delassio / alfanous

Alfanous is an Arabic search engine API provides the simple and advanced search in Quran , more features and many interfaces...

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Alfanous API



Install it from Pypi:

$ sudo pip install alfanous

You can use it from console:

$ alfanous-console -a search -q الله
$ alfanous-console -a search -q Allh

or from Python:

>>> import alfanous
>>>{"action":"search","query":u"Allh"}) # Buckwalter transliteration

You can use it also from the web service:الله


number flag related action related unit description default value accepted values
1 action <none> <none> action to perform "search" search | suggest | show
2 unit search, suggest <none> search unit "aya" aya | word | translation
2 ident <all> <all> identifier of requester [experimental] "undefined" undefined
3 platform <all> <all> platform used by requester "undefined" undefined | wp7 | s60 | android | ios | linux | window
4 domain <all> <all> web domain of requester if applicable "undefined" *
5a query search,suggest <all> query attached to action "" *
5b query show <all> query attached to action "" all | translations |recitations | information | hints | surates | chapters | defaults | flags | fields | fields_reverse | errors | domains | help_messages | roots
6 highlight search <all> highlight method "css" css | html | genshi | bold | bbcode
7 script search aya, word script of aya text "standard" standard | uthmani
8 vocalized search aya, word enable vocalization of aya text "True" True | False
9 recitation search aya recitation id "1" 1 to 30
10 translation search aya, trans translation id "None" *
11 romanization search aya, word type of romanization "none" none | buckwalter | iso | arabtex
12a view search aya, word pre-defined configuration for view "custom" minimal | normal | full | statistic | linguistic | custom
12b view search translation pre-defined configuration for view "custom" minimal | normal | full | custom
13 prev_aya search aya enable previous aya retrieving "False" True | False
14 next_aya search aya enable next aya retrieving "False" True | False
15 sura_info search aya enable sura information retrieving "True" True | False
16 sura_stat_info search aya enable sura stats retrieving "False" True | False
17 word_info search aya, word enable word information retrieving "True" True | False
17a word_synonyms search aya enable retrieving of keyword synonyms "False" True | False
17b word_derivations search aya enable retrieving of keyword derivations "True" True | False
17c word_vocalizations search aya enable retrieving of keyword vocalizations "True" True | False
18 aya_position_info search aya enable aya position information retrieving "True" True | False
19 aya_theme_info search aya enable aya theme information retrieving "True" True | False
20 aya_stat_info search aya enable aya stat information retrieving "True" True | False
21 aya_sajda_info search aya enable aya sajda information retrieving "True" True | False
22 annotation_word search aya, word enable query terms annotations retrieving "False" True | False
23 annotation_aya search aya enable aya words annotations retrieving "False" True | False
24 sortedby search aya sorting order of results "score" total | score | mushaf | tanzil | subject
25 offset search <all> starting offset of results "1" 1 to 6236
26 range search <all> range of results "10" 1 to 25
27 page search <all> page number [override offset] "1" 1 to 6236
28 perpage search <all> results per page [override range] "10" 1 to 25
29 fuzzy search aya fuzzy search [exprimental] "False" True | False
30 aya search word,trans enable retrieving of aya text "True" True | False

Advanced Query Examples

Aya Search:

  • Simple search: الحمد
  • Phrases : "الحمد لله"
  • Logical relations - ANDNOT : (الصلاة - الزكاة)
  • Logical relations - AND : الصلاة + الزكاة
  • Logical relations - OR : الصلاة | الزكاة
  • Joker * : *نبي*
  • Joker ? : نعم؟
  • Fielded search : سورة:يس ( look for other Fields_ )
  • Fielded search (2) : سجدة:نعم
  • Intervals : رقم_السورة:[1 الى 5] و الله
  • Partial vocalization : آية_:'مَن'
  • Tuples (root,type= أداة | اسم | فعل) as: {قول،اسم}
  • Derivations - lemma : >مالك
  • Derivations - root : >>مالك

Translation Search:

  • Exact search: god
  • Phrase search: "seven heavens"
  • Logical relations - OR: prayer ANDNOT charity
  • Logical relations - AND: prayer AND charity
  • Logical relations - OR: prayer OR charity
  • Wildcards - Joker *: pray*
  • Wildcards - Joker ?: produc?
  • Fielded search: lang:fr
  • Fielded search (2) : author:Shakir


