delarco / android-mobilefirst

Android app using IBM MobileFirst plataform example

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Android MobileFirst Example App

Simples Android app using IBM MobileFirst Platform.

It provides 2 functionalities, both using basic security:

  • View balance
  • View statements

Install IBM MobileFirst SKD

You can download the SDK at (Developer Kit).

Developer Kit Download

Now, let's install the MobileFirst CLI. It won't work with last version of the npm package manager, so you'll need to downgrade to version 3.10.10 (found this solution here). You can find a compatible node.js installer with npm 3.10.10 at (Node.js 7.3.0, Date 2016-12-20, V8 5.4.500.45).

Open a terminal and run npm install -g mfpdev-cli

You can the check installation by running mfpdev -v:

MobileFirst CLI Version

Now, run the MobileFirst Operations Console. You can find it at installation directory (deafult is c:\users\your_user\MobileFirst-

  1. Execute the batch file run.cmd (or if not windows)
  2. Get a coffee while it initializes
  3. When it's done, navigate to http://localhost:9080/mfpconsole/

MobileFirst Operations Console

  • It's in portuguese and I have no idea how to change that.

MobileFirst Adapter

  1. Install and configure Maven
  • Run mvn -v to check.

Maven Version

  1. Open a terminal, go to the directory where you want to create the adapter:
  • Run: mfpdev adapter create
  • Adapter name: AccountAdapter
  • Choose Java
  • Package Name:
  • Group ID: have no idea. Just put the same as package name and it's all good.

Adapter Create

The java adapter template provides some basic functionality. You can check the adapter resources in file AccountAdapter\src\com\your_domain\app\

Let's add our account info resource:

  • Open file for edit.
  • Add the code below to your AccountAdapterResource class:
@ApiOperation(value = "Returns account basic info", notes = "")
@ApiResponses(value = {
  @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Account basic info returned."),
  @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Account not found.") })
public Response getAccountInfo(
  @ApiParam(value = "Account Number", required = true) @QueryParam("acc") String acc) {
  if (acc.equals("12345")) {
    Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    result.put("costumer", "Leeroy Jenkins");
    result.put("balance", 1234.56);
    return Response
  } else {
    return Response
  • In terminal, go to your adapter directory and build it: mfpdev adapter build

Adapter Build

  • Then, deploy it: mfpdev adapter deploy

Adapter Build

  • At the operations console, select AccountAdapter, Resources tab and view Swagger docs.

MobileFirst Operations Console Swagger

Note that our resource is listed there (/resources/account).

In Swagger page, expand the Sample Adapter Resource, then /resource/account.

Before testing the resource, we'll need to authenticate. Click the authentication button.

Swagger Authentication

Select DEFAULT_SCOPE and Authorize. User: test, password: test.

Now, type our hardcoded account number (12345) and click Try it out!.

Swagger Try it out

If you type any other value for parameter acc, you'll get an 404 response.

Ok, now we need a Statement class:

class Statement {

  private String description;

  private double value;

  private double balance;

  private char type;

  public Statement(String description, double value, double balance, char type) {
    this.description = description;
    this.value = value;
    this.balance = balance;
    this.type = type;

  public String getDescription() { 
    return description;

  public double getValue() {
    return value;

  public double getBalance() {
    return balance;

  public char getType() {
    return type;

And our statements resource:

@ApiOperation(value = "Returns account statements", notes = "")
@ApiResponses(value = {
  @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Account statements returned."),
  @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Account not found.") })
public Response getAccountStatements(
  @ApiParam(value = "Account Number", required = true) @QueryParam("acc") String acc) {
  if (acc.equals("12345")) {
    List<Statement> result = new ArrayList<Statement>();
    result.add(new Statement("Starbucks", 12.35, 98123.45, 'D'));
    result.add(new Statement("", 999.99, 97123.46, 'D'));
    result.add(new Statement("Poker Vegas D", 53481.65, 43641.81, 'D'));
    result.add(new Statement("Poker Vegas C", 187539.01, 231180.82, 'C'));
    return Response
  } else {
    return Response

Build and deploy: mfpdev adapter build && mfpdev adapter deploy

Adapter Build and Deploy

Like the account resource, you can test it in MF Operations Console (Swagger).

Ok! All set! Now, our Android app...

Android Project

Create a new Android Project.

Make sure you have JCenter as one of the repositories that your app will look for dependencies. Open your_app_project\build.gradle (root) and check/add:

buildscript {
  repositories {
allprojects {
  repositories {

Now, open your_app_project\app\build.gradle file for edit. Add:

(We'll be using google Gson lib to parse our responses)

android {
  packagingOptions {
    pickFirst 'META-INF/ASL2.0'
    pickFirst 'META-INF/LICENSE'
    pickFirst 'META-INF/NOTICE'
  dependencies {
    implementation ''
    implementation ''

MobileFirst will need some permissions and an activity. Edit your AndroidManifest.xml (at your_app_project\app\src\main) and add:

  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>

    <activity android:name="com.worklight.wlclient.ui.UIActivity" />

According to IBM knowledge center, UIActivity is an

Android Activity class that the IBM Worklight platform uses to display UI (dialogs and such) in an Android environment.

Create the file our_app_project\app\src\main\assets\ with the content:


The value in wlServerHost is the special alias to your host loopback interface (explanation here), so the android emulator can connect to localhost.

Finally, we have to register our app. Open the terminal and go to Android Project root directory and run mfpdev app register:

Register App Terminal

The app should be listed under Applications in the MobileFirst Operations Console:

Register App Operations Console

In MobileFirst Operations Console Applications, select our app and then Authenticity. Turn it on.

App Authenticity Validation

Ok! Our app is ready to use our AccountAdapter!

This tutorial is not about Android development, so I won't go through all the details. If you don't know where to copy/paste the code below, just take a look at the source code.

Getting the access token:

// Instantiate client
client = WLClient.createInstance(this);

// Get an access token
WLAuthorizationManager.getInstance().obtainAccessToken(null, new WLAccessTokenListener() {
  public void onSuccess(AccessToken accessToken) {
    // ok!

  public void onFailure(WLFailResponse wlFailResponse) {
    // error: wlFailResponse.getErrorMsg()

Request a resource:

WLResourceRequest request = new WLResourceRequest(
  WLResourceRequest.GET, null);

  request.setQueryParameter("acc", "12345");

  request.send(new WLResponseListener() {
    public void onSuccess(WLResponse wlResponse) {
      // ok!

    public void onFailure(WLFailResponse wlFailResponse) {
      // error: wlFailResponse.getErrorMsg()

App screens:

App Balance App Statements



Android app using IBM MobileFirst plataform example

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Java 100.0%