debiday / dgraph-dbpedia

Pre-processing DBpedia datasets to load into Dgraph

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Dgraph DBpedia Dataset

This projects prepares the DBpedia dataset for loading into Dgraph. This comprises the steps download, extraction, pre-processing and bulk loading. The first two steps can be done with provided shell scripts. The third step by using Apache Spark transformations. The last step uses the Dgraph Bulk Loader.

A large real-world dataset

I was looking for a large real-world graph dataset to load into a Dgraph cluster to ultimately test the spark-dgraph-connector. Dgraph organizes the graph around predicates, so that dataset should contain predicates with these characteristics:

  • a predicate that links a deep hierarchy of nodes
  • a predicate that links a deep network of nodes
  • a predicate that links strongly connected components
  • a predicate with a lot of data, ideally a long string that exists for every node and with multiple languages
  • a predicate with geo coordinates
  • numerous predicates, to have a large schema
  • a long-tail predicate frequency distribution: a few predicates have high frequency (and low selectivity), most predicates have low frequency (and high selectivity)
  • predicates that, if they exist for a node:
    • have a single occurrence (single value)
    • have multiple occurrences (value list)
  • real-world predicate names in multiple languages
  • various data types and strings in multiple languages

A dataset that checks all these boxes can be found at the DBpedia project. They extract structured information from the Wikipedia project and provide them in RDF format. However, that RDF data requires some preparation before it can be loaded into Dgraph. The size of the datasets requires a scalable pre-processing step.

This project uses Apache Spark to bring real-work graph data into a Dgraph-compatible shape. Read the detailed tutorial on the pre-processing steps.


This tutorial has the following requirements:

  • Unix command line shell bash
  • Apache Maven installed
  • Docker CLI installed
  • A multi-core machine with SSD disk
  • Disk space: 19 GB to download, 374 GB to extract, 42 GB for parquet, 21 GB for gz'ed RDF, 64 GB Dgraph alpha space and 75 GB temporary space

Run the following command on an Ubuntu instance to get it setup:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y git maven parallel zip
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}  # you may need run `sudo systemctl restart docker` and re-login for this to work
git clone
cd dgraph-dbpedia


This tutorial uses the following datasets from DBpedia project:

dataset filename description
labels labels_{lang}.ttl Each article has a single title in the article's language.
category article_categories_{lang}.ttl Some articles link to categories, multiple categories allowed.
skos skos_categories_{lang}.ttl Categories link to broader categories. Forms a deep hierarchy.
inter-language links interlanguage_links_{lang}.ttl Articles link to the same article in all other languages. Forms strongly connected components.
page links page_links_{lang}.ttl Articles link to other articles or other resources. Forms a network of articles.
infobox infobox_properties_{lang}.ttl Some articles have infoboxes. Provides structured information as key-value tables.
geo coordinates geo_coordinates_{lang}.ttl Some articles have geo coordinates of type Point.
en_uris {dataset}_en_uris_{lang}.ttl Non-English labels, infobox and category predicates for English articles. Provides multiple language strings and predicates for articles.

The infobox dataset provides real-world user-generated multi-language predicates. The other datasets provide a fixed set of predicates each.

The {dataset}_en_uris_{lang}.ttl dataset is special. For three datasets labels, infobox and category, it provides non-English data for English articles. All data from these datasets are stored in parquet and RDF under the en-{lang} languages. For instance, when you run DbpediaDgraphSparkApp with languages en and de, then you will also get the {dataset}_en_uris_de.ttl dataset as language en-de as well. Without the en language, you will not get any of the {dataset}_en_uris_{lang}.ttl datasets.

Mix-and-Match your dataset

You can easily prepare any subset of this dataset. Download only those datasets and languages that you are interested in. Start with a small language to go through these steps once. Then download and prepare all languages that you want.

Even when you download and pre-process all datasets and all languages into RDF you will be able to pick datasets and languages when bulk-loading data into Dgraph. RDF files are split by languages and the schema is additionally split by dataset, so that you can easily load the schema only of the dataset that you are bulk loading.

Download DBpedia

Use the script to download the datasets and languages that you want to load into Dgraph:

./ [path] [languages]

Both arguments path and languages are optional. Without, the script downloads all languages into ./dbpedia. To download only selected languages, run

./ dbpedia "en es fr zh jp"

You can find all available releases and datasets at Stats for each release date are published in the statsitics sub-directory, e.g.

