debonet / within

Simple library to add timeouts to ES6 Promises

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Simple library to add timeouts to ES6 Promieses


npm install @debonet/within


Take a normal Promise call and give it a timeout by going from

	const within = require( '@debonet/within' );

	// this could take a very long time
	let myPromise = somePromiseFunction( arg1, arg2, ... );

	// this will timeout
	let myPromise = within(2000, somePromiseFunction, arg1, arg2, ...);

Promise Chains

When the within times out, it rejects the promise with a within.TimeoutError. Within introduces .timedout() which operates like a .catch() statement that catch only within.TimeoutError's

	within( 1000, func)
		.timedout(( err ) => /* handle a timeout */ )
		.catch (( err ) => /* handle other errors */ );

Timeouts can also be handled using a regular .catch() handler:

	within( 1000, func)
		.catch( ( err ) => {
			if ( err instanceof within.TimeoutError ) {
				/* handle a timeout */
			else {
				/* handle other errors */

Time limited functions

Create a version of a function that will timeout if it exceeds the specified duration

	const waitUpTo1Second = within.limit( 1000, wait );

	try {
		waitUpTo1Second( 2000 );
	catch {
		// will get here after 1000 ms


within( maxTime, func [, arguments] * )


maxTime the maximum duration (in microseconds) to wait before rejecting the promise with a within.TimeoutError.

func a function whose duration is going to be limited.

arguments | optional arguments which will be passed to func. This allows one to save the sytax overhead of wrapping a call to func in a capturing lambda () => func( arguments )


a Promise that resolves with the result of func(...arguments) or Promise.reject(Within.TimeoutError) in the event that that the call to funcdoes not complete within the indicaed maxTime.

within.limit( maxTime, func )


maxTime the maximum duration (in microseconds) to wait before rejecting the promise with a within.TimeoutError.

func a function that will be timelimited


a function that returns a promise Promise that resolves with the result of func(...arguments) or Promise.reject(Within.TimeoutError) in the event that that the call to func does not complete within the indicaed maxTime.


Simple library to add timeouts to ES6 Promises


Language:JavaScript 100.0%