dejanu / KubeDebugger

k8s debug tips & tricks' & kubernetes plugins

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Images with tools

  • If the container image includes debugging utilities just follow this guide

  • Plugins for kubectl here

OpenSSL + cURL

  • Dockerhub repo dejanualex/curlopenssl

  • OpenSSL 3.1.3 19 Sep 2023 (Library: OpenSSL 3.1.3 19 Sep 2023)

  • Start container with interactive shell:

docker run --rm -it dejanualex/curlopenssl:1.0
# explicit 
docker run -rm -itu 0 dejanualex/curlopenssl:1.0  /bin/sh
  • Start pod with interactive shell:
kubectl  run curlopenssl -i --tty --image=dejanualex/curlopenssl:1.0  -- sh
# if Session ended, resume using
kubectl  attach curlopenssl -c curlopenssl -i -t


  • Dockerhub repo dejanualex/mssql-tools

  • SQL Server Command Line Tool Version 13.1.0007: sqlcmd and bcp utilities

  • Start container with interactive shell:

docker run --rm -it dejanualex/mssql-tools:1.0
# explicit 
docker run --rm -itu 0 dejanualex/mssql-tools:1.0 /bin/sh
  • Start pod with interactive shell:
kubectl run mymsssql -i --tty --image=dejanualex/mssql-tools:1.0
# if Session ended, resume using
kubectl attach mymsssql -c mymsssql -i -t


  • Dockerhub repo dejanualex/pgadmin4

  • pgAdmin version 7: management tool for PostgreSQL

  • Start container in background:

# Run the following to generate the credentials file change them

docker run -p 5050:80 --env-file .env  dejanualex/pgadmin4:1.0 -d


k8s debug tips & tricks' & kubernetes plugins


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