defless / defless

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

stopieani ieisevil duh iebarf

Hi, Hola, Bonjour, こんにちは 👋

I'm a young web developer but above all a very curious guy with a weird passion for C15 (french grandpa's car 🚐) & food !

What I'm doing ? 🔥

Curently working at @p3ol in Bordeaux with some strange but very nice guys ❤️

What are my skills ? 🤔

I like to qualify myself as a JavaScript adventurer, a React slayer, a NodeJs lover and a bunch of other things that you wouldn't expect ... 🧑‍💻

How to contact me ? 🔮

You can try to send me a homing pigeon or just use the shining but maybe linkedin would be an easyer way

