demasy / Oracle-OAF-Guidelines

There are Oracle OA Framework (OAF) standard guidelines to build, customize and extend OA Framework.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Oracle OA Framework (OAF) Guidelines

  • OA Framework File Contents Standards Guidelines
  • OA Framework Model Standards Guidelines
  • OA Framework View Standards Guidelines
  • OA Framework Controller Standards Guidelines
  • OA Framework Java Guidelines
  • OA Framework Deployment Standards Guidelines

OA Framework File Contents Standards Guidelines

OA Framework Package Naming Standards

Scenario: General

Scenario: Custom Solution

Scenario: Extended View Objects

OA Framework Model Standards Guidelines

OA Model Naming Conventions

SEQ File Type File Extension Length Prefix Suffix Syntax Example
1 Entity - - - - - -
1.1 Entity Object .xml, .java 30 - EO {entityName}{suffix} EmployeeEO
1.2 Association Object .xml 30 - AO {parent}To{child}{suffix} EmployeeToAssignment
1.3 Entity Expert .java 30 - Expert {entityName}{suffix} EmployeeExpert
1.4 Entity Objects for Translatable (_TL) Tables .java 30 - TLEO {entityName}{suffix} LookupCodeTLEO
2 View Object - - - - -
2.1 View Object/View Row .xml, .java 30 - VO {DescriptiveName}{suffix} -
2.2 Validation View Object .xml, .java 30 - VVO {DescriptiveName}{suffix} -
2.3 View Link .xml 30 - VL {Master}To{Detail}{suffix} -
3 Application Module - - - - - -
3.1 Application Module .xml, .java 30 - VL {ModuleName}{suffix} -
3.2 Validation Application Module .xml, .java 30 - VAM {TopLevelEntityName}{suffix} -

OA Framework View Standards Guidelines

OA Controller Naming Conventions

SEQ File Type File Extension Length Prefix Suffix Syntax Example
1 Page Definition .xml - - - {object}{function}{suffix}
- {object}{suffix}
2 Region - - - - - -
2.1 Shared Region Definition .xml - - RN - {object}{function}{suffix}
- {object}{suffix}
2.1 Shared List of Values (LOV) Definition .xml - - LovRN {descriptiveName}{suffix}
3 UI Controller .xml, .java - - CO - {object}{function}{suffix}
- {object}{suffix}
4 Attribute Set Package .xml - - - {tableName}
5 UI Components Package .xml - - - {moduleName}

OA Framework Controller Standards Guidelines

SEQ File Type File Extension Length Prefix Suffix Syntax Example
1 UI Controller .xml, .java - - CO - {object}{function}{suffix}
- {object}{suffix}


Author GitHub & LinkedIn account
Ahmed El-Demasy (Original Author) Github & LinkedIn

Contributing to the OA Framework (OAF) guidelines

We welcome new Oracle OAF developers to join our community and contribute to the OA Framework (OAF) guidelines project. If you are interested in helping please don’t hesitate to contact on an e-mail:

Suggestions & Issues

If you find any issue or have a great idea in mind please create an issue on GitHub.


There are Oracle OA Framework (OAF) standard guidelines to build, customize and extend OA Framework.

License:Apache License 2.0