demory / osmtools

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This library contains the following OSM-related tools:

* Osmosis extraction polygon generator -- creates an Osmosis polygon file by buffering transit stops specified input GTFS feed(s). The tool reads from a local directory containing one or more GTFS stops files (every file in the directory is assumed to be a stops file).

  Usage: osmtools.PolyGen /path/to/stops_dir/ output_poly_file
The polygon generator can also optionally generate a text file containing the rectagular bounding box of the polygon as a simple comma-separated list (minX, maxX, minY, maxY). To enable, specific a bounding box file as an additional argument:

  Usage: osmtools.PolyGen /path/to/stops_dir/ output_poly_file output_bbox_file
* Way Splitter -- converts an osm file to a JGraphT PseudoGraph, splitting ways as appropriate. Also allows for reprojection from the default OSM CRS to any specified destination CRS.
  Usage: osmtools.GraphSplitter path/to/file.osm destCRScode 



Language:Java 100.0%