dedimark / server-cfg

Short guide on how to set up your brand new TF2 server for scrims.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to Set Up a TF2 Server for Scrims

I'll assume you are in possession of a factory new TF2 server and know how to access your server files.

This guide goes through a tftrue setup.

Base Installation

Download tftrue from and follow the installation directions.

tftrue comes with logs so you shouldn't need to do anything further regarding that.

I recommend using to set up your server.cfg, but ensure that you have and/or consider the following commands:


Set this to 1 in order to have proper rollouts.


Set this to 0 if you don't want to wait for stv to catch up and prevent you from changing maps immediately. This can make your stvs end prematurely while watching them.


Sets the API key to upload logs to (requires mp_tournament). It will automatically flush the log before upload, so any content that is still in memory will be wrote to the log.


Whether to upload logs at every round end or just when a team wins the map. Default is 0 (just when a team wins the map).


Logs accuracy stats in the logs (shots fired/hit). It can potentially cause performance issues with some servers. Default is 0 (disabled).

If you're curious about what other features tftrue offers, there are some fun things and I recommend reading the website in more detail.

Config files

Download the contents of this github.

Put the esea folder in your server's /cfg folder. The alias.cfg file is an optional feature to have locally on your own computer for convenience.

Download the latest whitelist from, put this file in your server's /cfg folder.

These configs are already set to execute the esea push config with 5 rounds and a 30 minute timelimit.

Open up esea/esea_base.cfg and ensure the line:

mp_tournament_whitelist "cfg/esea_6v6_s30.txt"

Matches the filename of your whitelist.

Edit other settings as desired. Consider taking a look in esea_base.cfg under the stv settings section and make changes as you will to things like the delay.

Whenever you wish to scrim, simply enter either of the lines,

"rcon exec esea/esea_push" or "rcon exec esea/esea_koth"

in your console for 5cp or koth respectively.

You can make aliases to make typing in console easier.

I've provided an example aliases.cfg you can use if you wish. Just add exec aliases to your autoexec.cfg or custom.cfg if you're using mastercomfig.

This will allow you to just type push or koth for the aforementioned config executions or just process to quickly change the map to process.

My maps in the config might be out of date so just double check the list.


Download from

Inside you'll see the /addons and /map folders, just extract the contents of the zip to your server directory where those same folders are and let it merge/overwrite what it will.

If you wish to have oihguv, you can find the map and spawn config files here:

In order to have 2v2 for vanilla mge, rename your original

mgemod_spawns.cfg to mgemod_spawns_1v1.cfg,

and your

mgemod_spawns_2v2.cfg to just mgemod_spawns.cfg.

Rename back and forth as necessary.

For oihguv you'll have to edit the spawn config yourself. There's information at the top of that file.


Short guide on how to set up your brand new TF2 server for scrims.