Downloading the four datasets in all languages will require 19 GB disk space.

Extract DBpedia

DBpedia datasets are compressed and will be pre-processed using Spark. The compressed files cannot be processed efficiently, so they have to be extracted first.

Run the script:

./ dbpedia/2016-10

Extracting the four datasets in all languages will require 374 GB disk space.


The provided Scala Spark code pre-processes the downloaded and extracted datasets and produces Dgraph compatible RDF triples.

First we produce parquet files from all ttl files. All languages will be stored in one parquet directory per dataset, where languages can still be selected in later steps.

MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx2g mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false -Dexec.mainClass="" -Dexec.args="dbpedia 2016-10"

Secondly, process these parquet files into RDF triple files:

MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx8g mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false -Dexec.mainClass="" -Dexec.args="dbpedia 2016-10"

These commands can optionally be given a comma separated list of language codes: -Dexec.args="dbpedia 2016-10 en,es,fr,de". Without those language codes, all languages will be processed.

There are more options at the beginning of the main method in DbpediaDgraphSparkApp.scala:

val externaliseUris = false
val removeLanguageTags = false
val topInfoboxPropertiesPerLang = Some(100)
val printStats = true

With externaliseUris = true the application turns all URIs into blank nodes and produces a external_ids.rdf file which provides the <xid> predicate for each blank node with the URI as a string value. See External IDs for more information.

Language tags can be removed from any value with removeLanguageTags = true. The @lang directives are then also removed from the schema files schema.dgraph and schema.indexed.dgraph.

Only the 100 largest infobox properties are provided in the RDF files with topInfoboxPropertiesPerLang = Some(100). This can be used to control the size of the schema while allowing to add rich predicates. Use None to get all 1 mio predicates from all datasets and languages.

With printStats = false you can turn-off some stats, which will reduce the processing time of the application.

Memory Requirements

The DbpediaDgraphSparkApp requires at least 1 GB per CPU core, ideally 2 GB. You can set the memory available to the application via the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable:

MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx8g mvn compile exec:java …

On termination, the application prints some information like the following line:

memory spill: 51 GB  disk spill: 4 GB  peak mem per host: 874 MB

This provides an indication if more memory should be given to the application. A huge number (upper two digits GB) for disk spill indicates lag of memory per core.

Generated Dataset Files

Above example

  • downloads to dbpedia/2016-10/core-i18n/{lang}/{dataset}_{lang}.ttl.bz2
  • extracts to dbpedia/2016-10/core-i18n/{lang}/{dataset}_{lang}.ttl
  • loads into dbpedia/2016-10/core-i18n/{dataset}.parquet
  • pre-processes to dbpedia/2016-10/core-i18n/{dataset}.rdf
  • write schema to dbpedia/2016-10/core-i18n/schema.dgraph and dbpedia/2016-10/core-i18n/schema.indexed.dgraph

Individual languages can be found in dbpedia/2016-10/core-i18n/{dataset}.rdf/lang={language}.

Besides the datasets article_categories.rdf, infobox_properties.rdf, interlanguage_links.rdf, labels.rdf, skos_categories_{lang}.rdf, page_links_{lang}.rdf and geo_coordinates_{lang}.rdf, you can find data from {dataset}_en_uris_{lang}.ttl in {dataset}.rdf/lang=en-{lang}. External ids can be found (when externaliseUris = true) in external_ids.rdf.

The schema for all predicates with and without indices are provided in schema.dgraph and schema.indexed.dgraph, respectively.

Run Dgraph Bulk Loader

Load all datasets and all languages:

./ $(pwd)/dbpedia/2016-10/core-i18n $(pwd)/dbpedia/2016-10/bulk "/data/schema.indexed.dgraph/dataset=*/lang=*/part-*.txt" "/data/*.rdf/lang=*/part-*.txt.gz"

Load a subset of datasets and languages, defined via langs and datasets:

export langs="en|en-es|en-fr|en-zh|en-jp"; export datasets="labels|infobox_properties"; ./ $(pwd)/dbpedia/2016-10/core-i18n $(pwd)/dbpedia/2016-10/bulk "/data/schema.dgraph/dataset=@($datasets)/lang=@($langs|any)/part-*.txt" "/data/@($datasets).rdf/lang=@($langs)/part-*.txt.gz"

Either use schema.indexed.dgraph with bulk loader to populate the indices during bulk loading, or bulk load with schema.dgraph and mutate the schema to schema.indexed.dgraph afterwards.

