defano / studiomix-xfcn

A HyperCard XFCN providing advanced audio controls and sound mixing.

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StudioMix XFCN

A HyperCard XFCN (external function) providing advanced audio controls and sound mixing.

Wait, what?!

I developed this as high school student (circa 1995-96) as an extension to HyperCard (a long-defunct program / application development environment that shipped with every Macintosh sold in the late eighties and nineties). I have archived its source code and documentation here for posterity. And nostalgia.



Since the inception of HyperCard, there has always been the play command. Unfortunately, HyperCard has never supported a command to play multiple sounds simultaneously. Now, with the functionality of StudioMix, HyperCard can now not only mix multiple sounds but also allow controls for pitch, volume, background looping, pausing, and stopping all while HyperCard continues to process user actions.


  • A Macintosh computer with a 68020 microprocessor or better.
  • Apple Sound Chip (ASC) or the Enhanced Apple Sound Chip (EASC)
  • Macintosh OS System software 6.0.5 or better.
  • At least 2.5 megabytes memory. 5 megabytes required for most functionality.
  • HyperCard version 2.1.0 or better.

Error Codes

Error Code Description
(-700) "Bad Parameter List." StudioMix was passed the wrong number of parameters for the given subcommand
(-701) "Not Enough Memory." Not enough application memory is available to carry out the function of the specified subcommand. Increasing the amount of memory given to HyperCard may help.
(-702) "Invalid or Bad Sound "snd" Resource." The sound resource you wish to play does not exist in any currently open resource forks. If the sound exists in another stack use HyperCard's "Start using" command.
(-703) "Bad Parameter in Command." A parameter passed to a subcommand is invalid.
(-704) "Digital Sound Studio General Failure." Multiple errors occurred when executing the subcommand. This error is generally proceeded by other internal errors such as (-701). Sending FLUSH may help.
(-705) "Error Sending Sound Manager Command." The sound manager returned an error when it was passed a command, this is an internal system software problem. Try using FLUSH.
(-706) "Cant unload a resource in use" The memory manager was unable to safely dispose of a sound resource because it is still in use.
(-707) "Couldn’t find a resource with that name" StudioMix could not find the specified resource. Try checking the spelling of the name, the resource may also lie in another file not currently open.
(-709) "There is currently no sound resource cued in that channel" StudioMix could not play the cue in the channel because there is no sound cued in it. This may be caused from an UNLOAD command or the CUE was unable to load the sound.

Special Considerations

During the external functions first call from HyperCard StudioMix creates three global variables to store memory data. The variables are labeled:


These three variables hold a LongInt unsigned integer that holds the location of a sound channel. Since the StudioMix XFCN cannot hold global data between invocations, it stores data in the HyperCard environment. The LongInt stored is determined by:

DSSInternalData : LongInt;
DSSInternalData := LONGINT(POINTER(SndChannelPtr));


Changing any of the internal data variables will render StudioMix inoperable until a FLUSH subcommand is issued. Memory allocated by the old sound channels will be lost.



StudioMix will return "empty" when it has successfully executed, otherwise when sound processing fails an error code will be passed to HypeCard as its result.

COMMAND Specifies a StudioMix subcommand. The command is case-insensitive and may contain a variable in its place. COMMAND should contain one of the following subcommands:


Begins sound play in a given channel. PLAY requires parameters 1 - 3. Syntax for the play subcommand is:


Parameter Description
ChanID Contains either string constant Chan1 or Chan2. Only one sound can be played on a single channel at one time. A PLAY command passed on a busy sound channel is ignored by the XFCN. To play multiple sounds simultaneously call StudioMix twice; the first time using Chan1 and the second time using Chan2.
ResName Contains the full name of the resource to be played (this will be the same name that is passed to the built in HyperCard Play command).
[InitVol] (Optional) Contains the initial volume that the sound will begin play at. [InitVol] should contain an integer between 0 and 255. 0 specifies the lowest (and muted) sound volume, whereas 255 specifies the loudest sound volume. Negative integers will be played at a 0 volume as well as integers greater than 255 will be given volumes of 255.
[InitPitch] (Optional) Contains an integer between 1 and 10 specifying the rate at which the sound will begin play at. 1 signifies a slower play, 10 signifies a faster play. Passing a 5 as [InitPitch] will play the sound as its default rate contained in its sound header.

NOTE: The InitVol parameter is required when using InitPitch. Do not include the InitPitch without also specifying an InitVol, otherwise the InitPitch will be misconstrued by the XFCN as InitVol.


Starting sound play from StudioMix’s second sound channel with an initial volume of 200 at a default rate of 22khz:

Get StudioMix("PLAY","Chan2","MySndRes",200,5)

Starting sound play from StudioMix’s second sound channel ignoring optional parameters.

