deejgregor / otel-jaxws-ibm-client-extension

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

IBM JAX-WS Client Extension


This is (currently) intended as a demo extension to instrument the IBM JAX-WS client that ships with WebSphere Application Server.

It started out from the example DemoServlet3InstrumentationModule in opentelemetry-java-instrumentation examples, but very little is left from the original example codebase aside from Gradle bits.

Build instructions

To build this extension project, run ./gradlew -x test build. You can find the resulting jar file in build/libs/. The tests have not been updated to work, so they should be disabled for now.

To add the extension to the instrumentation agent:

  1. Copy the jar file to a host that is running an application to which you've attached the OpenTelemetry Java instrumentation.

  2. Modify the startup command to add the full path to the extension file. For example:

    java -javaagent:path/to/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar \
         -Dotel.javaagent.extensions=opentelemetry-java-instrumentation-jaxws-ibm-client-0.1-all.jar \
         -jar myapp.jar

Note: to load multiple extensions, you can specify a comma-separated list of extension jars or directories (that contain extension jars) for the otel.javaagent.extensions value.

Test container

The demo directory contains a Dockerfile and supporting files to load a sample app into a WebSphere traditional container as well as the otel agent and this extension. It also contains a Makefile with some helper targets.


  1. Docker Desktop (if you use another Docker environment, you might need to tweak the value of OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_ENDPOINT in demo/Dockerfile).
  2. An OpenTelemetry receiver (such as the Jaeger all-in-one container with the web server available at http://localhost:16686/).

Just Do It

To do everything in a one-liner, run this from the top of the repository:

./gradlew :spotlessApply && ./gradlew -x test build && make -C demo remove-container && make -C demo copy-extension run wait tail-server-testlog

You'll see curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer for a minute or two while WebSphere starts.

You'll see this once the server is up and the demo page is accessed:

[2/22/24 5:13:33:486 UTC] 00000001 WsServerImpl  A   WSVR0001I: Server server1 open for e-business
[2/22/24 5:13:33:592 UTC] 000000ba ServletWrappe I init SRVE0242I: [JaxWSServicesSamples] [/wssamplesei] [SampleController]: Initialization successful.
[2/22/24 5:13:35:102 UTC] 000000ba ServletWrappe I init SRVE0242I: [JaxWSServicesSamples] [/wssamplesei] [/WEB-INF/jsp/demo.jsp]: Initialization successful.

Then visit http://localhost:9080/wssamplesei/demo and hit "Send Message". You should see some output in the server's log. And if you have an OTLP gRPC receiver running on localhost:4317 then you should also see traces. If you used the default One-Way Ping on the page and everything worked properly, you should see a trace with three spans (or more, if you've enabled the controller telemetry option):

  1. A POST server span
  2. A PingService.PingServicePort/pingOperation client span (this is from this JAX-WS client instrumentation)
  3. A /WSSampleSei/PingService/PingService.PingServicePort/pingOperation server span from the JAX-WS server

Sample Trace

If you want to see what traces look like without the extension, comment out this line in the Dockerfile:

ENV OTEL_JAVAAGENT_EXTENSIONS=/work/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation-jaxws-ibm-client-0.1-all.jar

You can also enable a few more spans by uncommenting this line in the Dockerfile near the end:


You can also build the test container with just the JAX-WS test EAR and no OTel pieces by editing the Makefile and changing TARGET to base.


No traces

If you don't see traces, you can watch the console logs with make -C demo tail to see if anything shows up.

You can also look for otel.javaagent in the console logs:

docker logs otel-jaxws-ibm-client-extension-demo | grep otel.javaagent

Lastly, you can edit the Dockerfile and uncomment ENV OTEL_JAVAAGENT_DEBUG=true near the end.

Loose ends

There are two files in demo that are modified files from IBM's repo that builds the base WebSphere docker image:

Possible future work

  • Exceptions in the outbound request seem to keep a span from being emitted.
  • Fix the commented-out argument matching to the send method.
  • Use compile-stubs instead of reflection.
  • Does async work?
  • Cleanup the singleton class (should it be split into two)?
  • Look at the commented-out bits in the singleton class (normal things like optionally grabbing headers, other attributes, etc..)
  • Do we possibly want to get the outbound information a different way (without accessing a private field)?
  • Tests (maybe we can use the cli code directly and it'll be faster? there's also a thin client JAR in sure if this instrumentation works on that, though)
  • Smoke tests (there's an existing dockerfile in otel that builds a websphere container)
  • Hardening.
  • Review by someone who has done this stuff before. ;-)
  • Contribute back the fix.
  • Contribute to otel?


./gradlew clean && make -C demo remove-container clean


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%