  • Aya Search Fields:
n عربي English Values Description
1 رقم gid 1 to 6236 Global order of Aya in the whole Quran
2 رقم_الآية aya_id 1 to 300 order of Aya inside its Sura
3 آية aya Text Aya non-vocalized standard text ( used for search)
4 آية_ aya_ Text Aya vocalized standard text ( used for show/search)
5 عثماني uth Text Aya vocalized uthmani text ( used for show/search)
6 عثماني_ uth_ Text Aya vocalized uthmani text ( used for show)
7 موضوع subject Text Thematic Division: Chapter > Topic > Subtopic
8 فصل chapter Text Thematic Division: Chapter > Topic > Subtopic
9 فرع topic Text Thematic Division: Chapter > Topic > Subtopic
10 باب subtopic Text Thematic Division: Chapter > Topic > Subtopic
11 رقم_السورة sura_id 1 to 114 Order of Sura in Mus-haf
12 سورة sura_arabic Text Arabic Name of Sura
12+ سورة_إنجليزي sura_english Text English Name of Sura
12+ سورة_تهجئة sura Text Romanized Name of Sura
13 نوع_السورة sura_type_arabic مدنية|مكية Revelation place of Sura [Arabic]
13+ نوع_السورة_إنجليزي sura_type Meccan|Medinan Revelation place of Sura [English]
14 ترتيب_السورة sura_order 1 to 114 Revelation order of Sura
15 جزء juz 1 to 30 Structural Division : Juz > Hizb > Rub
16 حزب hizb 1 to 60 Structural Division : Juz > Hizb > Rub
17 نصف nisf 1 to 2 Deprecated
18 ربع rub 1 to 4 Structural Division : Juz > Hizb > Rub
19 صفحة page Number Structural Division : Page
19+ صفحة_هندي page_IN Number Structural Division : Page (INDIAN MUSHAF)
20 منزل manzil 1 to 7 Structural Division : Manzil > Ruku
21 ركوع ruku Number Structural Division : Manzil > Ruku
22 سجدة sajda نعم | لا Test existence of a Sajda
23 رقم_السجدة sajda_id 1 | 14 Order of the Sajda if exist
24 نوع_السجدة sajda_type واجبة|مستحبة Type of the Sajda if exist
25 ح_س s_l Number Number of letters in Sura
26 ك_س s_w Number Number of words in Sura
27 ج_س s_g Number Number of God's names in Sura
28 آ_س s_a Number Number of Ayas in Sura
29 ر_س s_r Number Number of Ruku-s in Sura
30 ح_آ a_l Number Number of letters in Aya
31 ك_آ a_w Number Number of words in Aya
32 ج_آ a_g Number Number of God's names in Aya

SortedBy Options

  • Aya Search:
Option Description
score The relevance of the results compared to the query keywords
mushaf The default order of ayas in Mus-haf
tanzil The revelation order
subject The alphabetic order of the values for subjects fields
ayalenght The length of ayah from the shortest to the longest
FIELD The numerical order or alphabetic order of a costum field (see Fields_ )

Schema Samples

  • Aya Search:





"suggest": [
                  ["\u0645\u0642\u062a\u0635\u062f\u0629", "\u0645\u0624\u0635\u062f\u0629"]
"error": {
            "msg": "success ## action=suggest ; query=\u0645\u0621\u0635\u062f\u0629",
            "code": 0



   "query": "الكوثر",
   "page": 1,
   "script": "standard",
   "prev_aya": True,
   "next_aya": True,
   "sura_info": True,
   "aya_position_info":  True,
   "aya_theme_info":  True,
   "aya_stat_info":  True,
   "aya_sajda_info":  True,
   "annotation_word": True,
   "annotation_aya": True,
   "recitation": 1




    "search": {
                "runtime": 1.0951571464538574,
                "interval": {
                                "start": 1,
                                "total": 1,
                                "end": 1
                "words": {
                            "global": {
                                        "nb_words": 1,
                                        "nb_matches": 1,
                                        "nb_vocalizations": 1,
                            "individual": {

                                                            "1": {
                                                                    "word": "\u0627\u0644\u0643\u0648\u062b\u0631",
                                                                    "nb_matches": 1,
                                                                    "nb_ayas": 1,
                                                                    "nb_vocalizations": 1,
                                                                    "vocalizations": ["\u0627\u0644\u0652\u0643\u064e\u0648\u0652\u062b\u064e\u0631\u064e"],


                "ayas": {
                            "1": {

                                        "identifier": {
                                                            "gid": 6205,
                                                            "aya_id": 1,
                                                            "sura_id": 108,
                                                            "sura_name": "\u0627\u0644\u0643\u0648\u062b\u0631",

