deepch / goio

An implementation of IO, Stream, Fiber for golang inspired by cats and fs2

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Implementation of IO, Stream, Fiber using go1.18 generics

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This library is an attempt to fill the gap of a decent generics streaming libraries in Go lang. The existing alternatives do not yet use Go 1.18 generics to their full potential.

The design is inspired by awesome Scala libraries cats-effect and fs2.


This package provides a few general functions that are sometimes useful.

  • fun.Const[A any, B any](b B)func(A)B
  • fun.ConstUnit[B any](b B) func(Unit)B
  • fun.Identity[A any](a A) A - Identity function returns the given value unchanged.
  • fun.Swap[A any, B any, C any](f func(a A)func(b B)C) func(b B)func(a A)C
  • fun.Curry[A any, B any, C any](f func(a A, b B)C) func(a A)func(b B)C

There are also basic data structures - Unit, Pair and Either.

  • fun.Unit - type that has only one instance
  • fun.Unit1 - the instance of the Unit type
  • fun.Pair[A,B] - type that represents both A and B.
  • fun.Either[A,B] - type that represents either A or B.

For Either there are a few helper functions:

  • fun.Left[A any, B any](a A) Either[A, B]
  • fun.Right[A any, B any](b B) Either[A, B]
  • fun.IsLeft[A any, B any](eab Either[A, B]) bool
  • fun.IsRight[A any, B any](eab Either[A, B]) bool
  • fun.Fold[A any, B any, C any](eab Either[A, B], left func(A)C, right func(B)C) C - Fold pattern matches Either with two given pattern match handlers

For debug purposes it's useful to convert arbitrary data to strings.

  • fun.ToString[A any](a A) string - converts the value to string using Sprintf %v.


IO encapsulates a calculation and provides a mechanism to compose a few calculations (flat map or bind).


To construct an IO one may use the following functions:

  • io.Lift[A](a A) IO[A] - lifts a plain value to IO
  • io.Fail[A](err error) IO[A] - lifts an error to IO
  • io.Eval[A](func () (A, error)) IO[A] - lifts an arbitrary computation. Panics are handled and represented as errors.
  • io.Delay[A any](f func()IO[A]) IO[A] - represents a function as a plain IO
  • io.Fold[A any, B any](io IO[A], f func(a A)IO[B], recover func (error)IO[B]) IO[B] - handles both happy and sad paths.
  • io.Recover[A any](io IO[A], recover func(err error)IO[A])IO[A] - handle only sad path and recover some errors to happy path.


The following functions could be used to manipulate computations:

  • io.FlatMap[A, B](ioa IO[A], f func(A)IO[B]) IO[B]
  • io.AndThen[A any, B any](ioa IO[A], iob IO[B]) IO[B] - AndThen runs the first IO, ignores it's result and then runs the second one.
  • io.MapPure[A, B](ioa IO[A], f func(A)B) IO[B]
  • io.Map[A, B](ioa IO[A], f func(A)(B, error)) IO[B]
  • io.Sequence[A any](ioas []IO[A]) (res IO[[]A])
  • io.SequenceUnit(ious []IO[Unit]) (res IOUnit)
  • io.Unptr[A any](ptra *A) IO[A] - retrieves the value at pointer. Fails if nil
  • io.Wrapf[A any](io IO[A], format string, args...interface{}) IO[A] - wraps an error with additional context information

To and from GoResult - allows to handle both good value and an error:

  • io.FoldToGoResult[A any](io IO[A]) IO[GoResult[A]] - FoldToGoResult converts either value or error to go result. It should never fail.
  • io.UnfoldGoResult[A any](iogr IO[GoResult[A]]) IO[A] - UnfoldGoResult represents GoResult back to ordinary IO.


To finally run all constructed computations one may use UnsafeRunSync or ForEach:

  • io.UnsafeRunSync[A](ioa IO[A])
  • io.ForEach[A any](io IO[A], cb func(a A))IO[fun.Unit] - ForEach calls the provided callback after IO is completed.

Parallel computing

Go routine is represented using the Fiber[A] interface:

type Fiber[A any] interface {
	// Join waits for results of the fiber.
	// When fiber completes, this IO will complete and return the result.
	// After this fiber is closed, all join IOs fail immediately.
	Join() IO[A]
	// Closes the fiber and stops sending callbacks.
	// After closing, the respective go routine may complete
	// This is not Cancel, it does not send any signals to the fiber.
	// The work will still be done.
	Close() IO[fun.Unit]
	// Cancel sends cancellation signal to the Fiber.
	// If the fiber respects the signal, it'll stop.
	// Yet to be implemented.
	// Cancel() IO[Unit]
  • io.Start[A any](io IO[A]) IO[Fiber[A]] - Start will start the IO in a separate go-routine. It'll establish a channel with callbacks, so that any number of listeners could join the returned fiber. When completed it'll start sending the results to the callbacks. The same value will be delivered to all listeners.
  • io.FireAndForget[A any](ioa IO[A]) IO[fun.Unit] - FireAndForget runs the given IO in a go routine and ignores the result. It uses Fiber underneath.

