debug29 / TranslateEverywhere

Tool wich aim to convert strings file to every format, like ios to android

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This tool aims to facilitate the sharing of files between different language platforms.


In the context of mobile applications you may have to transform iOS language file to Android language. Of course, you can make series of copy and paste but it quickly becomes tedious. And more if your app support many languages

Yes convertors like already exist and you may have :

iOS file :


become :

<string name="APP_NAME">Trololo</string>
<string name="A_FUCKING_KEY">Settings</string>

Two problems :

  • On Android by convention string names are low cased
  • You are not agree with the name

Then, you may want to organize your code in file and by group like it :

<!-- strings.xml -->
<string name="title_email">Email</string>
<string name="title_password">Password</string>

<string name="hint_email">Type your email</string>
<string name="hint_password">Please, don't type 123456...</string>
<!-- strings_activity_settings.xml -->
<string name="settings">Settings</string>

Quick start

First, you have to create a file which make the link between android string names and ios string names (or any other supported format) like it :

## [output_file_name]
[strings name]=[his correspondence]
[another string name]=[other correspondence or the same]

[string name]=?
## [new_output_file_name]
[strings name]=[his correspondence]

If we take our above example :

## strings.xml

## strings_activity_settings.xml

Each ## will create a new file and next strings will be write in. Each blank line will create a blank line in the output file. You can specify that a strings don't have correspondence with ?, they will be useful in the future

Well, we have make the most boring. Now we just have to type one command (trew is the program name) :

$ trew [convert_type] [link_file] [input_files, ...] [output directory]

Arguments :

  • convert_type : currently i2a (iOS to Android) or a2i (Android to iOS)
  • link_file : file which make the correspondence between them
  • input_files : your source files with string names and their values
  • output_directory : directory where generated file will be written

An example ?

$ trew i2a my_link_file.tew Localizable_fr.strings values-fr
$ ls values-fr
strings.xml strings_activity_settings.xml
$ cat values-fr/strings_activity_settings.xml
	<strings name="settings">Paramètres</string>

That's all !

Trick : trew can generate for you skeleton of link file :

$ trew skeleton [type_file] [input_files, ...]

Arguments :

  • type_file : currently android or ios
  • input_files : your source file with string name to analyse and reproduce


beta :!Ux4WBIQS!erOUW0aVu4QHrb2Yomfn7bGJP3zeXbC8T2ClrR52YYw


Author : Nicolas Barranger (

Follow me on Google+ Follow me on Twitter


Tool wich aim to convert strings file to every format, like ios to android

License:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


Language:Java 100.0%