                                        "aya": {
                                                "id": 1,
                                                "text": "\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0627 \u0623\u064e\u0639\u0652\u0637\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0646\u064e\u0627\u0643\u064e <span class=\"match term0\">\u0627\u0644\u0652\u0643\u064e\u0648\u0652\u062b\u064e\u0631\u064e</span>",
                                                "recitation": "",
                                                "translation": null,
                                                "prev_aya": {
                                                                "id": 7,
                                                                "sura": "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0627\u0639\u0648\u0646",
                                                                "text": "\u0648\u064e\u064a\u064e\u0645\u0652\u0646\u064e\u0639\u064f\u0648\u0646\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0645\u064e\u0627\u0639\u064f\u0648\u0646\u064e",
                                                "next_aya": {
                                                                "id": 2,
                                                                "sura": "\u0627\u0644\u0643\u0648\u062b\u0631",
                                                                "text": "\u0641\u064e\u0635\u064e\u0644\u0651\u0650 \u0644\u0650\u0631\u064e\u0628\u0651\u0650\u0643\u064e \u0648\u064e\u0627\u0646\u0652\u062d\u064e\u0631\u0652",

                                        "sura": {
                                                    "id": 108,
                                                    "name": "\u0627\u0644\u0643\u0648\u062b\u0631",
                                                    "type": "\u0645\u0643\u064a\u0629",
                                                    "order": 15,
                                                    "ayas": 3,
                                                    "stat": {
                                                                "words": 10,
                                                                "letters": 42,
                                                                "godnames": 0,

                                        "theme": {
                                                            "chapter": "\u0623\u0631\u0643\u0627\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0625\u0633\u0644\u0627\u0645 ",
                                                            "topic": "\u0627\u0644\u062d\u062c \u0648\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0645\u0631\u0629 ",
                                                            "subtopic": null

                                        "position": {
                                                        "rub": 0,
                                                        "manzil": 7,
                                                        "ruku": 550,
                                                        "hizb": 60,
                                                        "page": 602
                                        "sajda": {
                                                    "exist": false,
                                                    "id": null,
                                                    "type": null

                                        "stat": {
                                                    "letters": 16,
                                                    "godnames": 0,
                                                    "words": 3
                                        "annotations": {
                                                            "1": {
                                                                    "arabicroot": null,
                                                                    "arabicmood": null,
                                                                    "number": null,
                                                                    "spelled": "\u0627\u0646\u0627\u0653",
                                                                    "aspect": null,
                                                                    "word_gid": 75871,
                                                                    "word_id": 1,
                                                                    "mood": null,
                                                                    "arabicspecial": "\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651",
                                                                    "state": null,
                                                                    "arabiclemma": "\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651",
                                                                    "gid": 116333,
                                                                    "type": "Particles",
                                                                    "aya_id": 1,
                                                                    "arabictoken": null,
                                                                    "form": null,
                                                                    "pos": "Accusative particle",
                                                                    "arabiccase": "\u0645\u0646\u0635\u0648\u0628",
                                                                    "part": "\u062c\u0630\u0639",
                                                                    "normalized": "\u0625\u0646\u0627\u0653",
                                                                    "case": "Accusative case",
                                                                    "sura_id": 108,
                                                                    "word": "\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0627\u0653",
                                                                    "derivation": null,
                                                                    "arabicpos": "\u062d\u0631\u0641 \u0646\u0635\u0628",
                                                                    "person": null,
                                                                    "token": null,
                                                                    "gender": null,
                                                                    "voice": null,
                                                                    "order": 1
                                                            "2": {
                                                                    "arabicroot": "\u0639\u0637\u0648",
                                                                    "arabicmood": null,
                                                                    "number": "\u062c\u0645\u0639",
                                                                    "spelled": "\u0627\u0639\u0637\u064a\u0646\u0670\u0643",
                                                                    "aspect": "Perfect verb",
                                                                    "word_gid": 75872,
                                                                    "word_id": 2,
                                                                    "mood": null,
                                                                    "arabicspecial": null,
                                                                    "state": null,
                                                                    "arabiclemma": null,
                                                                    "gid": 116335,
                                                                    "type": "Verbs",
                                                                    "aya_id": 1,
                                                                    "arabictoken": null,
                                                                    "form": "Fourth form",
                                                                    "pos": "Verb",
                                                                    "arabiccase": null,
                                                                    "part": "\u062c\u0630\u0639",
                                                                    "normalized": "\u0623\u0639\u0637\u064a\u0646\u0670\u0643",
                                                                    "case": null,
                                                                    "sura_id": 108,
                                                                    "word": "\u0623\u064e\u0639\u0652\u0637\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0646\u064e\u0670\u0643\u064e",
                                                                    "derivation": null,
                                                                    "arabicpos": "\u0641\u0639\u0644",
                                                                    "person": "\u0645\u062a\u0643\u0644\u0645",
                                                                    "token": null,
                                                                    "gender": "\u0645\u0630\u0651\u0643\u0631",
                                                                    "voice": null,
                                                                    "order": 1
                                                            "3": {
                                                                    "arabicroot": null,
                                                                    "arabicmood": null,
                                                                    "number": null,
                                                                    "spelled": "\u0671\u0644\u0643\u0648\u062b\u0631",
                                                                    "aspect": null,
                                                                    "word_gid": 75873,
                                                                    "word_id": 3,
                                                                    "mood": null,
                                                                    "arabicspecial": null,
                                                                    "state": null,
                                                                    "arabiclemma": null,
                                                                    "gid": 116337,
                                                                    "type": "determiner",
                                                                    "aya_id": 1,
                                                                    "arabictoken": "\u0627\u0644",
                                                                    "form": null,
                                                                    "pos": null,
                                                                    "arabiccase": null,
                                                                    "part": "\u0633\u0627\u0628\u0642",
                                                                    "normalized": "\u0671\u0644\u0643\u0648\u062b\u0631",
                                                                    "case": null,
                                                                    "sura_id": 108,
                                                                    "word": "\u0671\u0644\u0652\u0643\u064e\u0648\u0652\u062b\u064e\u0631\u064e",
                                                                    "derivation": null,
                                                                    "arabicpos": null,
                                                                    "person": null,
                                                                    "token": "al",
                                                                    "gender": null,
                                                                    "voice": null,
                                                                    "order": 1
                "translation_info": {},

