deftio / simple-py-crawlbot

Simple python cli website crawler with output summary

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple Python Website Crawler


This is a simple python web crawler which attempts to crawl all the pages of a given url using beautiful soup library and selenium.

It captures each page's HTML content, saves it locally, and provides a JSON summary of the crawled pages. The tool is intended for use in testing and validating site content and structure.


This is meant to be a simple crawler - if the site you wish to crawl has complex javascript it may not work. Also please be responsible in crawling sites as it can take much site bandwidth and respect appropriate copyrights and other information.

The crawler will not attempt to handle logins or firewalls.


  • Headless Browser Crawling: Utilizes a headless Chrome browser to navigate and download web pages.
  • Duplicate Handling: Normalizes URLs to avoid processing and storing duplicate content.
  • Local Storage: Saves each page as a static HTML file.
  • JSON Summary: Generates a summary of all processed pages, including titles, file paths, and URLs.

Prerequisites & Installation

Before you run the web crawler, you must install the following:

  • Python 3.9 or newer (technically 3.6 should work but some of the deps may soon no longer be supported)
  • Selenium
  • BeautifulSoup4
  • ChromeDriver (make sure it matches your Chrome version and is placed in your PATH)

A separate script : can be used to extract text while preserving the document hierarchy.

You can install the required Python packages using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you have issues or conflicts with packages try creating a virtual environment with conda or simlar. Virtual environments isolate the packages for this project from your current python packages and set up.

How to install Conda

Then at the command line run this command such as :

conda create -n simple-py-crawlbot python=3.10
conda activate simple-py-crawlbot

use this to deactivate the virtual env:

conda deactivate


The crawler takes several cli (command line interface) arguments:

--url: Required. Specifies the starting URL for the crawler. Example: --url "https://my-website-to-crawl/"

--output-dir: Specifies the directory where the HTML files will be stored. Default is "output". Example: --output_dir custom_directory

--summary: Specifies the filename for the JSON summary. Default is "summary.json". Example: --summary custom_summary.json

--progress: Enables progress display during the crawling process. This is a flag; include it to activate. Example: --progress

--clean: Removes non-informational content (such as scripts and styles) from the HTML files. This is a flag; include it to activate. Example: --clean

--max_links: Limits the number of links to crawl. If omitted, the crawler processes the entire site. Example: --max_links 100

Each CLI argument can be used in combination to fine-tune the behavior of the crawler based on the needs of the user. You can customize the input parameters to control various aspects like the extent of crawling, output customization, and content processing.


Here is an example using the cli arguments

python --url --output output_pages --summary_file detailed_summary.json --progress --clean --max_links 50

--url This sets the starting URL for the crawler to the specified website.

--output_dir output_pages: This directs the script to save all crawled HTML files in a directory named output_pages.

--summary detailed_summary.json: Specifies that the JSON summary of the crawl should be saved with the filename detailed_summary.json.

--progress: Includes a progress flag that enables real-time output showing the progress of the crawl, indicating how many links have been saved and what the current URL being processed is.

--clean: Activates the cleaning function, which will strip non-essential content such as scripts and CSS from the HTML files to focus only on the informational content.

--max_links 50: Limits the crawler to processing a maximum of 50 links from the website, which is useful for keeping the scope of the crawl manageable or for testing purposes. (if left out it will attempt to crawl the whole site)

Clean and Strip ( cli utility)

The script is a cli program which takes a directory of html files (such as output from the script) and outputs a yaml file for each intput html file which has just the text (no css or styles or html attributes) from the source directory. Files are stored in yaml format but are human readable.

Usage is as follows:

clean-and-strip -input_dir input_directory_of_crawled_files  -output_dir output_directory_of_extracted_text

Also included is which can take a directory of yaml files and convert to json. Can be used with above -input_dir input_directory_of_crawled_files  -output_dir output_directory_of_extracted_text




Simple python cli website crawler with output summary



Language:Python 100.0%