Bulk-loading the full dataset takes 3 hours and requires 120 GB RAM and 65 GB disk space (v20.11.0-g1003e71bd with schema.indexed.dgraph) and 2 1/2 hours with 85 GB RAM and 65 GB disk space (v21.03.0).

Exploring the Graph

Start the Dgraph cluster on your bulk-loaded data:

./ $(pwd)/dbpedia/2016-10/bulk

Serving the full dataset (with top-100 infobox properties) requires at least 4 GB RAM.

Then open up Ratel UI:


Connect to the cluster and then query in the Console.

Example Queries

Query for the wikipedia article about Wikipedia (

  query(func: eq(<xid>, "")) {
    <> {


  "data": {
    "query": [
        "uid": "0x191439",
        "xid": "",
        "": "विकिपिडिया",
        "": "Wikipedia",
        "": "Wikipaedia",
        "": "Uicipeid",
        "": "විකිපීඩියා",
        "": "ਵਿਕੀਪੀਡੀਆ",
        "": "Wikipedia",
        "": "Википеди",
        "": "Vikipediya",
        "": "Huiquipedia",
        "": "维基百科",
        "": "Wikipédia",
        "": "വിക്കിപീഡിയ",
        "": "Vükiped",
        "": "ვიკიპედია",
        "": "ویکیپیدیا",
        "": "Вікіпедыя",
        "": "Wikipedija",
        "": "উইকিপিডিয়া",
        "": "ውክፔዲያ",
        "": "ဝီကီပီးဒီးယား",
        "": "위키백과",
        "": "వికీపీడియా",
        "": "วิกิพีเดีย",
        "": "Бикипиэдьийэ",
        "": "ویکیپیڈیا",
        "": [
            "uid": "0x18cd82",
            "xid": "",
            "": "Wikipedia"
            "uid": "0x558f93",
            "xid": "",
            "": "Wikipedia"
            "uid": "0x61c424",
            "xid": "Уикипедия",
            "": "Уикипедия"
            "uid": "0x61c425",
            "xid": "വിക്കിപീഡിയ",
            "": "വിക്കിപീഡിയ"

Query for things in Berlin, Germany:

  query(func: near(<>, [13.41053, 52.52437], 1000), first: 1000) {
    name: <>@*
    location: <>

Geo query result


Dataset Statistics

dataset triples nodes predicates .bz .ttl .parquet .rdf schema
labels 94,410,463 76,478,687 1 1 GB 12 GB 2 GB 1 GB Article --rdfs:label-> lang string
article_categories 149,254,994 41,655,032 1 1 GB 22 GB 3 GB 2 GB Article --dcterms:subject-> Category
skos_categories 32,947,632 8,447,863 4 0.3 GB 8 GB 0.7 GB 0.4 GB Category --skos-core:broader-> Category
interlanguage_links 546,769,314 49,426,513 1 5 GB 92 GB 11 GB 5 GB Article --owl:sameAs-> Article
page_links 1,042,567,811 76,392,179 1 7 GB 154 GB 17 GB 10 GB Article --dbpedia:wikiPageWikiLink-> Article
geo_coordinates 1,825,817 1,825,817 1 0.05 GB 1 GB 0.1 GB 0.03 GB Article --georss:point-> geoJSON
top-100 infobox_properties 298,289,529 27,332,261 12,714 3 GB Article --property-> literal or uri
all (with top-100 infobox) 2,166,065,560 86,737,376 12,723 21 GB
all infobox_properties 596,338,417 29,753,821 1,050,875 4 GB 87 GB 9 GB 6 GB Article --property-> literal or uri
all (with all infobox) 2,396,517,559 86,737,376 1,050,884 19 GB 372 GB 42 GB 24 GB

The original dataset files are .bz2 compressed and 19 GB in size. They extract to .ttl files of 374 GB size.

Those loaded into parquet consume 42 GB, processed into TTL RDF files (with top 100 infobox properties) occupy 21 GB .gz compressed and 317 GB uncompressed.

