demetrius-mp / sesg-web

Web interface to visualize SeSG results.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Web interface to visualize SeSG results.


Clone the repository, and install the dependencies with npm install.


Create a .env file with the following variables:

You can use the .env.example file as a template.

  • DATABASE_URL: URL of the database with SeSG results.

Run npx prisma db pull to create a prisma/schema.prisma file. Then, run npx prisma generate to generate the Prisma client.

Finally, run npm run dev to start the development server.


Data tables

Highly dynamic data tables to sort, filter and paginate over the database rows.

Click on the header of a column to sort the table by that column. Click again to reverse the order. The third click will remove that column of the sorting. You can sort by multiple columns at the same time.

Use the search bar to enter a where clause to filter the table. Enter only the conditions, without the WHERE statement.

Use the pagination buttons to navigate through the table.


Web interface to visualize SeSG results.


Language:Svelte 57.3%Language:TypeScript 27.0%Language:JavaScript 12.5%Language:HTML 2.3%Language:CSS 0.8%