deepak-kosaraju / nodeAuto

Simple node app with Chef Provisioning

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An application development team needs a new server configured to run their new internal application.

I will use Vagrant and Virtualbox (or Kitchen and Virtualbox) to manage a local instance, and the Vagrant “provision” (or kitchen converge) functionality to configure the server.

The application requires the following:

  • Nginx as a reverse proxy
  • NodeJS
  • MemcacheD
  • A simple MySQL server
  • Host-based firewall configuration (such as iptables or netfilter) so that the application is only accessible from the subnet

For the scope of this practice, Nginx, MemcacheD, and MySQL will run on the same host as the application.

Get Started

Design Principles

  • Solution should be implemented in a standard open-source tool chain using commonly available libraries and tools
  • Aim to provide a simple but robust solution which others could easily use and extend


Software (or) Tools

  • VirtualBox - VirtualBox is a cross-platform virtualization application.
  • Vagrant - Vagrant provides easy to configure, reproducible, and portable work environments controlled by a single consistent workflow to help maximize the productivity and flexibility.
  • ChefDK - The Chef development kit contains all the tools you need to develop and test your infrastructure, built by the awesome Chef community


The following cookbooks are direct dependencies because they're used for common "default" functionality.

  • nginx for installing and configure nginx sites/streams
  • nodejs for installing node.js binaries
  • iptables for configured iptables using custom resources


The following platforms are supported and tested with Test Kitchen:

  • Ubuntu 14.04+
  • CentOS 7+

Other Debian and RHEL family distributions are assumed to work.


  • Chef 14+


Node attributes for this cookbook are logically separated into different files. Some attributes are set only via a specific recipe.

Application Attributes

For Sake of this nodeAuto I am using same cookbook to configure multiple apps, but its good practice to seaparete cookbook for individual apps

default['nodeAuto']['node_js']['app'] = {
  profile: {
    enable: true,
    dir: '/opt/app/profile',
    dir_mode: 755,
    file_mode: 774,
    file: 'app.js',
    node_env: 'test',
    log_dir: '/opt/app/profile/var/log',
    log_file: '/opt/app/profile/var/log/app.log',
    port: 8080,
    host: '',
    message: 'from profile application',
    systemd: {
      Unit: {
        Description: 'Simple Node App of nodeAuto Hello World!',
        After: '',
        Wants: '',
      Service: {
        ExecStart: node['nodeAuto']['node_js']['bin'] + ' /opt/app/profile/app.js',
        ExecStop: '/bin/kill $MAINPID',
        KillMode: 'process',
        Restart: 'on-failure',
        ExecReload: '/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID',
      Install: {
        WantedBy: '',
  user: {
    enable: false,
    systemd: {
      Service: {
        ExecStart: node['nodeAuto']['node_js']['bin'] + ' /opt/app/user/app.js',

Converge and Validate using KitchenCI

Note: Always run Kitchen test from cookbook root folder

 ➜  nodeAuto (master)$ kitchen list
Instance             Driver   Provisioner  Verifier  Transport  Last Action    Last Error
default-ubuntu-1404  Vagrant  ChefZero     Busser    Ssh        <Not Created>  <None>
default-centos-71    Vagrant  ChefZero     Busser    Ssh        <Not Created>  <None>
user-ubuntu-1404     Vagrant  ChefZero     Busser    Ssh        <Not Created>  <None>
user-centos-71       Vagrant  ChefZero     Busser    Ssh        <Not Created>  <None>

## To Converge particular instance type
➜  nodeAuto (master)$ kitchen converge <Instance Name> 
example: kitchen converge default-ubuntu-1404


## To Converge all configured instance types 
<cookbook root folder>$ kitchen converge

## Validate the service
➜  nodeAuto (master)$ while read name;do kitchen exec $name -c 'curl -L http://localhost';done< <(kitchen list -b)
-----> Execute command on default-ubuntu-1404.
       Hello World - from profile application running on host:default-ubuntu-1404 over port:8080
-----> Execute command on default-centos-71.
       Hello World - from profile application running on host:default-centos-71 over port:8080
-----> Execute command on user-ubuntu-1404.
       Hello World - from user application running on host:user-ubuntu-1404 over port:8090
-----> Execute command on user-centos-71.
       Hello World - from user application running on host:user-centos-71 over port:8090

Final Converge list: ➜ nodeAuto(master)$ kitchen list -j

    "instance": "default-ubuntu-1404",
    "driver": "Vagrant",
    "provisioner": "ChefZero",
    "verifier": "Busser",
    "transport": "Ssh",
    "last_action": "converge",
    "last_error": null
    "instance": "default-centos-71",
    "driver": "Vagrant",
    "provisioner": "ChefZero",
    "verifier": "Busser",
    "transport": "Ssh",
    "last_action": "converge",
    "last_error": null
    "instance": "user-ubuntu-1404",
    "driver": "Vagrant",
    "provisioner": "ChefZero",
    "verifier": "Busser",
    "transport": "Ssh",
    "last_action": "converge",
    "last_error": null
    "instance": "user-centos-71",
    "driver": "Vagrant",
    "provisioner": "ChefZero",
    "verifier": "Busser",
    "transport": "Ssh",
    "last_action": "converge",
    "last_error": null


Simple node app with Chef Provisioning

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 89.5%Language:HTML 10.5%