Get StudioMix("PLAY","Chan2","MySndRes")


Stops the current sound being played on a given sound channel. The STOP subcommand syntax is as follows:

Parameter Description
ChanID Contains either Chan1 or Chan2. If no sound is currently being played on the channel STOP is ignored.


Stopping the sound playing on Chan2.

Get StudioMix("STOP","Chan2")


Pauses the sound playing in a given channel. Syntax for the PAUSE subcommand is as follows:

Parameter Description
ChanID Contains either Chan1 or Chan2. If no sound is currently paused on the channel given PAUSE is ignored.


Pausing the sound playing on Chan1.

Get StudioMix("PAUSE","Chan1")


Resumes a sound that has been paused, or rate modified in a given channel. RESUME resets the rate of the currently playing sound to that specified in its sound header. Syntax for the RESUME subcommand is as follows:

Parameter Description
ChanID Contains either Chan1 or Chan2.


The RESUME subcommand is also available as UNPAUSE.


RESUME will continue sound play at the sounds default rate. Therefore, a sound that is paused and then "resumed", will not necessarily play at the rate it was playing before a pause command, if the RATE command was sent to StudioMix prior to PAUSE. In order to counteract this problem, store the sound's rate in a variable (theOldRate), pause the sound, and instead of sending Get studioMix(RESUME,Chan1) use Get studioMix(SETRATE,Chan1,theOldRate).


Resuming play on the previously paused Chan1.

Get StudioMix("RESUME","Chan1")


Set the rate of play (pitch) of the currently playing sound in a specified sound channel, hence altering the sounds pitch, octave, and duration. The SETRATE syntax is as follows:

Parameter Description
ChanID Contains either Chan1 or Chan2. If no sound is currently playing on the channel given SETRATE is ignored.
RateVar An integer ranging from 1 to 10 where 1 is a slower rate and 10 is a faster rate. A RateVar less than 1 will be set to 1 as well a RateVar greater than 10 will be set to 10. Passing 5 to RateVar specifies that the sound should be played at the default rate.


Calling the SETRATE command on a channel that is paused will cause the channel to resume play at the new rate. See the RESUME command for more information about "unpausing" channels using SETRATE.


Setting the rate of the sound playing on channel 2 (Chan2) to a pitch slightly higher than its recorded speed of 22khz.

Get StudioMix("SETRATE","Chan2",7)


Sets the output volume of the currently playing sound on a specified channel. The SETRATE syntax is as follows:

Parameter Description
ChanID Contains either Chan1 or Chan2. If no sound is currently playing on the channel given SETVOL is ignored.
AmpVar An integer ranging from 0 to 255 where 0 is the lowest (muted) sound volume and 255 is the loudest volume. A AmpVar less than 0 will be set to 0 whereas a AmpVar greater than 255 will be set to 255.


Setting the volume of the sound playing on channel 1 (Chan1) to its loudest volume.

Get StudioMix("SETVOL","Chan1",255)


Installs a sound resource as a background loop. The sound specified in BeatParam is looped indefinitely without a gap between sounds. The syntax for BEAT is as follows:

Parameter Description
BeatParam Contains either a valid command for the beat channel or a valid sound resource name. BeatParam can contain one of the following: STOP - Stops the currently playing loop sound. DEVIATE - Causes a deviation (cut) the in playing sound.

If the beat command is not passed one of above string constants it assumes that the BeatParam parameter contains a variable of ResName - The name of a valid sound resource to be looped.


Starting a sound named "MyBeat" in an indefinite loop.

Get StudioMix("BEAT","MyBeat")

Deviating the current beat.

Get StudioMix("BEAT","Deviate")

Stopping the current beat.

Get StudioMix("BEAT","Stop")


Inserts a "variation" in the currently playing beat. When VARIATE is called the beat loop is interrupted and the passed sound resource is played. When the variation resource is finished the beat continues playing.

Parameter Description
SndRes Contains the name of an available sound resource.


Adding a variation in the currently playing beat.

Get StudioMix("VARIATE","MyVariationResource")


Returns a boolean (logical) expression for the status of a given sound channel. The ISDONE subcommand returns TRUE if the if the sound channel has finished processing commands and FALSE if it hasn’t. ISDONE syntax is as follows

Parameter Description
Chan Contains a channel identifier equal to Chan1, Chan2 or Beat"


Determine if the sound playing on channel 1 has finished

Get StudioMix("ISDONE","Chan1")


Allows control of the Macintosh’s master volume. Changing the value of MASTERVOL changes the volume of all StudioMix channels, the alert sound and any other sounds currently playing. This has the same effect as changing the volume in the "Sound" control panel.

Parameter Description
VolumeLevel Contains an integer between 0 and 7; 0 being softest and 7 being loudest. The actual value used for volume is calculated by dividing VolLevel by seven. Therefore a VolLevel of 14 is the same as a VolLevel of 7.


