to plot a single repetition of the structure in every direction (expanding from a unit cell to a $3 \times 3 \times 3$ cluster of unit cells).


This file contains the source code for a FORTRAN program to generate the square plots of energy minimizing configurations for a range of $J$ and $K$ values. It does not aggregate degeneracies, which is why the later version, EMin_v3.f90 is recommended. By default, this program will generate a $201 \times 201$ (this is hard-coded but can be modified by changing the declaration of the STEPS variable) grid of energy-minimizing configuration IDs in a CSV file (it will send them to stdout but they should be piped to a CSV file for use in the program). It will also use a diagonal interaction matrix, described in the variable intmatrix. This is a three-dimensional array of size $N \times N \times 2$, where $N$ is the number of species. By default, I initialize it with $N=4$ because I have set it up to also run fine on $N&lt;4$ without requiring any changes to the interaction matrix. The interaction matrix can be thought of as having two layers, the first for the nearest-neighbor interactions and the second for the next-nearest neighbor interactions. In our default J-K model, our Hamiltonian can be written as $$H = \sum_{&lt;i,j&gt;} J \delta_{\sigma_i, \sigma_j} + \sum_{\ll i,j\gg} K \delta_{\sigma_i, \sigma_j}$$ where $&lt;i,j&gt;$ and $\ll i,j \gg$ correspond to the set of nearest and next-nearest neighbor pairs of lattice points respectively, and $\sigma_i$ refers to the elemental species of the atom located at the $i$th lattice point. The interaction matrix for this Hamiltonian can be written as $$\begin{aligned} M_{ij1} &= \mqty(\dmat[0]{J,J,J,J}) \ M_{ij2} &= \mqty(\dmat[0]{K,K,K,K})\end{aligned}$$ In this way, it is clear to see that the on-diagonal terms of the matrix correspond to the particles interaction with like-species while the $M_{ij}$ element of each matrix corresponds to the interaction between the $i$th and $j$th species.

During this project, we also developed an alternative Hamiltonian which only applied to the four-species structures: $$H = \sum_{&lt;i,j&gt;} J \delta_{\chi_i, \chi_j} + \sum_{\ll i,j\gg} K \delta_{\sigma_i, \sigma_j}$$ where $\chi_i$ now refers to a grouping of species. Specifically for this model, we say that species $1$ and $2$ are in the same group while species $3$ and $4$ are in a different group. This adds a $J$-like (nearest-neighbor only) interaction term between species $1$ and $2$ and between species $3$ and $4$, which changes the first layer of the matrix to be $$M_{ij1} = \mqty(J&amp;J&amp;0&amp;0\J&amp;J&amp;0&amp;0\0&amp;0&amp;J&amp;J\0&amp;0&amp;J&amp;J)$$ and leaves $M_{ij2}$ unchanged.

This program (as well as EMin_v3.f90) takes two files as input, the first being the struct_enum.out file generated by enum.x and the second being a file which I typically name INT which holds data that describes which lattice positions are nearest and next-nearest neighbors. This file can be generated using Because this program is relatively less useful than EMin_v3.f90, I have chosen to not document it or provide a compiled version and instead document the more up-to-date version.


This code functions almost identically to $\texttt{EnergyMinimization_v2.f90}$ except it produces data in the radial format used by and also accounts for degeneracies. It generates $201$ (again, this can be changed by modifying the STEPS variable) $\theta$ values for positions equally spaced around a unit circle. Values for $J$ and $K$ are generated using $J = \cos(\theta)$ and $K = \sin(\theta)$. Note that this actually results in the opposite axis assignment to that created by EnergyMinimization_v2.f90. This program takes an interaction file, INT, described in the previous section, and can be run using

    EnergyMinimization.x struct_enum.out INT >> output.csv

This will generate data for the diagonal J-K model, while

    EnergyMinimization_Widom.x struct_enum.out INT >> output.csv

will generate data for the block-diagonal model mentioned in the previous section. In general, I use the suffix _Widom to describe data generated with that model, omitting the suffix for the diagonal model.

This is a simple program that generates a CSV file containing information about the interactions between particular lattice sites in a crystal. It takes the standard XYZ file as an argument and generates three columns of data. The first and second column refer to the $i$th and $j$th lattice point while the third is $1$ for a nearest-neighbor interaction and $2$ for a next-nearest-neighbor interaction. The program itself generates these with periodic boundary conditions in mind by using a $3 \times 3 \times 3$ block of unit cells and measuring the bond lengths between each lattice point in each cell to each lattice point in the center cell. It then takes the two smallest (non-zero) distances and outputs all pairs of lattice points which are that distance away from each other. The program can be run using

    python3 XYZ >> INT


This program is very similar to the minimization programs described above, but rather than finding the structure with the minimal energy, it lists how many $J$ and $K$-like bonds are present in every configuration listed in the struct_enum.out file. It will output three columns of data corresponding to $J$, $K$, and a string of numbers corresponding to the configurations given in struct_enum.out. For Heusler structures, these will be strings of $16$ numbers ranging between $0$ and $3$ (for each species).