Using channels with IO and parallel computations

  • io.ToChannel[A any](ch chan A)func(A)IO[fun.Unit] - ToChannel saves the value to the channel.
  • io.MakeUnbufferedChannel[A any]() IO[chan A] - MakeUnbufferedChannel allocates a new unbufered channel.
  • io.CloseChannel[A any](ch chan A) IO[fun.Unit] - CloseChannel is an IO that closes the given channel.
  • io.ToChannelAndClose[A any](ch chan A)func(A)IO[fun.Unit] - ToChannelAndClose sends the value to the channel and then closes the channel.
  • io.FromChannel[A any](ch chan A)IO[A] - FromChannel reads a single value from the channel

Running things in parallel

  • io.Parallel[A any](ios []IO[A]) IO[[]A] - Parallel starts the given IOs in Go routines and waits for all results
  • io.ConcurrentlyFirst[A any](ios []IO[A]) IO[A] - ConcurrentlyFirst - runs all IOs in parallel. Returns the very first result.

Working with time

  • io.Sleep(d time.Duration)IO[fun.Unit] - Sleep makes the IO sleep the specified time.
  • io.SleepA[A any](d time.Duration, value A)IO[A] - SleepA sleeps and then returns the constant value
  • var ErrorTimeout - an error that will be returned in case of timeout
  • io.WithTimeout[A any](d time.Duration) func(ioa IO[A]) IO[A] - WithTimeout waits IO for completion for no longer than the provided duration. If there are no results, the IO will fail with timeout error.
  • io.Never[A any]() IO[A] - Never is a simple IO that never returns.
  • io.Notify[A any](d time.Duration, value A, cb Callback[A]) IO[fun.Unit] - Notify starts a separate thread that will call the given callback after the specified time.
  • io.NotifyToChannel[A any](d time.Duration, value A, ch chan A) IO[fun.Unit] - NotifyToChannel sends message to channel after specified duration.

Simple async operations

type Callback[A any] func(A, error) - is used as a notification mechanism for asyncronous communications.

  • io.Async[A any](k func(Callback[A])) IO[A] - represents an asyncronous computation that will eventually call the callback.
  • io.StartInGoRoutineAndWaitForResult[A any](io IO[A]) IO[A] - StartInGoRoutineAndWaitForResult - not very useful function. While it executes the IO in the go routine, the current thread is blocked.


Stream represents a potentially infinite source of values. Internally stream is a state machine that receives some input, updates internal state and produces some output. Implementation is immutable, so we have to maintain the updated stream along the way.


The following functions could be used to create a new stream:

  • stream.Empty[A any]()Stream[A] - returns an empty stream.
  • stream.EmptyUnit() Stream[fun.Unit] - returns an empty stream of units. It's more performant than Empty[Unit] because the same instance is being used.
  • stream.FromSlice[A any](as []A) Stream[A]
  • stream.Lift[A any](a A) Stream[A]
  • stream.LiftMany[A any](as ...A) Stream[A]
  • stream.Generate[A any, S any](zero S, f func(s S) (S, A)) Stream[A] - generates an infinite stream based on a generator function.
  • stream.Unfold[A any](zero A, f func(A) A) Stream[A] - generates an infinite stream from previous values
  • stream.FromStepResult[A any](iosr io.IO[StepResult[A]]) Stream[A] - basic definition of a stream - IO that returns value and continuation.
  • stream.Eval[A any](ioa io.IO[A]) Stream[A] - Eval returns a stream of one value that is the result of IO.


Typical manipulations with a stream includes Map, FlatMap, Filter and some other helper functions.

  • stream.Map[A any, B any](stm Stream[A], f func(a A)B) Stream[B]
  • stream.FlatMap[A any, B any](stm Stream[A], f func (a A) Stream[B]) Stream[B]
  • stream.AndThen[A any](stm1 Stream[A], stm2 Stream[A]) Stream[A]
  • stream.MapEval[A any, B any](stm Stream[A], f func(a A)io.IO[B]) Stream[B]
  • stream.Filter[A any](stm Stream[A], f func(A)bool) Stream[A]
  • stream.Flatten[A any](stm Stream[Stream[A]]) Stream[A] - Flatten simplifies a stream of streams to just the stream of values by concatenating all inner streams.

