dellison / DependencyTrees.jl

Dependency parsing in Julia

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DependencyTrees.jl is a Julia package for working with dependency structures in natural language sentences. It provides a representation of dependency parse trees (DependencyTree), a treebank reader, and transition-based parsing algorithms.

Read the docs!


Trees and Treebanks

The DependencyTree type represents a dependency parse of a natural language sentence.

julia> using DependencyTrees

julia> treebank = Treebank("test/data/english.conllu")

julia> for tree in treebank
           # ...

julia> tree = first(treebank)
┌──────────────────── ROOT
│                 ┌─► Pierre
│     ┌─►┌──┌──┌──└── Vinken
│     │  │  │  └────► ,
│     │  │  │     ┌─► 61
│     │  │  │  ┌─►└── years
│     │  │  └─►└───── old
│     │  └──────────► ,
└─►┌──└───────────┌── will
   │  ┌─────┌──┌──└─► join
   │  │     │  │  ┌─► the
   │  │     │  └─►└── board
   │  │  ┌──└───────► as
   │  │  │     ┌────► a
   │  │  │     │  ┌─► nonexecutive
   │  │  └────►└──└── director
   │  └──────────►┌── Nov.
   │              └─► 29
   └────────────────► .

Transition-based parsing

A number of transition systems and oracles are implemented in the TransitionParsing submodule.

julia> using DependencyTrees
julia> using DependencyTrees.TransitionParsing
julia> treebank = Treebank("test/data/english.conll")
julia> oracle = Oracle(ArcHybrid(), dymanic_oracle)
julia> for tree in treebank, (config, gold ts) in oracle(tree)
           # ...

Transition systems:

  • ArcStandard (static oracle)
  • ArcEager[1],[2] (static and dynamic oracles)
  • ArcHybrid[3],[4] (static and dynamic oracles)
  • ArcSwift[5] (static oracle)
  • ListBasedNonProjective[2] (static oracle)

See the documentation for details.


]add DependencyTrees

Contributing & Help

Open an issue! Bug reports, feature requests, etc. are all welcome.


[1]: Nivre 2003: An efficient algorithm for projective dependency parsing.

[2]: Nivre 2008: Algorithms for Deterministic Incremental Dependency Parsing.

[3]: Kuhlmann et all 2011: Dynamic programming algorithms for transition-based dependency parsers.

[4]: Goldberg & Nivre 2013: Training deterministic parsers with non-deterministic oracles.

[5]: Qi & Manning 2016: Arc-swift: a novel transition system for dependency parsing.