The RDF loaded into Dgraph requires 36 GB for the out directory with indices and 27 GB without, 7 GB for xidmap, and 16 GB for zw.

Loading the entire dataset into parquets takes 2 hours on an 8-core machine with SSD disk and 2 GB JVM memory. This requires 10 to 30 GB of temporary disk space, depending on the dataset that your are loading. With a 32-core machine and 32 GB JVM memory, this takes 35 min and 32 GB temporary disk space.

Processing the dataset into RDF takes 1 1/2 hours on a 8-core machine with SSD disk and 12 GB JVM memory. With a 32-core machine and 96 GB JVM memory, this takes 30 min and 32 GB temporary disk space.

Loading the RDF into Dgraph takes 3 hours with indices and 2 1/2 hours without, and requires 120 GB RAM.

Language Statistics

The following language codes are available for the 2016-10 datasets in core-i18n:

af als am an ar arz ast az azb ba bar be bg bn bpy br bs bug
ca ce ceb ckb cs cv cy da de el en eo es et eu fa fi fo fr fy
ga gd gl gu he hi hr hsb ht hu hy ia id io is it ja jv ka kk
kn ko ku ky la lb li lmo lt lv mg min mk ml mn mr mrj ms my
mzn nah nap nds ne new nl nn no oc or os pa pl pms pnb pt qu
ro ru sa sah scn sco sh si sk sl sq sr su sv sw ta te tg th
tl tr tt uk ur uz vec vi vo wa war yi yo zh

These datasets provide the following number of triples per language:

lang labels interlanguage page links categories skos geo infobox top 100 infobox
af 62,902 1,875,080 1,025,708 64,901 27,722 468,032 254,962
als 27,077 942,457 544,847 45,067 12,328 1 216,224 154,004
am 19,697 566,489 116,211 16,300 3,194 250 28,372 23,039
an 57,240 1,790,964 1,155,374 62,983 65,608 37 384,921 267,495
ar 871,405 8,456,373 9,470,455 1,942,195 797,717 12,899 4,574,804 2,727,047
arz 22,803 802,974 235,009 48,724 19,255 689 54,399 26,510
ast 55,036 1,588,057 1,686,826 161,813 20,438 205 396,939 299,062
az 143,422 3,436,415 1,519,074 219,855 194,832 780 783,088 510,857
azb 13,391 236,252 111,743 13,468 6,828 28 76,616 65,412
ba 42,116 1,274,257 448,334 71,464 76,453 48 500,493 431,324
bar 34,916 1,038,524 633,300 48,230 27,264 189,491 144,376
be 217,992 4,071,053 2,492,728 307,957 216,374 1,182 1,036,032 763,998
bg 333,098 5,662,926 5,613,997 491,931 209,189 2,394 1,199,635 751,318
bn 214,617 2,017,159 1,238,572 152,577 86,507 2,824 676,004 357,148
bpy 25,404 1,013,214 206,059 33,187 18,421 242 288,330 278,184
br 79,421 2,486,979 1,349,937 122,690 66,130 25 163,068 142,927
bs 170,881 2,963,799 2,531,453 184,450 189,966 486 1,122,106 846,358
bug 14,230 459,340 128,339 14,239 1,158 3,345 3,286
ca 868,322 8,919,143 15,628,064 999,079 254,533 89,582 5,555,600 3,829,640
ce 157,642 870,894 1,086,175 165,082 14,290 748 2,152,346 2,126,202
ceb 4,864,101 12,223,691 40,602,693 6,060,892 543,714 297,725 48,599,129 48,590,356
ckb 56,402 1,623,083 256,694 46,733 78,501 710 121,163 88,801
cs 593,897 7,280,033 13,186,669 1,455,928 441,698 1 3,548,877 2,356,619
cv 38,674 972,803 484,472 66,606 12,986 57 322,440 277,126
cy 124,873 2,670,515 4,791,110 189,369 99,216 1,114 5,867,747 5,758,012
da 353,730 5,433,263 6,026,849 574,511 191,523 18,871 1,827,254 967,812
de 3,343,471 16,120,815 68,802,723 8,185,499 1,155,538 9 14,048,415 8,898,574
el 185,210 3,663,190 3,447,861 314,211 153,419 12,774 497,520 235,298
en 12,845,252 29,476,295 183,605,695 23,990,512 6,083,029 580,892 52,680,098 26,966,738
en-* 17,933,697 36,147,553 178,020,543 24,657,904
eo 393,119 6,096,191 6,008,777 527,912 203,701 1,949,066 1,416,087
es 2,906,977 15,451,078 44,035,493 3,622,137 1,348,394 40,737 10,858,241 5,925,338
et 260,421 3,761,071 4,392,950 320,249 92,385 507 501,304 339,731
eu 333,949 7,018,090 4,192,367 427,983 202,547 2,046,149 1,703,815
fa 1,891,729 10,313,741 10,296,006 2,381,913 1,652,569 31,687 6,827,706 4,054,788
fi 637,527 7,364,185 10,472,218 1,034,362 240,662 16,105 3,793,465 2,166,251
fo 17,243 1,000,468 235,030 22,348 15,002 38 49,932 30,778
fr 3,241,245 18,386,234 64,055,280 6,549,308 1,394,960 37,801 16,052,506 9,190,531
fy 56,325 1,397,933 1,087,488 104,970 74,218 92,718 74,624
ga 45,636 1,574,022 475,562 64,936 19,600 680 82,344 49,163
gd 22,609 758,946 229,342 26,292 5,415 1,133 22,202 20,921
gl 184,059 3,767,468 4,199,110 317,526 175,457 10,860 597,615 314,287
gu 29,004 381,512 557,348 59,909 3,521 190 406,231 375,655
he 360,725 4,848,271 9,061,515 614,735 185,868 15,205 1,287,035 757,865
hi 157,515 2,088,013 1,612,841 208,076 75,325 3 483,805 278,581
hr 204,330 3,720,040 4,086,321 281,986 61,525 3,137 1,274,116 805,129
hsb 15,246 684,769 191,381 21,852 14,075 6 100,225 93,021
ht 57,587 1,033,648 360,968 126,744 3,804 6 245,047 243,681
hu 577,761 8,135,897 12,321,943 1,114,368 202,481 3,844,734 2,021,889
hy 519,477 4,474,158 3,911,694 420,750 152,196 1,141 2,656,709 2,171,465