Important functions that allow to implement stateful stream transformation:

  • stream.StateFlatMap[A any, B any, S any](stm Stream[A], zero S, f func (a A, s S) (S, Stream[B])) Stream[B] - consumes each element of the stream together with some state. The state is updated afterwards.
  • stream.StateFlatMapWithFinish[A any, B any, S any](stm Stream[A], zero S, f func(a A, s S) (S, Stream[B]), onFinish func(s S) Stream[B]) Stream[B] - when the original stream finishes, there still might be some important state. This function invokes onFinish with the residual state value and appends the returned stream at the end.


After constructing the desired pipeline, the stream needs to be executed.

  • stream.DrainAll[A any](stm Stream[A]) io.IO[fun.Unit]
  • stream.AppendToSlice[A any](stm Stream[A], start []A) io.IO[[]A]
  • stream.ToSlice[A any](stm Stream[A]) io.IO[[]A]
  • stream.Head[A any](stm Stream[A]) io.IO[A] - returns the first element if it exists. Otherwise - an error.
  • stream.Collect[A any](stm Stream[A], collector func (A) error) io.IO[fun.Unit] - collects all element from the stream and for each element invokes the provided function.
  • stream.ForEach[A any](stm Stream[A], collector func (A)) io.IO[fun.Unit] - invokes a simple function for each element of the stream.


Provides a few utilities for working with channels:

  • stream.ToChannel[A any](stm Stream[A], ch chan A) io.IO[fun.Unit] - sends all stream elements to the given channel
  • stream.FromChannel[A any](ch chan A) Stream[A] - constructs a stream that reads from the given channel until the channel is open.
  • stream.PairOfChannelsToPipe[A any, B any](input chan A, output chan B) Pipe[A, B] - PairOfChannelsToPipe - takes two channels that are being used to talk to some external process and convert them into a single pipe. It first starts a separate go routine that will continously run the input stream and send all it's contents to the input channel. The current thread is left with reading from the output channel.

Pipes and sinks

Pipe is as simple as a function that takes one stream and returns another stream.

Sink is a Pipe that returns a stream of units. That stream could be drained afterwards.

  • stream.NewSink[A any](f func(a A)) Sink[A]
  • stream.Through[A any, B any](stm Stream[A], pipe Pipe[A, B]) Stream[B]
  • stream.ToSink[A any](stm Stream[A], sink Sink[A]) Stream[fun.Unit]

Length manipulation

A few functions that can produce infinite stream (Repeat), cut the stream to known position (Take) or skip a few elements in the beginning (Drop).

  • stream.Repeat[A any](stm Stream[A]) Stream[A] - infinitely repeat stream forever
  • stream.Take[A any](stm Stream[A], n int) Stream[A]
  • stream.Drop[A any](stm Stream[A], n int) Stream[A]


We sometimes want to intersperse the stream with some separators.

  • stream.AddSeparatorAfterEachElement[A any](stm Stream[A], sep A) Stream[A]

Text processing

Reading and writing large text files line-by-line.

  • text.ReadLines(reader fio.Reader) stream.Stream[string]
  • text.WriteLines(writer fio.Writer) stream.Sink[string]

Slice utilities

Some utilities that are convenient when working with slices.

  • slice.Map[A any, B any](as []A, f func(A)B)(bs []B)
  • slice.FlatMap[A any, B any](as []A, f func(A)[]B)(bs []B)
  • slice.FoldLeft[A any, B any](as []A, zero B, f func(B, A)B) (res B)
  • slice.Filter[A any](as []A, p func(a A) bool) (res []A)
  • slice.FilterNot[A any](as []A, p func(a A) bool) (res []A) - same as Filter, but inverses the predicate p.
  • slice.Flatten[A any](ass [][]A)(aas[]A)

We can convert a slice to a set:

  • slice.ToSet[A comparable](as []A)(s Set[A])

Where the Set type is defined as follows:

  • type Set[A comparable] map[A]struct{}

And we can perform some operations with sets:

  • slice.SetSize[A comparable](s Set[A]) int - SetSize returns the size of the set.

Slices of numbers

Numbers support numerical operations. In generics this require defining an interface:

// Number is a generic number interface that covers all Go number types.
type Number interface {
	int | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | 
	uint | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | 
	float32 | float64 |
	complex64 | complex128

Having this definition we now can aggregate slices of numbers:

  • slice.Sum[N Number](ns []N) (sum N) - sums numbers.


An implementation of IO, Stream, Fiber for golang inspired by cats and fs2

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%