DebugErrorX's repositories


This project is all about designing a Login Screen with a modern UI using the latest features offered by Flutter. In a total of three parts we will create a unique background using Glassmorphism, design appealing input fields for the best user experience and include eye-caching animations for a smooth feeling.



This project is all about designing a Crypto Trading App with a modern UI using the latest features offered by Flutter. In a total of three parts, we will create a unique home screen containing all the necessary information on one page, use the package fl_chart to visualize our cryptocurrency price data, and animate the charts for a satisfying user experience.



In this project, we will design a travel app UI with a parallax effect for a unique scroll experience. You will learn how to create your own parallax effect without using external libraries.



This project will guide you through the process of developing a calculator app with a neat design. You will learn how to use neumorphism to create a nice 3D effect on the buttons. For the logic part of our calculator, we make use of the riverpod package.



In this project we will cover everything you need to know to create a modern E-Commerce UI with Flutter.



In this project, we will design a modern-looking light switch using neumorphism. You will learn how to use inner shadows to create a 3D effect on your button and how to add animations to create a satisfying button press experience.