Changing the volume of all sound channels on the Macintosh to a loud setting:

Get StudioMix("MASTERVOL","7")


Returns the value set by SETMASTERVOL, the Macintosh master volume. The syntax for determining GETMASTERVOL is as follows:



Putting the master volume level into a container called gMasterVol

put StudioMix(GETMASTERVOL) into gMasterVol


Loads a specified sound in a given sound channel so that there is no loading delay when the sound is played. Use CUE when sound play timing is imperative.

Parameter Description
Chan Contains a channel identifier equal to Chan1, Chan2.
SndRes Contains the name of an available sound resource.


Using the CUE command to preload a resource for quick timing control.

On PlayStudioMixCue

    If StudioMix(QUE,"Chan1","MySound") is not empty then
	  end if

			-- Do your other routine

		Get StudioMix(PLAY,"Chan1","QUE","200,"5")

End PlayStudioMixCue


Unloads the memory obtained by a StudioMix PLAY or CUE command. When no sound has been cued in a channel and a PLAY command is executed, StudioMix allocates a bock of memory to hold the given sound resource. The next time StudioMix is called with PLAY, STOP, or CUE the old block of memory is purged. To purge a block of memory without calling PLAY or STOP use UNLOAD. The UNLOAD syntax is as follows:

Parameter Description
Chan Contains a channel identifier equal to Chan1, Chan2 or Beat


Unloading the sound resource that is no longer in use on channel 1

Get StudioMix("UNLOAD","Chan1")


Flushes all memory from StudioMix sound channels. The FLUSH subcommand begins by quieting all StudioMix sounds currently playing, removes all used resources, and deletes the used sound channels.

The FLUSH subcommand is useful in fixing internal errors returned by StudioMix. Often after HyperCard receives an errorCode from StudioMix the XFCN will continue to fail in processing commands generally due to an internal memory error. This may be fixed without restarting HyperCard by sending a FLUSH command. The FLUSH subcommand uses no other parameters. Its syntax is as follows:



Get StudioMix("Flush")


Determines if the current operating environment has the necessary hardware and software to run the StudioMix XFCN. If the current operating environment is suitable for StudioMix then GESTALTSTUDIO returns true, otherwise it returns false

StudioMix calls this routine each time a sound based subcommand is passed to it. If StudioMix determines that the operating environment is unable to run StudioMix it will emit the system sound and ignore any call to it.

GESTALTSTUDIO can be used as a preliminary measure to alert the user of hardware incompatibilities. Syntax is as follows:



Get StudioMix("GestaltStudio")


Returns the number of bytes that a given sound resource’s data is offset from its resource header. Offset returns the same value as the toolbox trap GetSndHeaderOffset. Syntax is as follows:


MySndResourceName is a valid sound resource identifier.


Get StudioMix("Offset",CoolSound)


Respectively enables or disables the system beep alert sound on the Macintosh. A system beep that has been disabled will remain disabled until an ENABLEBEEP call is made or the Macintosh is restarted. Syntax is as follows:



When the system alert has been disabled no sound will be heard nor will the menubar be flashed when the Beep command is sent from HyperCard. In addition, no other applications will be able to use the alert sound.


Get StudioMix("DisableBeep")


Returns information from the sound manager regarding sound process time given to StudioMix.

CPU Data returns 3 items separated by commas. Item 1 is the percentage of time currently be used by the CPU for sound manager processing. Item 2 is the maximum percentage that item may reach. If this is less that 100% it signifies that the CPU is also busy processing other (often time-based) data such as QuickTime. Item 3 returns the number of sound channels allocated. StudioMix always has three channels available, other applications may also have an allocated channel. Syntax is as follows:



Answering information regarding CPU status:

On DoTellCPU
    Put item 1 of StudioMix(CPUData) into CurTime
    Put item 2 of StudioMix(CPUData) into MaxTime
    Put item 3 of StudioMix(CPUData) into NumChannels

    Answer "CPU DATA:" & Return & "Processing time: " & CurTime & Return & "Max CPU Time: " && MaxTime & Return & "Allocated Channels: " && NumChannels

End DoTellCPU


Determines whether built in play-from-disk routines should be used in StudioMix. Play from disk allows StudioMix to play large sounds with fairly little memory. However, as a tradeoff to memory, DISKPLAY may cause HyperCard to run slower than usual.

Parameter Description
DiskBoolean Contains either TRUE or FALSE. True indicating that play from disk should be enabled.


Get StudioMix("DiskPlay",True)


Returns the value set by DISKPLAY indicating whether StudioMix is executing play from disk routines.



Get StudioMix("DiskPlay")


A HyperCard XFCN providing advanced audio controls and sound mixing.


Language:Pascal 100.0%