Hey Everyone, This is our Software Engineering Project from sem-4
- Introduction
- features
- packages
- Installation
- Drawbacks
- Improvements
This Project is related to our College IIIT-A SERL. Where college faculties and Research Scholars are generator of Data, And Everyone is Consumer for same data.
- Faculty and Research Scholars Dynamic Data
- User Friendly view
we use following packages in this project:
- Express
- mongoose
- dotenv
- path
- nodemon(for dev works)
- body-parser
you can install them just by npm i
and after that run with npm start
There is some drawbacks with this project 🙁 and some of them are:
- We are here storing the image in mongodb itself by encoding the image (base64), which introduce
Database latency
. - We are here using old way ajax for intracting with server side.
- We can use some web services like
orGoogle cloud
to store our data. - We can use some javascript libraries like