ia 23,041 939,137 135,455 17,079 10,803 11 1,334 1,139
id 660,719 6,611,139 8,288,264 596,902 212,629 12,455 2,753,661 1,543,213
io 30,601 1,492,156 443,393 37,164 20,514 3 96,793 89,943
is 65,226 1,848,537 876,343 61,213 46,129 61 171,318 128,153
it 1,949,794 15,542,736 43,346,247 1,786,162 1,161,845 15,681 20,207,833 13,932,773
ja 1,663,028 10,522,965 51,368,506 4,271,371 768,230 25,338 7,763,985 2,530,605
jv 64,481 1,580,360 834,417 61,553 54,885 532 436,879 320,303
ka 144,916 3,587,693 1,994,541 208,311 114,438 2,433 1,236,797 897,810
kk 267,062 4,107,418 2,260,768 326,357 68,748 605 2,998,438 2,836,655
kn 27,449 590,437 549,420 47,789 9,503 274 169,705 94,659
ko 670,310 7,838,730 9,968,592 1,420,036 777,602 16,353 2,381,529 1,074,711
ku 36,155 893,677 311,644 34,256 20,105 78,004 64,317
ky 61,403 1,071,799 337,477 86,725 5,528 19 452,740 436,223
la 176,958 4,474,648 2,491,031 286,766 131,377 710 380,644 307,013
lb 58,701 1,982,488 1,322,664 105,622 86,392 125 172,366 145,641
li 43,769 578,532 367,905 17,166 7,151 1 10,789 10,527
lmo 48,949 1,369,828 459,111 24,824 15,727 358 466,870 430,165
lt 259,153 3,766,343 4,031,031 277,495 90,806 7,581 1,526,071 1,093,156
lv 168,190 2,991,527 1,918,216 174,077 95,940 1,109 798,879 413,172
mg 124,431 1,797,354 954,285 186,863 8,580 34,897 337,922 336,717
min 222,999 1,341,378 1,753,645 219,550 3,496 41 1,876,798 1,861,140
mk 128,202 3,598,089 2,095,968 184,338 217,204 4,304 641,009 346,036
ml 117,149 1,528,680 931,001 97,310 66,791 1,213 488,500 260,402
mn 24,143 1,048,103 364,438 49,038 35,692 93 179,136 88,706
mr 82,601 1,682,500 639,334 95,619 47,193 579 350,277 165,420
mrj 12,491 498,892 122,714 16,304 3,707 568 562
ms 332,229 5,382,317 4,479,346 430,808 93,476 3,757 3,659,011 2,703,715
my 41,260 699,731 354,978 84,015 11,120 139 460,582 417,278
mzn 17,707 388,110 113,356 17,076 4,289 275 94,895 77,157
nah 17,088 648,422 102,130 14,371 9,360 9 56,229 37,643
nap 15,652 804,392 185,862 38,250 3,730 24 15,386 9,569
nds 34,400 1,019,548 739,428 49,845 7,998 94,701 83,555
ne 36,048 776,358 294,915 72,685 6,725 267 227,119 151,236
new 100,918 1,193,563 811,948 77,621 93,038 40 301,295 278,422
nl 2,554,610 16,134,593 31,823,749 2,764,083 405,781 273 8,918,883 7,058,397
nn 206,657 3,652,079 2,787,235 361,068 220,738 154 1,064,516 732,532
no 709,542 7,855,478 12,087,904 1,585,810 472,339 1 2,963,577 1,752,582
oc 98,027 3,388,435 1,809,710 111,315 56,605 290 1,491,784 1,453,162
or 22,359 736,820 155,077 27,071 13,014 129 125,961 83,250
os 20,315 841,048 103,564 14,147 19,182 57 85,549 74,792
pa 36,168 891,318 312,123 32,395 10,989 1 301,477 186,180
pl 1,575,762 13,958,693 30,792,002 3,244,389 639,723 11,769,485 7,345,068
pms 66,943 1,802,868 559,036 75,942 17,108 1,684 646,961 642,742
pnb 45,336 1,366,423 561,884 102,912 12,324 30 109,729 89,559
pt 1,667,327 14,071,743 26,111,747 2,373,020 955,512 7,566 7,273,995 4,220,599
qu 39,107 1,154,083 482,813 50,500 22,010 6 63,522 48,190
ro 865,444 8,232,620 8,715,289 826,522 553,650 8,412 6,192,337 4,450,825
ru 3,033,613 15,350,832 42,153,229 3,526,953 1,291,101 17,756 15,382,287 8,985,787
sa 21,614 904,789 153,809 51,314 20,169 69 56,919 36,343
sah 15,801 712,118 134,674 20,229 16,295 69 47,695 28,315
scn 41,436 1,166,819 317,603 31,203 5,130 2 27,961 24,454
sco 52,878 2,301,910 1,023,709 233,832 114,366 4,470 699,297 408,021
