deep-spin / vqa-multimodal-continuous-attention

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Multimodal Continuous Visual Attention Mechanisms

PyTorch implementation of the Deep Modular Co-Attention Networks (MCAN) with multimodal continuous attention. Follow this procedure to replicate the results reported in our paper Multimodal Continuous Visual Attention Mechanisms.


We recommend to follow the procedure in the official MCAN repository in what concerns software and hardware requirements. We also use the same setup - see there how to organize the datasets folders. The only difference is that we don't use bottom-up features; instead you can download improved grid features from here and place them in ./features/train2014, ./features/val2014 and ./features/test2015.


To train a model with multimodal continuous attention, run this command:

python3 --RUN='train' --MAX_EPOCH=15 --M='mca' --SPLIT='train' --train_rnd='True' --n_iter=5 --VERSION=<VERSION>

This will load all the default hyperparameters. You can assign a name for you model by doing <VERSION>='name'. You can add --SEED=87415123 to reproduce the results reported in the paper.


The evaluations of both the VQA 2.0 test-dev and test-std splits are run as follows:

python3 --RUN='test' --CKPT_V=<VERSION> --CKPT_E=15 --M='mca' --n_iter=10 --plot_attention='True' --count='True'

and the result file is stored in results/result_test/result_run_<'PATH+random number' or 'VERSION+EPOCH'>.json. The obtained result json file can be uploaded to Eval AI to evaluate the scores on test-dev and test-std splits. --plot_attention='True' allows you to obtain the parameters of the continuous attention density (mixing coefficients, means, and covariance matrices of the mixture of Gaussians), useful for visualization purposes. --count='True' prints the number of examples for each K.


    author    = {Farinhas, Ant\'onio and Martins, Andr\'e F. T. and Aguiar, Pedro M. Q.},
    title     = {Multimodal Continuous Visual Attention Mechanisms},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops},
    month     = {October},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {1047-1056}



Language:Python 100.0%