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GitHub project wizard

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Project Wizard

Use this project wizard to quickly create your own GitHub repository. Login to use the following templates ⤵

This is a template for a complete web application consisting of frontend (JS with webpack and npm) and backend (Java/Kotlin with Gradle and Spring Boot) components. The project has a Dockerfile configured to quickly deploy to any host.

Use this template to create Java/Kotlin microservices with Gradle and Spring Boot. The project has a Dockerfile configured to quickly deploy to any host.

Use this template to create Java/Kotlin libraries. You can make a GitHub release to automatically publish your library to a JitPack repository. You can include the resulting library from any build system (like Gradle or Maven).

More templates..  

Heavy artillery. Consider using Rust instead of this template. Use this template to create native C/C++ utilities with Xmake build system. You will receive binaries for macOS, Windows, Linux after each commit in the GitHub Actions tab. This project is easy to convert to a native library.

Experimental. Heavy artillery. Use this template to create native Java/Kotlin applications with Gradle build system. You will receive binaries for macOS, Linux and Windows after each commit in the GitHub Actions tab.

Compose Multiplatform, UI framework for Kotlin that makes building beautiful user interfaces. See also example for jvm.

Deprecated templates..  

Deprecated. Java/Kotlin microservice template. You can easily turn it into a crossplatfrom web application with JS/HTML. The project has a Dockerfile configured to quickly deploy to any host.

Deprecated. A Telegram bot can easily replace a simple web application.

Deprecated. A complete web application using Kotlin for both the backend and frontend.

Deprecated. The Android ecosystem has become very complex lately and I recommend choosing a default PWA for development.

Deprecated. See actual templates in the JetBrains/compose-jb repository

Deprecated. I recommend using xmake.

Deprecated. I recommend using xmake.

Deprecated. I recommend using xmake.

Note. At the moment, it makes no sense to start development with a Mobile or Desktop application.
Microservices and Web Apps finally won.

S.D.G. 2024