sh 3,960,865 6,545,293 11,431,459 816,552 155,263 2,143 5,089,465 3,821,276
si 24,285 463,985 188,502 18,755 13,546 556 99,709 47,463
sk 278,133 5,968,648 4,528,315 392,427 247,574 104 2,370,562 1,554,812
sl 217,345 3,989,018 4,883,529 467,838 181,334 1,355,263 859,228
sq 84,404 1,964,847 980,879 120,438 33,587 2,985 428,661 325,805
sr 873,929 6,715,446 7,183,655 636,686 135,090 1,450 2,073,765 1,377,521
su 22,545 824,097 322,313 36,203 24,601 280 101,861 76,459
sv 5,858,202 20,493,578 63,821,423 8,408,876 1,173,139 299,191 41,295,967 38,208,922
sw 51,278 1,628,706 591,589 65,319 36,065 214 151,412 123,731
ta 125,998 1,927,015 1,487,866 187,259 61,573 2,703 800,562 452,151
te 90,316 800,772 1,140,325 102,931 31,923 548 1,118,134 994,441
tg 82,736 1,177,613 532,675 121,149 32,152 6,517 424,596 408,041
th 244,223 3,508,792 3,246,722 301,716 166,312 3,846 1,321,855 566,476
tl 164,847 2,160,417 772,135 88,863 42,157 969 236,413 139,259
tr 521,200 7,048,194 7,850,843 1,041,967 700,464 8,897 2,991,863 1,857,031
tt 123,267 1,789,671 937,155 118,971 56,252 869 668,986 598,652
uk 1,049,249 10,867,075 16,777,605 1,751,135 542,868 55,597 7,691,426 4,292,580
ur 299,824 4,365,211 1,802,815 227,783 827,800 1,326 2,049,929 1,582,299
uz 444,074 3,499,627 1,061,031 105,056 40,227 45 2,418,037 2,371,000
vec 17,446 812,239 174,803 12,428 10,141 43 115,966 97,023
vi 1,340,313 11,542,962 15,831,995 2,185,821 659,046 5,895 14,322,161 11,726,191
vo 242,292 2,983,432 971,438 326,248 4,556 237 543,840 543,529
wa 28,779 372,075 203,900 9,443 4,530 1 148 148
war 2,094,871 10,387,067 16,711,018 2,084,543 445,305 49 13,056,238 13,042,101
yi 24,284 656,132 232,315 20,089 7,215 908 25,925 22,087
yo 41,250 1,274,425 194,529 32,508 9,965 192 121,360 70,414
zh 1,620,943 12,090,949 23,162,842 2,220,362 956,624 76,187 8,780,134 3,868,731
lang labels categories infobox top 100 en infobox
en-af 35,309 51,876 391,625 35,201
en-als 17,468 23,019 182,854 10,734
en-am 6,600 3,012 18,094 2,509
en-an 26,123 39,091 310,031 9,999
en-ar 300,446 1,449,091 3,221,789 551,376
en-arz 10,387 21,663 40,954 8,665
en-ast 36,925 52,425 259,835 37,846
en-az 69,856 83,202 514,522 40,962
en-azb 4,243 791 34,889 9,268
en-ba 9,025 13,600 165,147 2,014
en-bar 16,816 19,160 128,336 7,623
en-be 70,479 123,662 606,574 38,522
en-bg 162,125 291,602 961,885 132,417
en-bn 38,017 68,515 554,805 181,305
en-bpy 19,066 14,251 194,010 30,096
en-br 50,395 71,121 140,924 16,526
en-bs 42,104 71,279 561,564 35,786
en-bug 14,092 14,054 1,854 1,571
en-ca 355,188 480,650 3,850,141 224,554
en-ce 7,709 2,556 108,573 920
en-ceb 349,264 144,447 4,642,160 919,702
en-ckb 15,714 39,415 99,844 12,194
en-cs 240,361 684,538 2,409,585 362,289
en-cv 14,174 7,806 108,781 859
en-cy 59,641 108,101 3,755,446 1,755,178
en-da 149,242 299,896 1,197,952 135,317
en-de 1,018,321 2,874,849 6,715,795 888,788
en-el 88,852 198,997 407,741 65,627
en-eo 175,195 317,953 1,507,094 8,030
en-es 812,331 1,803,738 7,582,341 492,850
en-et 89,766 150,217 349,470 16,011
en-eu 203,312 284,810 1,818,402 26,922
en-fa 408,741 1,998,298 5,727,420 1,179,780
en-fi 282,776 640,176 2,839,015 131,360
en-fo 10,618 16,725 40,026 8,204
en-fr 1,164,577 2,716,241 10,395,149 576,593
en-fy 22,984 53,636 71,920 483
en-ga 35,742 41,172 65,875 1,035
en-gd 12,701 12,508 16,845 692
en-gl 82,424 173,203 457,845 37,497
en-gu 6,733 9,365 47,133 10,309
en-he 149,652 370,751 1,027,194 28,781
