debkumar-das / CypressFramework

Welcome to the Cypress Framework for Web UI, API, and Performance Testing! This comprehensive framework empowers you to excel in web application testing using the Cypress testing framework. This repository for web UI testing, implementing API testing, and measuring performance metrics such as action execution time and page load times.

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Cypress Automation Framework

Welcome to the Cypress Automation Framework repository! This framework is designed to simplify and streamline your UI, API, and performance testing using Cypress, a powerful end-to-end testing framework.

Installation and Setup

To get started with this framework, follow these steps:

1. Install Cypress

npm install cypress --save-dev

2. Install Cypress-XPath Plugin

Cypress-XPath is a useful plugin that enables you to use XPath selectors in your Cypress tests. Install it using npm:

npm install -D cypress-xpath

After installation, add the following line to your commands.js file (usually located in the "support" folder):

import 'cypress-xpath';

Code Structure

This Cypress Automation Framework follows a structured approach for better maintainability and scalability. Below is an overview of the code structure:

Comprehensive Testing

This framework is designed to support various testing types:

  • UI Testing: UI tests are located under the e2e folder. Each test file typically follows the naming convention Test"pageclassname".cy.js, where "pageclassname" represents the page being tested.

  • API Testing: API tests are located in the e2e/apiTest folder. These tests utilize the apiconfig.json file for endpoint configuration and the apiUtils.js utility functions for common API interactions.

  • Performance Testing: This framework can be extended to include performance testing using Cypress performance plugins or custom scripts.For now we are capturing the time taken to perform actions on WEB UI.

Folder Structure

  • apiconfig.json: Contains the base URL and API endpoints for API testing.

  • support: Contains utility files like apiUtils.js, which provides functions for common API interactions. These utilities are imported into API test files for reusability.

  • reports: Stores test reports and screenshots generated during test execution.

  • pageclass: Contains page class definitions for different web pages, making it easier to interact with web elements.

  • logs: Logs generated during test execution are saved in this folder.

  • fixtures: Test data in JSON format is stored here.

Running Tests

To run all API tests, use the following command:

npm run apitest

To run all UI tests, use the following command:

npm run uitest

Contributions and Feedback

Contributions and suggestions are welcome! If you find a bug or want to enhance the project, feel free to create a pull request. Please ensure your code follows best practices and includes appropriate tests.

Fork the repository.

  • Create a new branch: git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name.
  • Make changes and commit them: git commit -am 'Add new feature'.
  • Push to the branch: git push origin feature/your-feature-name.
  • Create a pull request.


It seems to be some issue with the api hosted that I hosted on render,it works sometimes and sometimes not hence the api test cases fails. You can use either your apiendpoints or you can change the url in apiconfig to -


Welcome to the Cypress Framework for Web UI, API, and Performance Testing! This comprehensive framework empowers you to excel in web application testing using the Cypress testing framework. This repository for web UI testing, implementing API testing, and measuring performance metrics such as action execution time and page load times.


Language:HTML 89.1%Language:JavaScript 10.9%