    "error": {
                "code": 0,
                "msg": "success ## action=search ; query=\u0627\u0644\u0643\u0648\u062b\u0631",







    "show": {
        "information": {
            "engine": "Alfanous",
            "wiki": "",
            "description": "Alfanous is a Quranic search engine provides simple and advanced search services in the diverse information of the Holy Quran .",
            "author": "Assem chelli",
            "version": "0.5",
            "contact": "",
            "console_note": "this is console interface of Alfanous, try -h to get help ",
            "json_output_system_note": "\n    This is the <a href=''>JSON</a> output system of <a href=\"\">Alfanous</a> project .This feature is in Alpha test and the Json schema may be it's not stable . We are waiting for real feadbacks and suggestions to improve its efficacity,quality and stability. To contact the author ,please send a direct email to <b>[at]</b> or to the mailing list <b>alfanous [at]</b>\n    <br/><br/> For more details  visit the page of this service <a href=\"\">here</a>\n    "
    "error": {
        "msg": "success ## action=show ; query=information",
        "code": 0




response (sample):

    "show": {
        "recitations": {
            "45": {
                "bitrate": "192kbps",
                "name": "English/Ibrahim Walk TEST",
                "subfolder": "English/Ibrahim_Walk_192kbps_TEST"
            "54": {
                "bitrate": "128kbps",
                "name": "Salah Al Budair",
                "subfolder": "Salah_Al_Budair_128kbps"

    "error": {
        "msg": "success ## action=show ; query=recitations",
        "code": 0





    "show": {
        "fields": {
            "جزء": "juz",
            "عثماني ": "uth",
            "نوع_السورة": "sura_type",
            "رقم_السجدة": "sajda_id",
            "صفحة": "page",
            "ربع": "rub",
            "ر_س": "s_r",
            "ركوع": "ruku",
            "رقم_السورة": "sura_id",
            "آ_س": "s_a",
            "آية_": "aya_",
            "موضوع": "subject",
            "ج_س": "s_g",
            "ك_آ": "a_w",
            "فصل": "chapter",
            "ح_آ": "a_l",
            "سورة": "sura",
            "فرع": "topic",
            "آية": "aya",
            "رقم_الآية": "aya_id",
            "عثماني_": "uth_",
            "ك_س": "s_w",
            "نوع_السجدة": "sajda_type",
            "رقم": "gid",
            "باب": "subtopic",
            "نصف": "nisf",
            "ح_س": "s_l",
            "حزب": "hizb",
            "منزل": "manzil",
            "ج_آ": "a_g",
            "سجدة": "sajda",
            "ترتيب_السورة": "sura_order"
    "error": {
        "msg": "success ## action=show ; query=fields",
        "code": 0



The API uses many critical resources that must be downloaded and/or prepared to be used. To do that, just run this command in the root path of the project

  1. Install all building dependencies: pyparsing, epydoc, sphinx.

    • (ubuntu 12.04):

      $ sudo apt-get install python-qt4 qt4-dev-tools python-qt4-dev pyqt4-dev-tools
      $ sudo apt-get install python-distutils-extra
      $ sudo easy_install pyparsing epydoc sphinx
  2. Run the build command:

    $ cd ../../
    $ make build

For more details check Makefile


To install the API from the source (After Build ):

$ sudo python install

A console interface will be installed automatically with the API:

$ alfanous-console -h
usage: alfanous-console [flags]

note: if you are looking for alfanous legacy code, you can find it under legacy branch


Alfanous is an Arabic search engine API provides the simple and advanced search in Quran , more features and many interfaces...

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 98.8%Language:Makefile 1.2%