en-hi 50,171 56,192 263,077 75,607
en-hr 106,899 165,019 849,750 48,572
en-hsb 7,829 9,264 66,803 92
en-ht 31,848 43,396 138,019 38
en-hu 286,766 588,257 2,811,827 342,155
en-hy 104,196 123,199 1,394,821 31,961
en-ia 16,091 14,839 999 107
en-id 193,462 252,084 1,532,013 567,642
en-io 26,688 24,460 90,873 385
en-is 28,061 29,340 96,633 9,349
en-it 883,922 880,054 12,916,139 1,537,143
en-ja 459,616 1,511,162 4,333,202 619,562
en-jv 22,049 16,890 179,467 37,269
en-ka 78,075 129,477 920,729 79,745
en-kk 93,549 88,637 2,279,074 16,080
en-kn 10,832 6,042 92,542 24,490
en-ko 230,856 819,163 1,459,320 98,693
en-ku 10,503 12,675 42,037 2,087
en-ky 24,137 9,117 405,913 2,060
en-la 115,149 200,265 350,765 19,563
en-lb 30,999 52,757 97,523 173
en-li 8,767 9,040 8,879 19
en-lmo 30,889 8,933 424,711 8,083
en-lt 101,246 124,981 985,057 101,212
en-lv 52,420 107,290 552,626 124,933
en-mg 72,736 74,857 286,908 195
en-min 23,390 18,292 83,093 30,548
en-mk 58,003 100,441 434,366 107,648
en-ml 33,454 40,961 321,829 93,694
en-mn 13,880 21,071 142,688 23,324
en-mr 31,062 36,001 274,791 24,084
en-mrj 9,354 12,689 409 38
en-ms 201,373 186,593 2,357,856 837,640
en-my 8,926 10,060 66,039 15,793
en-mzn 10,006 5,551 82,966 8,111
en-nah 8,541 2,837 37,792 1,213
en-nap 13,403 23,478 11,345 39
en-nds 19,696 32,042 71,207 674
en-ne 16,382 16,158 158,432 61,844
en-new 21,908 3,078 138,415 47,817
en-nl 781,381 1,164,505 5,126,717 835,924
en-nn 104,700 224,615 912,389 55,215
en-no 307,842 894,128 1,976,148 75,057
en-oc 78,455 70,688 1,413,692 1,443
en-or 9,177 11,895 89,095 33,645
en-os 7,122 7,300 60,487 1,461
en-pa 17,558 8,507 157,912 42,070
en-pl 751,845 1,504,459 7,917,683 472,984
en-pms 57,198 55,891 612,319 96,133
en-pnb 34,231 13,071 38,643 12,523
en-pt 660,417 1,415,211 5,514,854 558,741
en-qu 16,173 28,204 45,351 3,550
en-ro 248,287 451,192 3,590,140 683,828
en-ru 708,594 1,597,861 8,982,662 1,100,867
en-sa 8,014 17,629 41,573 13,506
en-sah 7,031 4,815 35,263 7,780
en-scn 20,984 21,571 22,583 426
en-sco 40,440 102,229 596,071 207,142
en-sh 209,987 302,447 2,293,914 190,468
en-si 8,113 1,770 61,447 17,752
en-sk 150,113 225,967 1,879,808 100,693
en-sl 98,948 236,504 1,096,815 421,950
en-sq 39,881 50,179 261,983 22,605
en-sr 230,941 372,975 1,535,586 266,585
en-sah 7,031 4,815 35,263 7,780
en-scn 20,984 21,571 22,583 426
en-sco 40,440 102,229 596,071 207,142
en-sh 209,987 302,447 2,293,914 190,468
en-si 8,113 1,770 61,447 17,752
en-sk 150,113 225,967 1,879,808 100,693
en-sl 98,948 236,504 1,096,815 421,950
en-sq 39,881 50,179 261,983 22,605
en-sr 230,941 372,975 1,535,586 266,585
en-su 9,407 4,942 39,573 7,045
en-sv 706,492 1,505,243 6,617,536 676,907
en-sw 27,096 37,589 124,131 50,792
en-ta 57,327 87,782 571,893 130,296
en-te 17,156 17,000 173,949 48,393
en-tg 30,285 21,488 196,643 4,512
en-th 77,688 162,113 860,446 236,997
en-tl 51,964 46,678 193,284 49,592
en-tr 192,817 651,953 1,923,748 381,663
en-tt 16,207 16,943 115,352 1,187
en-uk 372,708 813,905 4,865,331 399,708
en-ur 91,216 178,833 1,750,242 691,392
en-uz 88,037 58,237 2,214,101 13,286
en-vec 9,770 6,777 103,423 176
en-vi 427,099 751,492 6,021,715 1,657,255
en-vo 116,967 259,396 523,047 87
en-wa 4,799 3,801 117 25
en-war 270,261 157,361 1,536,543 433,060
en-yi 9,393 12,299 20,098 653
en-yo 29,244 27,016 92,121 28,781
en-zh 497,704 834,988 5,521,741 1,587,672


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