Create a keyword spotting system to recognise speech and provide an output on led.The Arduino Nano has an onboard RBG LED , thus it is possible to provide colour specific output for a keyword.This project require a basic understanding of fundamentals of embedded systems, machine learning and how it can be implemented on low power device like MCU and EDGE devices.
• Arduino Nano Sense 33 BLE
• Arduino Nano Sheild(not mandatory, but is useful as it provides structural/protective support to the MCU )
• These can be purchased from the Arduino website for which the links have been given below:-
Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense with header(preffered):-
Arduino Nano BLE 33 Sense without header(if you have experience in soldering ):-
Arduino Nano 33 BLE shield (not mandatory):-
A hobbyist kit can be purchased:-
• Arduino IDE
• Libraries required to work with Arduino Nano 33 BLE to be installed:-
• ArduinoBLE
• Arduino_APDS9960
• Arduino_LSM9DS1
• Arduino_ TensorFlowlite