I again include two compiled versions of this program corresponding to the two models discussed. They can be run using

    JK_Map<_Widom>.x struct_enum.out INT >> JKCONFIG<.csv>

This is a very short and simple program which takes the map file generated by JK_Map.f90 as its only input and draws a scatter plot of the configurations and their corresponding locations in $J$-$K$ space. There will typically be a lot of degenerate configurations in this regard, so only one configuration will be displayed at each point if there are multiple configurations with the same $J$ and $K$ values. This program will also take the first value at each of these degenerate points and output a condensed version of the output from JK_Map.f90 which only includes one of each degenerate point. The program is executed by

    python3 JKCONFIG >> JKCONFIG_Reduced<.csv>

This program generates a group of directories containing XYZ files for various configurations given in an input file generated by JK_Map.f90 (or a reduced version from A description of this program can be viewed by running it with the -h or –help argument. It takes three files, an original XYZ file, an output directory, and a JKCONFIG file as mentioned above:

    python3 XYZ <output directory> JKCONFIG

This program will generate subdirectories in the <output directory> which each contain a new XYZ file corresponding to each of the configurations in JKCONFIG. The filenames will be generated by converting the configuration string into a number UID where UID is the base-10 representation of the configuration string if that string were thought of as a base-N number, with $N$ being the number of species. For instance, in the two-species case, it will pretend the configuration string is a binary number and convert it to decimal. In the three-species case, it will pretend it is a base-3 number. The output directory will be filled with subdirectories named variation_<UID>.

The final program I created compares the J-K model to VASP simulations. The user inputs two files, one being a JKCONFIG file from the programs above and the second being a file containing two columns, the first being the name of the variation file (generated by and the second being the energy from VASP:


will create two plots. The first is a 3D representation of the data being fit and the second is a parity plot of the data. I did not write a specific program to create the ENERGY_DATA file, but it's not hard to run a short script to aggregate the data. This program will also output three numbers, $J$, $K$, and an energy offset which are the results from fitting the data to a plane described by $$E = J x + K y + E_{\text{offset}}$$ where $x$ and $y$ are the coordinates of a structure in $J$-$K$ space and $E_{\text{offset}}$ is some energy offset.

A Typical Workflow

I will now walk through the typical workflow for analyzing a particular structure described by an XYZ file. No other files are needed at first, as they will all be generated by this program. For clarity, assume all files are stored in the same directory.

    cat XYZ | -m ``AlCo'' -n 2 -s ``0/1 0/1'' >>

At the bottom of, we will have to add some lines to restrict concentrations (this is not required but usually what we want to do):

    printf "1 1 2\n1 1 2\n" >>

This will set the concentration to $50%$ of each element.


This will generate struct_enum.out.

    python3 XYZ >> INT
    EnergyMinimization.x struct_enum.out INT >> 2sp_degen_rad.csv
    python3 XYZ struct_enum.out --rad 2sp_degen_rad.csv

This would display a radial plot of the energy-minimizing structures. We could look at the $B2$ structure (which I happen to know the enumeration ID of) with

    python3 XYZ struct_enum.out --draw 59

So far we have operated entirely in the realm of mathematical theory. Now let us compare this model to simulations done in VASP to see how well this model works.

    JK_Map.x struct_enum.out INT >> JKCONFIG
    mkdir vars
    python3 XYZ vars JKCONFIG_REDUCED
    cd vars
    for d in variations.*; do cd $d; xyz2pos XYZ -mag co=3; qvasp; cd -; done
    cd ..

We are now back in the main directory. Once the VASP simulations are complete (along with relaxation, if so desired), we can quickly grab the necessary data with a short bash script (shamelessly copied from a script written by Dr. Widom):

    for name in variation*; do
        E=`awk '/E0=/{print 1.*$5}' $name/output | tail -1`;
        printf "%s %10.2f\n" $name $E >> ENERGY_DATA;

Finally, we can visualize this data with


Again, all of these analyses should work with any arbitrary XYZ file, not just Heusler structures and any kind of J-K-like model.


Analysis tools from Spring 2020 research


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